Byrne’s Euclid. Session 5, Part A: Tangrams. Ninth Grade Lesson Plans for Science Subjects (9th Grade) The Spread of Disease Title – The Spread of Disease By – Tom Kuntzleman Primary Subject – Health / Physical Education Secondary Subjects – Science Grade Level – 9-12 Materials: One clear plastic cup for each student.
Safety goggles for each student. Gloves for students … Subjects: P.E. & Health, Science Grades: Here students develop a digital ecosystem PowerPoint photo album Title – Ecosystem Photo Album By – Amy Malowitz Primary Subject – Science Secondary Subjects – Computers / Internet Grade Level – 6-9 Content: Students will evaluate factors involved in ecosystems including biotic and abiotic factors. Computers & Internet, Science The question “Does background music affect your writing?” Title – Music Mood Creative Writing By – Jennifer Blake Primary Subject – Language Arts Secondary Subject – Music, Science Grade Level – 9-12 Students will understand how background music (as well as other outside influences) affect the mood of a piece … Language Arts, Music, Science.
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All of Google. Sign in to continue to Google Drive Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account. Graduation Requirements - High School (CA Dept of Education) 4 Steps for Planning High School at Home. Study Guides and Strategies. Pinterest. A Gallery of Interactive On-Line Geometry. In order to enjoy this exhibit, you will need a Web browser that understands graphical Fill-Out Forms.
See our list of browsers for more information. WebPisces This web-based interface to the Pisces program allows you to compute implicitly defined curves in the plane. You can choose from several pre-defined functions, and can modify their parameters and domains. Build a Rainbow How are rainbows formed? QuasiTiler Generate the famous Penrose tilings, or design your own nonperiodic tilings of the plane. For more about tilings, go to ScienceU KaliKali-Jot(with free-hand drawing, for X Mosaic only) Kali is an interactive editor for symmetric patterns of the plane, as seen in some of the woodcuts of M.C. Cyberview-X, (Version 2.0 -- now with smooth shading!) An interactive 3D viewer that works with any HTML 2.0 compatible Web browser.
Projective Conics Orbifold Pinball Explore the effects of negatively curved space in this pinball-style game. Teichmuller Navigator Integrator Unifweb Lafite. Signum University. Stanford Online High School. Visual-Spatial Resource. Home - SimpleMind. Popplet Lite on the App Store.
Pattern Shapes by the Math Learning Center. Lessons - Robert Kaplinsky - Glenrock Consulting, LLC. Skip to content Search Search: Lessons View allKinder1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8thAlg 1GeoAlg 2 How Much Money Do You Earn For 1,000,000 Streams On Spotify? How Many Ducklings Are There? How Many Hanukkah Candles Will We Need? When Will The Winning Minecraft Pickaxe Finish? How Much Money Were Those Pennies? How Many Chip Bags Will There Be? How Can We Make Stronger Passwords? How Many Hot Dogs And Buns Should He Buy? What Does 2000 Calories Look Like? How to Make a Digital Portfolio with the Seesaw App. LetsHomeschoolHighschool.com. BJ's Homeschool - Our Journey Towards College: 4 Steps for Planning High School at Home. UC San Diego Summer Session. BJ's Homeschool - Our Journey Towards College: 100 BEST Resources for Homeschooling High School. Welcome!
We are glad that you are here! If you like follow me on G+, Twitter, Facebook and Subscribe to BJ's Homeschool. Note - This post may included affiliate links to products that we love and have used or would use in our own homeschool. These make it possible for me to continue to blog and maintain this site. Please see my disclosure policy. When I was homeschooling high school, just a few years ago, I always was on the lookout for the "best" resources that I could find that were a fit for my daughter and our homeschool.
Today I'd like to share 100 of our favorite resources for high school. I hope that you will find ideas, gifts, or other things that fit your homeschool to a "T". I hope that you have fun browsing around on this list! 1. Let's start with some great resource for art, whether you have an artist in your home, or a would-be one, or just want to make time for a creativity break in your homeschool afternoons.