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Как сделать дачный холодильник. Холодильник под землей хорош тем, что он сохраняет в течение всех сезонов достаточную для сохранения продуктов температуру — от слабого минуса зимой до +10-15 летом.

Как сделать дачный холодильник

Как его сделать? В самом затененном месте участка (с северной стороны сарая или за кустами) выкапывают яму такой глубины, чтобы туда поместилась пластиковая бочка. Глубину и ширину ямы делают больше в диаметре и по высоте на 15-20 см для досыпки песчаной подушки. В противном случае бочку будет выпирать из земли по весне. Песок на дне проливают водой и утрамбовывают, вставляют бочку и промежутки между стенками постепенно засыпают, постоянно трамбуя и увлажняя песчаную подушку.

Примитивный холодильник почти готов. Чтобы бочка не нагревалась от солнца или, наоборот, не промерзала зимой, на крышку набрасывают «подушку», сделанную из плотного белого полиэтилена, набитого опилками. Сделать его очень просто. Важно: размещать этот примитивный холодильник нужно на сильном сквозняке или установить рядом вентилятор. I’ve never seen a house cozier than this one before. Located deep in the picturesque forest in the state of North Carolina, USA, this three-story house looks more like a mini castle from the fairy tales told by Hans Christian Andersen or the Brothers Grimm.

I’ve never seen a house cozier than this one before

The house is unique in every way possible: with only 78 square meters of living space, it has everything you need for a comfortable stay of a couple with kids. The whole our team is so in love with this house that we would love to stay there for a couple of days. What a lovely fairy tale-like view from the balcony! A spacious living room with fireplace and kitchen are located on the first floor. Some ingeniously designed stairs lead to the second floor. How to create a magical miniature garden that will add a touch of coziness to any home. 12 элегантных ванных комнат в средиземноморском стиле. Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook и ВКонтакте Подборка роскошных и элегантных ванных.

12 элегантных ванных комнат в средиземноморском стиле

20 superb design ideas for small apartments. With a bit of creativity and ingenuity, even a small apartment can be turned into a comfortable and cosy home.

20 superb design ideas for small apartments

To do this, you need to make sure that you’re using every centimetre of space available to you. Here are 20 superb ideas to get you started. A wardrobe built in to the corner of a room fb Everything fits! Как навести идеальную чистоту: простые и доступные решения * Совет 1: очищаем кухонную мебель от жира и грязи Для того, чтобы удалить с кухонной мебели налёт жира с грязью не обязательно покупать дорогостоящие моющие и чистящие средства.

Как навести идеальную чистоту: простые и доступные решения *

Автономный мини-дом в горах легендарного сноубордиста Майка Басича. Легендарный сноубордист и, по совместительству, фотограф Майк Басич переехал из огромного особняка площадью 400 м2 в собственноручно построенный в горах автономный миниатюрный домик на солнечной энергии.

Автономный мини-дом в горах легендарного сноубордиста Майка Басича

После "выхода на пенсию" спортсмен продал большой дом и купил более 40 акров земли в горах Калифорнии. 19 замечательных кроватей и спален для больших семей и крохотных пространств. Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook и ВКонтакте Кровати и спальни, экономящие пространство.

19 замечательных кроватей и спален для больших семей и крохотных пространств

Двухъярусная кровать - это не только грубо сколоченная конструкция, которую по необходимости ставят в небольшие детские, это огромное поле для творчества, фантазии и просто восхитительная вещь, которая экономит и организует драгоценное пространство. Luxury home in the residential community of Quivira in Los Cabos, Mexico. - MyHouseIdea. 19 Amazing Pieces of Furniture That Will Make Your Neighbors Jealous. Style Home Design NEXT PAGE 19 Amazing Pieces of Furniture That Will Make Your Neighbors Jealous by momog30 from Interior Ideas.

19 Amazing Pieces of Furniture That Will Make Your Neighbors Jealous

How To Easily Grow an Endless Supply Of Onions Indoors. How awesome would it be if every time you needed an onion for your recipe or meal, you just reach over to your window and pluck a fresh one out!

How To Easily Grow an Endless Supply Of Onions Indoors

Sure, you can find them in every supermarket, but you could never have enough information about their origin. I know I would gladly grow them year around outdoors if I could, but that is not a choice for me living in Minnesota. Argos Hotel In Cappadocia, Suite With Indoor Private Pool. - MyHouseIdea. Outdoor design with colored lights - MyHouseIdea. Small But Luxury Bathroom Designs - Relaxing outdoor desing - MyHouseIdea. Island Hideaway Spa Resort & Marina, Maldives. - MyHouseIdea. Living with terrace pool. - MyHouseIdea. Aqua Villa In Bali. - MyHouseIdea. A party villa for relaxation and play, Aqua offers a captivating blend of luxury, recreation, party facilities, privacy, and exemplary service.

