How to Befriend a Tree. Beginning practitioners of Chinese internal organ massage (Chi Nei Tsang) are taught how to commune with trees.
Shouldn’t this be part of everyone’s education? By Mantak Chia “Chi Nei Tsang: Internal Organs Chi Massage”, Mantak and Mannewan Chia’s manual for practitioners of traditional Chinese medical massage, is yet another fine fruit of Chinese Taoist cosmology. Mao retained Traditiional Chinese medicine while otherwise industrializing his country, which allowed China to continue its multi-millenia tradition of developing this great clinical science unencumbered by Communist dogma (while also spreading it throughout the Western world).
That a large percentage of potential in-patient visitors to Chinese hospitals are almost immediately discharged on the basis of a chi massage argues for what a serious and effective medical methodology it is. Quête inachevée par Antoine Alvarado. Tabouret de Crapaud: La conscience des arbres. L'un des enseignements les plus essentiels de la spiritualité, c'est que le monde naturel est vivant et sensible.
Apprendre à percevoir les arbres comme des membres conscients, vivants de notre communauté planétaire est le premier pas dans cet enseignement. Aller à la rencontre d'un arbre, c'est aller à la rencontre d'un être venu d'une civilisation plus ancienne que l'humanité... Le rayonnement Les arbres sont des êtres vivants. Les arbres - fleurdevie57s jimdo page! Il y a beaucoup à découvrir et à dire sur ces êtres vivants que sont les arbres car, au-delà de leur apparence, il y a toute une dimension que la plupart des humains ignorent et qui mène à communiquer et à dialoguer avec eux afin d’établir une véritable amitié, à mieux comprendre le monde végétal et à le protéger au lieu de l’exploiter et l’agresser.
C’est pourquoi, il me semble important de donner quelques informations, éléments et découvertes susceptibles de faire prendre conscience au lecteur qu’il est possible et souhaitable d’entrer dans l’intimité des arbres. The magnetic touch illusion: A perceptual correlate of visuo-tactile integration in peripersonal space - ScienceDirect. <div pearltreesdevid="PTD137" role="alert" class="alert-message-container"><div pearltreesdevid="PTD138" aria-hidden="true" class="alert-message-body"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD139" style="display: inline-block;" class="Icon IconAlert"><svg pearltreesDevId="PTD140" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" width="24" height="24" focusable="false" tabindex="-1" fill="currentColor"><path pearltreesDevId="PTD141" fill="#f80" d="M11.84 4.63c-.77.05-1.42.6-1.74 1.27-1.95 3.38-3.9 6.75-5.85 10.13-.48.83-.24 1.99.53 1.66.36 2.5.41 3.63 0 7.27.01 10.9-.01 1.13-.07 2.04-1.28 1.76-2.39-.1-.58-.56-1.02-.81-1.55-1.85-3.21-3.69-6.43-5.55-9.64-.42-.52-1.06-.83-1.74-.79z"></path><path pearltreesDevId="PTD142" d="M11 8h2v5h-2zM11 14h2v2h-2z"></path></svg></span><!
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The Heart Has Its Own ‘Brain’ and Consciousness. By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D. and Dana Tomasino, BA Many believe that conscious awareness originates in the brain alone.
Recent scientific research suggests that consciousness actually emerges from the brain and body acting together. A growing body of evidence suggests that the heart plays a particularly significant role in this process. Far more than a simple pump, as was once believed, the heart is now recognized by scientists as a highly complex system with its own functional “brain.” Research in the new discipline of neurocardiology shows that the heart is a sensory organ and a sophisticated center for receiving and processing information. In addition to the extensive neural communication network linking the heart with the brain and body, the heart also communicates information to the brain and throughout the body via electromagnetic field interactions. Heart Field Interactions Between Individuals The Heart’s Field and Intuition. DNA Phantom Effect.
INTRODUCTIONIn this contribution I am going to describe some observations and interpretations of a recently discovered anomalous phenomenon which we are calling the DNA Phantom Effect in Vitro or the DNA Phantom for short.
We believe this discovery has tremendous significance for the explanation and deeper understandings of the mechanisms underlying subtle energy phenomena including many of the observed alternative healing phenomena [1,2]. This data also supports the heart intelligence concept and model developed by Doc Lew Childre [3,4]. (See also contributions by Rollin McCraty and Glen Rein in this volume). This new phenomenon -- the DNA phantom effect -- was first observed in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences as a surprise effect during experiments measuring the vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated and expensive "MALVERN" laser photon correlation spectrometer (LPCS) [5]. These effects were analyzed and interpreted by Gariaev and Poponin [6].
Dr. MagnEffectsLivingSystem. Vibration-Oscillation Diagnosing and Healing Therapy. "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration" Nikola Tesla Introduction During the last several decades the achievements of physics completely have confirmed the ancient hermetic maxima that all things existing in nature are vibrations of different types.
The journal of bioelectromagnetic medicine. Call For PapersA call for papers to be published via these webpages as content for the the journal is extended to all interested parties.
Interested parties may contact Dr. E. F. Block for editorial and any other matters. Bioelectromagnetic Healing - Integrity Research Institute. Bioelectromagnetic Healing, its History and a Rationale for its Use Thomas F.
Valone Integrity Research Institute, 1220 L Street NW, Suite 100-232 Washington DC 20005 Presented at Whole Person Healing Conference & Tesla Energy Science Conference, 2003 Abstract Bioelectromagnetics (BEMs) is the study of the effect of electromagnetic fields on biological systems [1]. Though electromagnetic fields have sometimes been associated with potential for harm to the body, there are many BEM instruments and devices re-emerging in the 21st century, based on high voltage Tesla coils, that apparently bring beneficial health improvements to human organisms.
