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Realistic Fiction Writing Unit. Monday marks our return to school from Thanksgiving break and it also marks the beginning of a new unit of writing...realistic fiction!

Realistic Fiction Writing Unit

This is the unit my friends have been waiting for. They've been clamoring to write fiction since the start of school. So to my friends I say get those pencils ready! Here we go! (Unit divider page in writer's notebook) Now for a word of caution. This unit is one that requires a great deal of planning. Since we've had the last week off for Thanksgiving I've had some time to work in my own notebook. Here's the highlights from our first week or so of lessons. Reviewing the characteristics of realistic fiction. After brainstorming ideas for story topics, students take time to think about who the main character might be for each story. World history interactive notebook rubric end of unit check. U.S. History - Standards of Learning. Back to Instructional Links Engaging Students with Foldables was created by Susie Orr, an elementary social studies specialist for Fairfax County Public Schools.

U.S. History - Standards of Learning

It contains instructional activities using foldable templates that were modeled after the folding techniques of Dinah Zike. These models correlate to specific Virginia SOL objectives and essential knowledge for U.S. History to 1865. Overview of the Folding Techniques Here are some tips for teaching with foldables. Permission to Use Teachers, specialists, coordinators, and other school personnel may use the templates and materials with students. Have a look at this file for examples of finished foldables. USI.2a Continents and Oceans USI.2b Geographic Regions, Locations, and Physical Characteristics.

Interactive Notebook Assignments. INB/AvidNotebook.pdf. Interactive Notebooks - Yet Again. The Middle School Mouth. Thoughtful Logs. You will notice on our blog that my students use amazing learning tools called Thoughtful Logs.

Thoughtful Logs

Many of you have emailed asking for more information about Thoughtful Logs - what they are, how to use them, etc. I figured I'd just post the information here with pictures to help answer your questions. Here we go! Where The Idea Came From: Our district had several elementary teachers pilot Linda Dorn and Carla Soffos' Comprehensive Literacy Model this past two years with the help of a literacy coach (Mrs. Candice Johnson), and I was one of the lucky pilot teachers that got coached. Making A Thoughtful Log: The Thoughtful Log can be any kind of notebook or even a folder that has paper held into it using brads. Dividing the Thoughtful Log Using Tabs : In the intermediate grades, we divide the Thoughtful Log into 5 sections using sticky tabs.

I highly recommend the book Comprehension Connections: Bridges To Strategic Reading by Tanny McGregor to help you teach the strategies. . - Leanne :) Interactive Notebooks « Teaching Social Studies. Teaching Social Studies and Language Arts a teacher exploring integration.

Interactive Notebooks « Teaching Social Studies Interactive Student Notebooks. Interactive-notebooks - home. Interactive-notebooks - ISN Pictures. Settingupthe Interactive Student Notebook. Fifty Things to Put in a Notebook. The Reader's Notebook. Reader's Notebook. Reading and Wriitng Notebook FAQ. I just started reading The Cafe Book yesterday by The Sisters and I am already so excited to make some changes in my classroom because of it.

Reading and Wriitng Notebook FAQ

You can bet that I will be doing some serious posting about it during the next month as I begin to launch it in my classroom. I got a really great email from Lindsay today and thought I would answer her questions on the blog about my reading and writing notebooks. I thought that some of you might have the same questions yourself. The first question she asked was, "Do your kids have both reading and writing notebooks? " The notebook that I use in my classroom is a combined reading and writing notebook.

The second question was, "Are they responsible for bringing the notebooks to class each day or do you house them in your room? I am lucky enough to have the capabilities to store the notebooks in my classroom. I do a mixture of both. As we rebuild our notebooks, I am planning on sharing more details about them with you all. Interactive Notebooks - Joseph Hill's English Classes at Carlmont High School. The interactive notebook serves you, the student of literature and language, as a library, a laboratory, and a journal.

Interactive Notebooks - Joseph Hill's English Classes at Carlmont High School

Like a library, the interactive notebook serves as a storehouse of accumulated knowledge; like a laboratory, it serves as a means to pose meaningful, authentic questions and to seek their answers; like a journal, it serves as a medium both for personalizing knowledge and for reflection and as a means to foster intellectual and social growth and to develop excellent habits of mind. The interactive notebook will prove an invaluable tool in your quest to meet the goals of the course as they are articulated in the California standards for English and language arts and in the course description. How and why does the interactive notebook work? In short, the interactive notebook serves as a means to become an active and independent thinker and learner, to become, in fact, the best active and independent thinker and learner you can be.