A Nobel Laureate's Education Plea: Revolutionize Teaching : NPR Ed. Bloodletting to keep the "humors" in balance was a leading medical treatment from ancient Greece to the late 19th century. That's hard to believe now, in the age of robot-assisted surgery, but "doctors" trusted lancets and leeches for centuries. To Nobel laureate Carl Wieman, the college lecture is the educational equivalent of bloodletting, one long overdue for revision. "It's a very good analogy," the Stanford professor says. "You let some blood out and go away and they get well. The large college lecture — the cornerstone of undergraduate education in America and much of the world today — is similar, Wieman argues.
For Wieman, the fact that most colleges and universities don't even bother to systemically measure teaching quality is the bigger problem festering in higher education. "The quality of teaching is not something that university administrators are rewarded for, and correspondingly know or care about," Wieman says. He'd give a lecture. 'Active Learning' Eric Westervelt/NPR. Suchergebnis(se) - Audio Lingua - mp3-Datein in Englisch, Deutsch (DaF), Spanisch, Italienisch, Russisch und Französisch. Adult Independent Study. Academic Success Videos: Notetaking. Go with What Works: Career Choices & the 10-yearPlan - Success 101: A Prerequisite for Life (The Indio Documentary) See/hear: Oct. 1, 2014 - UNCG Campus Weekly. Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care. This Frickin' Guy Has Gotten More Confessions Out Of People Than The Frickin' Pope. VideoZop. Channel : Amazing Viele Menschen sind in Eile und hetzen durch ihren Alltag. Inmitten dieser Menschen ein Obdachloser, an dem alle vorbei laufen, ganz normal eben.
Oder etwa nicht? // Video-Statement und Hintergründe zu diesem Clip: "Wir konnten gar nicht fassen, wie viel sich von Euch in den letzten Tagen mit der Thematik unseres Kurzclips auseinandergesetzt haben. Es gab einen tollen Austausch mit sehr viel Lob, aber auch kritischen Stimmen, die einen besonders wunden Punkt treffen: Im Mai diesen Jahres haben wir genau diese Aktion mit mehr Liedern OHNE Kamera durchgeführt.
Music. New York photographer turns strangers into friends. (This piece originally ran August 2, 2013.) NEW YORK -- Forty-five-year-old Richard Renaldi is looking for someone -- two someones, actually. Two total strangers who were meant to be together, if only for a moment. "They're not exactly sure what they just signed up for, and people are a little nervous at first," Richard says. Richard is a New York photographer working on a series of portraits.
For each shot he grabs strangers off the street -- like Jenny Wood, an airline employee from Virginia, and Dominek Tucker, a college student from Brooklyn -- and poses them like adoring family. Richard calls the project "Touching Strangers. " Some of the photos -- you'd never know, they'd never met, while others capture quite well the inherent awkwardness of cuddling a random dude.
Even when the subjects seem eager, their body language often concedes a certain hesitance, at least at first. And that's the really weird thing. "I felt like I cared for her," Brian says. See more of Richard Renaldi's work. How One Ball Pit Turned Strangers Into Friends [Video] What you do if a giant sign above a street-side ball pit prompted you to dive in, take a seat, and make a friend?
You may consider befriending strangers to answer deep dark secrets in public as a completely abnormal act, but in this video, one group of people welcomed the chance to hop in a giant ball pit and fire away. Created by SoulPancake, a “brain batter of art, culture, science, philosophy, spirituality, and humor,” this video chronicles pairs of strangers tasked to ask each other about their heros, love life, religion, and perhaps most importantly, create a secret handshake (that duh, isn’t so secret anymore). SoulPancake seeks to open minds, challenge friends, and make people “feel damn good” with its articles and arsenal of videos (like the ever popular Kid President).
Actor Rainn Wilson of NBC’s The Office, and his friends Joshua Homnick and Devon Gundry, founded the media company in 2008. SoulPancake’s website then launched in January of 2010. Ever heard of SoulPancake? With A Piece Of Chalk - JuBaFilms.