History of Bioelectromagnetic Healing Historically, as far back as 1890, the American Electro-Therapeutic Association conducted annual conferences on the therapeutic use of electricity and electrical devices by physicians on ailing patients. Manumissio - The Human Biofield. Stéphane Cardinaux – Synthèse – Géométries Sacrées, tome 1 (2004) tome 2 (2006), Bioénergie (2009), Science et Conscience de l’Invisible (2012) Le domaine des énergies subtiles est un vaste champ d’étude, mais peut-être le plus essentiel de nos jours. L’art, la science et la religion buttent sur la compréhension de cette nature « fluide » de la réalité. Nous sommes sur le point de comprendre que la réalité est le fruit d’une interaction permanente avec la conscience. De plus, des niveaux de matière et d’énergie supérieures – « fines » – sont nécessaires pour expliquer les phénomènes matériels, et il se trouve qu’il est possible de les discerner et même, par une transmutation intérieure et un changement d’état de conscience, de se brancher sur cette réalité invisible qui unit à la fois l’objectivité et la subjectivité.
Dans ce contexte, les livres de Stéphane Cardinaux sont exceptionnels. Editions Trajectoire, Image : Génie du Lieu Dans cette synthèse, vous trouverez l’évolution de la démarche de Stéphane Cardinaux, depuis l’étude des lieux sacrés jusqu’à celui du champ vital et de ses variations. Géométries Sacrées, tome 1. 9782841975976. Le champ vital (biochamp), aspect de la bioénergie.
Biochamp outil de base : Géobiologie et esprits de la nature. Le biochamp une définition Tout le vivant est en interaction avec les énergies cosmotelluriques. Notre corps est lui même un émetteur, c'est ce que certains appellent "l'aura", l'énergie vitale, voir le corps éthérique, pour moi la notion de biochamp me convient bien. (il faut être conscient que parfois un même nom désigne des réalités différentes)Ce biochamp est en constante interaction avec l'environnement. En simplifiant, tout ce qui est positif pour nous, dilate notre biochamp, tout ce qui est négatif le contractede la nourriture en passant par l'eau, une plante, une pensée, un rayonnement électrique, une musique, une forme, .... Comment le rendre visible ? Electric Universe - The Human Story - James Oschman. Exploring Realm Dynamics. An ancient hermetic axiom states that everything is mind, everything vibrates. Since each living thing is uniquely conscious, each living thing carries a unique vibratory signature.
The soul broadcasts a rich spectrum of vibrations, which through the principle of resonance attracts a corresponding spectrum of experiences. Souls of a common frequency share common realms of experience and tend to cross paths in life. This is the study of realm dynamics, how vibrations influence experience, and how experience influences vibration. The simplicity of correspondence between soul vibration and personal experience betrays the astounding nature of its implications.
For instance, realm dynamics explains: Ether vibrations. Chapter 6 Aether vibrations Quantum physics that has been around for some hundred odd years now is still mainstream physics most accepted physics. Although quantum science has revealed the presence of the zero point field with all its virtual subatomic particles and photons that jump into existence from apparently nowhere to return to oblivion nanoseconds later, there is still is no reasonable explanation as to how and why particles and photons can appear and disappear just like that.
Also the quantum probability wave is still hard to grasp and visualize. Quantum physics may have proven to be a mathematically correct science; for lay people the wave-particle duality of quantum science it is still very hard to understand. How do we visualize particles that are both waves and solid little marbles? Another difficult thing to grasp is the atom model presented by Niels Bohr where electrons fly in well-defined shells around the nucleus. The aether This is how aether physics is best described: Resonance Phenomena. Oscillation and Radiation of the Living System The Vibrations of Life In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate. Resonance phenomena occurs with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, and also biological resonance of living systems (bioresonance).
Resonant systems can be used to generate vibrations of a specific frequency, or pick out specific frequencies from a complex vibration containing many frequencies (e.g. filters). This rule of physics is the main concept that allows the Bioresonance Analysis of Health Medical System to work so effectively. Bioresonance Examined. L’énergie vibratoire de la cellule par Étienne Guillé. Collège des Sciences Energétiques. Biophotonics - light emitting humans (auras) - acupuncture. "The human body literally glimmers. The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes. Ultraweak photon emission is known as the energy released as light through the changes in energy metabolism.
"Tohoku Institute of Technology - human photon emission experiment Did the experiment carried out to measure the light emitted by humans confirm that humans do have an aura? If people can sense electrical fields/energy (frequency) then they might be able to sense a persons electrical energy being emitted or created by them. This biophotonics (study of light being emitted by living things) experiment and others before them also show variations of the light being emitted, with patterns emerging. Bioluminescence, which is weak but visible, is sometimes produced in living organisms, such as fireflies or jellyfish, as the result of specialized enzymatic reactions that require adenosine triphosphate. Why do we sweat salt? Links. Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light. Increasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience: we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA.
Nothing is more amazing than the highly improbable fact that we exist. We often ignore this fact, oblivious to the reality that instead of something there could be nothing at all, i.e. why is there a universe (poignantly aware of itself through us) and not some void completely unconscious of itself? Consider that from light, air, water, basic minerals within the crust of the earth, and the at least 3 billion year old information contained within the nucleus of one diploid zygote cell, the human body is formed, and within that body a soul capable of at least trying to comprehend its bodily and spiritual origins. The Body's Circadian Biophoton Output.