Aqua Villa In Bali. - MyHouseIdea

Nido House, By Robin Falck, Finland. - MyHouseIdea. Уютный домик за пару дней: проект Ивана Овчинникова - Строительство частного дома может растянуться на годы — эта мысль останавливает от переезда за город многих жителей мегаполиса. Архитектор Иван Овчинников представил свое решение проблемы: уютный деревянный «ДубльДом» соберут в цехе, привезут к вам на участок и смонтируют за пару дней.

Сплошные плюсы. Bedroom with sea view. Villa Padma in Phuket 13. » Egloo heats your room without electricity for 10 cents a day Read more: Egloo heats your room without electricity for 10 cents a day. These Adorably Tiny Houses Prove Bigger Isn't Always Better. Style Art / Architecture NEXT PAGE These Adorably Tiny Houses Prove Bigger Isn't Always Better by erin.c from Interior Ideas Page 1 of 4 I've always sort of liked the idea of tiny houses.

I really wouldn't mind living in a shoebox apartment, and of course the term "cozy" jumps out at me. These tiny houses employ the same philosophy. Nußdorf-Debant, Austria via ufogel Connecticut, USA by Sarah Grote | via Facebook / Herrle Custom Carpentry via Facebook / Herrle Custom Carpentry via Facebook / Herrle Custom Carpentry Colorado, USA via Tiny House Swoon. Home. Private Paradise. - MyHouseIdea. Terrace Pool Inspiration. - MyHouseIdea. Palazzo Gorgoni, 18th century Luxury Palazzo in Italy. - MyHouseIdea. Leading villa experts Think Puglia have introduced a new stunning 18th century Palazzo to their portfolio. Located in the heart of Galatina, Palazzo Gorgoni combines contemporary luxury, historic charm and artistic flair. Курс на комфорт: 10 простых правил фэншуй - Какой бы ни была ситуация в мире, атмосфера в вашем доме должна быть благоприятной. Сегодня вместе с Ириной Симаковой, консультантом ассоциации фэншуй, мы расскажем вам о 10 простых правилах древнекитайской науки, при соблюдении которых уровень комфорта в вашем доме резко повысится даже без дорогостоящего ремонта.

Amazing Dome Home! This short video of Steve Areen‘s dream home shows just how happy you can be after building your own home! We get a guided tour of the finished home, built on an organic mango farm in Thailand, with the builder’s own dreamy music to accompany us. Solar Air Heater - DIY solar thermal furnace - 150F+ Temps. (beer/soda/pop can heater) - full vid. » How To Build A Solar Heating Panel Using Soda Cans. Sometimes, low-tech solar devices are much better than high-tech ones for home use, as they not only tend to be cheaper to make, but will also last much longer before any repairs or maintenance are necessary.

And even better, they can be built in part from repurposed or recycled components, which is something you don’t see very often in new solar devices. How To Build A 16 Brick Rocket Stove For 6 Dollars! 52 How To Build A 16 Brick Rocket Stove For 6 Dollars – Image To Repin / ShareImage – 15 Cool And Unique Coffee Tables - Home Decor A coffee table is a must have piece of furniture for every home. It is usually a part of your living room decor, or you can also have one at your balcony. There are so many different coffee table designs, from really plain ones to extremely unusual ones. » The 3D Printer That Can Build A House In 24 Hours. A revolutionary 3D concrete printer can build a 2,500-square-foot home layer by layer in a single day The University of Southern California is testing a giant 3D printer that could be used to build a whole house in under 24 hours.

Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has designed the giant robot that replaces construction workers with a nozzle on a gantry, this squirts out concrete and can quickly build a home according to a computer pattern. It is “basically scaling up 3D printing to the scale of building,” says Khoshnevis. The technology, known as Contour Crafting, could revolutionise the construction industry. » How To Make A Homemade $15 Air Conditioner. No Garden? Here Are 66 Things You Can Can Grow At Home In Containers. By Rachel Cernansky - Growing your own food is exciting, not only because you get to see things grow from nothing into ready-to-eat fruits and veggies, but you also don’t have to worry about the pesticides they might contain, and you definitely cut down on the miles they—and you—have to travel.

As it turns out, with pretty minimal effort, anyone can be a gardener. 20 Of The Most Impressive and Inspiring Dream Home Ideas For Millionaires. We are all dreamers and we all want to leave in big home to have money to travel where we love, and to be happy. This post is with subtitle related for millionaires but even every one of us dream about home and we all have dream home.

This ideas below will maybe cost you whole fortune but the will make you unique and make your home just exactly how you have dreamed about. The 12 Most Amazing Kitchens You'll See Today! Style Home Design NEXT PAGE.