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Curso de Capacitación en Carteras y Bolsos, Mil Moldes. $ 81.00 ( ochenta y uno, Pesos de Argentina ) o U$S 12 ( doce, Dólares EE.UU.)

Curso de Capacitación en Carteras y Bolsos, Mil Moldes

Que se puede decir del cuero, es el material por excelencia, todos los que transitamos el rubro, ansiamos poder trabajar, por muchas $$$ razones, ya sea como fabricante, es muy amplio el mercado y no tan severa la competencia, o como tallerista o confeccionista para terceros, ya que el valor de confección de una cartera de cuero, es muy superior a una de vinílico y algo muy significativo, falta mano de obra especializada en el tema, esto es algo clave, teniendo un taller serio, responsable y de calidad, no nos va a faltar trabajo, recibo miles de e-mail, solicitando les recomiende un taller, algo que lamentablemente no puedo hacer, no por que no quiera, sino porque los buenos talleres están siempre ocupados. Verás todo lo que se necesita para formar un taller de confección en cuero, desde uno pequeño a uno importante. Congelador Fundación Papel juntar las piezas: la tienda twiddletails, edredón de tela, la tela que acolcha, patrones de colchas libre, tutoriales.

PLEASE NOTE: This tutorial is now available as a PDF file. Click here.  1.

Congelador Fundación Papel juntar las piezas: la tienda twiddletails, edredón de tela, la tela que acolcha, patrones de colchas libre, tutoriales

Print or trace your block design onto the dull side of a sheet of freezer paper. Cut out on the seam line. 2. Lay the freezer paper printed side up on your cutting mat. Note that I scored across the entire sheet of paper, not stopping where the pattern seam line ends. 3. Lots of great DIY wallet and coin purse tutorials. How a sewing pattern is born. Over the last few months I’ve had several readers write and ask about how I design and produce my sewing patterns.

How a sewing pattern is born

I thought it might be interesting to see how a pattern is developed right from the early stages of first idea through to pattern development, testing and the production of the samples. So here goes – from conception to birth of a sewing pattern. Stage 1 – inspiration and conception. CHiUDETELi CON i FiORi ! Como coser un cierre, ideal principiantes. iPad stand tutorial. Video tutorial: Easy to make fan-shaped leather bag. Polymer Clay Baby Sculpting Tutorial INDEX. 68A 2S B6 1A-63L Patchwork Loveseat Fiori Furniture Manufacturer. The Inspired Wren: TUTORIAL: Lined Canvas Tote. In the midst of sewing along with Project Run & Play, I took a detour to sew up this tote as a gift for a friend.

The Inspired Wren: TUTORIAL: Lined Canvas Tote

I chose it because it can have big impact and yet it really is a quick project to put together once you have the cutting dimensions figured out. It just so happened I still had my sketch from the Tote of Protection with the numbers already jotted down. As long as I was already sewing the bag again, I thought I’d share the dimensions (and the directions) here. If you’re like me and prefer to print out the tutorials you use, download the free 3-page PDF version here [you'll need a Craftsy account, but that's also free with an email]. Basic dyeing; a tutorial.

A while ago, Caroline asked if I could go into more detail the next time I did a batch of dyeing, and yesterday morning I felt the urge to haul out the ol' dye-pot again... so here 'tis!

Basic dyeing; a tutorial

A short tute on basic, one colour, flat dyeing. Firstly, if you are being scientific about this process, weigh your fabric and check the instructions on your dye packet to see how much is the recommended amount for this weight of fabric. This is the quantity that will give you the maximum intensity of colour the dye is capable of achieving in your fabric. Kitschy Coo: Tutorial: Drawstring Gym / PE Kit backpack. Because Sew Scrumptious asked so nicely, here's a tute for the drawstring backpack that I made for Jamie's PE clothes.

Kitschy Coo: Tutorial: Drawstring Gym / PE Kit backpack

Cut two 12" by 13" pieces of outer and lining fabrics. Cut two 2" pieces of ribbon (I used grosgrain), fold in half and pin one inch from the bottom corners with the raw edges of the ribbon against the raw edges of the fabric. With right sides facing, sew the outer fabrics together and then the lining fabrics together as per the red line. Tutorial and Pattern for Vintage Rose Frame Purse. I am so excited -- my Kawaii Facial Tissue Pouch has been featured on Creative Itch: Misty @ Creative Itch hosts "Sew Cute Tuesday" link party for sewing projects every week.

Tutorial and Pattern for Vintage Rose Frame Purse

It's a wonderful place to find great inspiration so please check it out. To celebrate this, I am posting a tutorial for the vintage rose frame purse as promised :). Materials you will need: Cotton Fabrics for body and liningFleece or quilt batting 3.5" (or 8.5 cm) metal clasp Pattern or tracing paper Sewing pins Seam allowance: 1/4" (or 0.7 cm.) Note: when you print out the pattern; please make sure that in your print properties, the scaling is set to "None".The pattern is in a pdf format. Sewing Body and Lining: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Little Roses Kusudama - diagram. IKEA Poang Chair Slipcover. The IKEA Poang Chair is a very popular staple in many budget savvy homes — but it only comes in a few colors and patterns, white being the only one that would work in the baby’s room.

