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Kelly Christopherson
Educator, PhD student, father, husband - I strive to improve a little each day. I am looking for new and innovative ways to help teachers transition and improve in an educational setting that is becoming increasingly more complex and global.
Robotics. Apps II. Ancient Rome. Art. Blogs. Business. Career IV. Data Driven Decisions. Design. Documentary. Education technology. EdAdmin20. EdCamp. Ed Myths. Education. Educational Discourse. Finances. First Nation Info. Flow. GarageBand. Google. Great pictures. Health & Fitness. Infographics. LifeHax. Lifestyle. Mindset. Mindfulness. MOOCs. Motivation. Movies. Outdoors. Parenting. PhD. Podcasting.
Presentations. Productivity III. Public Speaking. Quotes to live by.
Research. Scanbot. Seth Godin 2014 Part 2 (50 pearls) SKLearning. Societal Comments. Social Media. Social networks. Star Wars. TEDtalks. Thinglinks. U of R. Wearables. Websites. Youth Sports.