Garden therapy » Hemp & Honey Lip Balm. This week I tried another recipe from the current Book Club selection, A Green Guide to Natural Beauty, Hemp & Honey Lip Balm.
For ages now I’ve been making manuka honey lip balm because of the extraordinary healing properties of the magical golden goop. Hailing from New Zealand, manuka honey comes from bees that pollinate the Leptospermum scoparium, a shrub or small tree that can grow up to 4m tall with profuse star-shaped flowers. Manuka honey is claimed to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties. Applied topically, it is said to promote healing and reduce inflammation, with some sources saying it even prevents or heals the cold sore virus.
FIKS*D: DIY: Date Book. Cards. Makeup Organization. This morning I reorganized my makeup (which was previously scattered all over my bedroom dresser) in one of my dresser drawers.
Pets. Stitching Wire at klänypor - Embroidery floss on clothespins. Jag fortsätter mitt organiserande av pysselmaterial med att vira broderitråd runt klädnypor.
Reclaim: Plastic Bottles.
Sewing. 10 Cool Sharpie Projects. By ashleyhackshaw | I love Sharpies.
The project possibilities are endless! I’ve rounded up some of my favorites and they are all super easy. View them after the jump! Happy Sharpie-ing! Nggallery id=’126149′ Stationary Make some special mail. 14 Unique and Fun Crafts with Duct Tape. 14 DIY Projects With Rainbows.
For My Humble Abode. Look to inspire. Holidays. DIY Project. Ucreate. Ucreate with Kids: January 2011. Today I'm going to be sharing a grocery shopping activity that can easily be created by you.
As my son has gotten older, taking him grocery shopping has become more and more difficult. He either wants to get out of the cart and run around or help me shop by throwing everything in the cart. To keep him occupied, I decided to create a way that he can shop with me and learn at the same time. I came up with a grocery store activity called Look and See Shop with Me. Princess Theme Gift Bags? Quick Princess Crafts for Princess Goody Bags. *Note: All tutorials mentioned will be listed in the new "Tutorials" section, coming this week What do preschoolers really want in their princess themed goody bags?
Bags that will entertain 30 boys and girls at least until they get out the doors of the classroom. Tutorial: Cupcake Pencil Toppers. Remember when I said I wasn't going to post much about cupcake projects this week, and just do a wrap-up after the party?
Remember that? Yeah, well I lied : ) I'm just too, too focused on all things cupcake, excited about the birthday party on Saturday, AND inspired by Lollychops' and Fuji Mama's CUPCAKE WEEK this week (check it out, check it out!) Snowman pencil toppers. How to, Creative DIY, Crafts, Patterns & Tips - DIY Colored Pencil Vase (Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas) Teacher Appreciation Week starts this Monday.
(May 2–6, 2011) So, my oldest daughter and I decided to make something fun for her teacher. We made a Colored Pencil Vase. It’s so cheery and colorful. I especially love the simplicity of it. All you need is a container such as a can, colored pencils, a rubber band, a ribbon, a ruler and a black marker or sharpie.
Pixel Pages. Pixel Pages are a Cubeecraft side project featuring pop-up art from new and classic games (and more).
As with any other Cubeecraft, tape and glue are not needed, simply download, print, cut, and fold. A hobby/craft knife is absolutely necessary for cutting out Pixel Pages, so kids get an adults help! A nice little handmade gift for your favorite holidays and special occasions. Great for display at home, work, secret laboratory, or dungeon. You can see all of the available Pixel Pages right here. - Blonde Designs Blog - lip and moustache lollipops. Around the end of January, my girls catch the Valentine's Day bug.
They love the holiday as much as I do, especially their class parties with homemade mailboxes stuffed full of notes and treats from friends. For their class treats, we always try to come up with something different each year. Last year, we filled glassine bags full of their favorite Valentine's candy and affixed cute foldover labels printed with their picture and a Valentine's message. My friend, Jennie, made clever ones last year.
This year, however, Charlotte informed me that she absolutely did not want a photo of herself on her treats for school. This project became a family affair.
Blog. May 27th, 2012 Lace inserts are a popular denim DIY this summer. Usually done with white lace and light denim I wanted to mix it up and try it with black! Sources: (Top Left – Right) 1. Clones ‘N’ Clowns 2. Refinery29 3. What you Need: Shorts/Jeans – I got mine from Value VillageLace – Mine is the edging of fabricScissorsThreadHand Sewing NeedlePins Loading ... Categories: Blog, Do It Yourself, Shorts of the summer series May 25th, 2012 One of my favourite parts about thrifting is finding that amazing item that is great quality but CHEAP. Categories: Blog, Thrifted Outfits, Toronto Vintage. Universal wrapping paper - StumbleUpon.
All my base are belong to you greeting cards. Minor Emergency Kits. Use your scraps. Tenho este hábito (ainda não sei se bom ou mau...) de guardar todos os bocadinho de tecido que sobram dos projetos que faço. Tenho, por isso, uma caixa cheia de bocadinhos de tecido e não é fácil ver-me livre deles. Não os posso deitar fora... Às vezes consigo utilizar retalhos em alguns projetos como este saco ou este estojo, mas nem sempre é fácil. Desta vez, lembrei-me de fazer um marcador de páginas. DIY T-SHIRT! I pretty much have been going to sleep thinking about what to put on my shirt ever since I got new Iron-on transfer papers. (I thought that phrase was fitting!) The point of this DIY is show you how to add your favorite or funny phrase onto a shirt!
I got my transfer paper at Target for under $10 bucks and it came with plenty of sheets. To make my design I used photoshop, which worked great. The most important thing is that your image is flipped, because when you print it out you don't want the ink out towards the world, but instead sealed under. Oh and wait! KNOW AND TELL CRAFTS.
The Twenty Minute Tote - The Twenty Minute Tote. Updated September 2011 We have remade these awesome, simple bags for fall! This time around, I used a gorgeous new collection of upholstery weight cotton called Outside Oslo. These bold, stylish prints are sophisticated without being serious and come in a rich palette of colors perfect for fall. How to make a simple (reversible) tote bag. Here is a simple way to make a tote bag. The best part it is even reversible. You might also like to make a zippered pouch to go with your new tote! Diana Hobo – Free Pattern – think liz. FREE bag purse pattern - 'For Pleat's Sake' Tote. Do-it-Yourself DIY String Wedding Lanterns Yarn Chandeliers. Skip to my Lou. Watermark Tee by Sweet Verbana - StumbleUpon. Make This Look.