IKEA Poang Chair Slipcover

We all know white won’t last long, and I wanted a chair that would POP, so I decided to attempt to make a cover for the Poang cushion that would do the baby’s room some justice. Plain, Boring Ikea Poang Chair You know these chairs – you’ve seen them, and you may even own one! We opted for one of these guys over a rocker (saving us hundreds of dollars) when we were decorating Logan’s room, and it turned out to be a great purchase.

Logan is 2 now, and we still use the chair every night for story time, and he likes to climb up and sit and read by himself as well. Pattern Drafting with Cal Patch ~ Creativebug Subscription Giveaway. Don’t miss our Spring Cleaning Sales this weekend!

Pattern Drafting with Cal Patch ~ Creativebug Subscription Giveaway

Great deals on FABRIC and patterns from 20 shops! Cal Patch, author of the popular Design-It-Yourself Clothes: Patternmaking Simplified, is about to release a month-long dive into the world of pattern drafting, and designing and sewing your own clothes. Starting April 1, Cal will teach a four-week course on Creativebug to help you learn the basics of pattern drafting. Make a Painterly Pendant and a Pair of Earrings with Polymer Clay. Inspired by abstract watercolour paintings and dripped paint, this pendant and earring set will add an artistic twist to your next outfit.

Make a Painterly Pendant and a Pair of Earrings with Polymer Clay

Made from fun and easy to use polymer clay, I'll show you how to finger paint (it's not just for kids!) With the clay to create your very own wearable masterpiece. Supplies. Crystal Bracelet #17. Tutorial : Crystal Bracelet #17Level : Intermediate Equipment :- Swarovski Crystal 4 mm.- Seed bead- Jumprings- Clasp- Stopper- Bead tip- Pliers- Nylon thread no. 25 The colors I used here are Indian Sapphire and Montana.

The seed bead is clear with silver lined. Cut two nylon threads, 100 cm. each. Put the threads into stopper bead and then to bead tip. Now you have four lines to work with. Add three seed beads to the two remaining threads. Pick up two threads (one from each side) that point to the same direction. Add two seed beads to both below threads. At the two threads on the left side, add two seed beads to the below thread. We do the same to the right side. This step is the same as step 3. This step is the same as step 4. Same as step 5. The Bag of the Month Club - Emmaline Bags: Sewing Patterns and Purse Supplies.

Good morning everyone! Just a quick post to share pictures today because this is LAUNCH day of our new Parkland Modern Quilters Guild and I have to pack up and get over there to set up. So, SEW, excited!! As some of you know, I am the February pattern designer in the bag of the month club and here is what I've put together for all of you: Norma's Bag Boutique: My March Bag. I finished the Convertible Bag which is the March Bag Pattern for the Bag of the Month Club. I love the size of this bag! The instructions were easy to follow with plenty of pictures. Even though the bag is small (11"high by 9-1/2" wide by 2" front to back) it has plenty of pockets to get organized. Patrones de costura y accesorios del monedero. How awesome do these faux leather vinyl handbag straps look?

If you want to make some great leather look straps from vinyl that don't show raw edges and messy threads, keep on reading because I can show you how. They are super easy to make and they turn out so good. Cómo coser Bolsa Correas - Un Tutorial - Emmaline Bolsas: Patrones de costura y accesorios del monedero. Craft is in session. We are no strangers to paper flowers around here. Dudas sobre escote drapeado. Dudas sobre escote drapeado que es necesario aclarar: -No hay que hacer asentamiento al escote ojal para hacer el escote drapeado. Rosas quemadas(recordando) Tutorial para decorar una diadema con pétalos de tela. Hoy en Con Idea de… os traemos una estupenda idea para decorar el cabello en cualquier momento con esta diadema realizada a base de pequeños pétalos hechos en tela. Ideal para adornar la pequeña cabecita de tu hija, esta diadema se convierte en un complemento perfecto para salir.

Si quieres hacerla, sólo tienes que reunir estos materiales: Como hacer una flor en tela. Como endurecer telas, para hacer flores, con gelatina neutra. Este tema NO es de costura, rara vez cojo hilo y aguja (no si alguien no me fuerza o amenaza XD) pero está muy relacionado pues muchas veces se hacen flores usando estos instrumentos diabólicos :S.

My way of...: Tutorial. A principios de este año, hicimos un intercambio en el foro Tecnopuchero, a mi me toco Oto, y entre otras cosas le regalé este bolso. La verdad es que me gusto mucho como quedó. Flores en tela paso apaso - Imagui.