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The Secrets of the Vedas. “One finds two theorems in modern science which have a profound spiritual echo, wrote in 1926 Sri Aurobindo, India’s avatar of the Modern Age : first that atoms are masses of swirling structures, like the solar system; and then that all the atoms are constituted of the same elements.

The Secrets of the Vedas

If one considered these two theorems under their true light, they could lead science to new discoveries which are today unfathomable and in comparison of which the present realisations would look very primitive”. And Sri Aurobindo to add: “our ancient vedic rishis knew of a triple fire, which they had named agni: the ordinary fire – jada agni; the electric fire – vaidyuta agni; and the solar fire – saura agni. Modern science knows only these first two fires and the fact that the atom is like a solar system could lead them to the third discovery”. Why did Duryodhana receive Krishna's Army ? The situation around the Kurukshetra war was such that no one could remain neutral.

Why did Duryodhana receive Krishna's Army ?

You had to choose one side. Being the chief of the Yadavas, Krishna also had to put his lot either with the Pandavas or the Kauravas. Неизвестная история Ведической цивилизации. Сергей Салль. The Lost Civilization: Exploring Harappan Remains at Dholavira. The Origin of Yoga and Hinduism. The Origin of Yoga and Hinduism: In the east, the concept of religion did not exist, or was scarce 1500 years ago.

The Origin of Yoga and Hinduism

It has only become popular in the last 6 to 8 centuries. «Йога есть обуздание волнений, присущих уму». Йога-сутры Патанджали. АЮРВЕДА плюс ПАНЧАКАРМА = ЗДОРОВЬЕ и ДОЛГОЛЕТИЕ + КРАСОТА и ГАРМОНИЯ! ۞ Джйотиш [Ведическая Астрология] и нумерология, Аюрведа/Панчакарма, Индия: статьи, лекции, календари, прогнозы. ♔ Свапна-Шастра – ведическая наука о снах. Всем нам известно такое словосочетание, как «вещий сон».

Свапна-Шастра – ведическая наука о снах

Ведь у большинства людей хоть раз в жизни был тот самый пророческий сон. К тому же, многие эзотерические учения утверждают, что сны – это особые послания подсознания, говорящего на своем языке символов. Если же правильно подобрать ключи к этим посланиям, можно узнать их смысл и значение. Что же обо всем этом говорят веды? Ведические знания содержат большое количество ведомостей о снах.


Джйотиша Веда (Ведическая астрология) Bharath Gyan. Heracles of Greek Mythology Is None Other Than Krishna. 2013-08-18 | Interesting stories Heracles of Greek Mythology Is None Other Than Krishna?

Heracles of Greek Mythology Is None Other Than Krishna

It is said that Greek explorer Megasthenes took the tale of Lord Krishna from India to Greece, whom he called Heracles. Heracles' tales then became part of the Greek mythology, with appropriate modifications to fit into Greek environment. Lets figure out. Such was the aura of Lord Krishna that some westerners carried his stories to their countries and narrated to the locals. Megasthenes Referred Lord Krishna As Heracles In Indica There are evidences provided by Greek scholars, who came to India during and after Alexander's campaign.

Megasthenes (300 BCE) journeyed across India and wrote what he saw and heard in his literary works 'Indica'. India's mysterious secret past. Palace of King Ravana Over 5000 years ago. Iron pillar of Delhi. Духовные и священные писания Востока. Даттатрея, Амма, Сатья Саи Баба. Фото Индии. Ведическая библиотека, ведические писания. ■ А.Ч.Бхактиведанта Свами Прабхупада ■ Шримад Бхагаватам, комментарии Шри Шрила А.Ч.

Ведическая библиотека, ведические писания

Бактиведанта Свами Прабхупада ■ Учения ачарьев. Архив книг вайшнавов ■ Культура вайшнава. Mysterious Desert Sri Yantra Crop Circle Near Steens Mountain Oregon. Саморазвитие1 - Главная. Ramayana is not Mythology See the Evidence. Ajanta Caves - 2,000 year old unexplained sophisticated technology. Index. Padma Purana - Spiritual Literature Of India - Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita And Other Scriptures Of India. Padma Purana Padma Purana contains five parts - Srishtikhand, Bhumikhand, Swargkhand, Patalkhand and Uttarkhand.

Padma Purana - Spiritual Literature Of India - Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita And Other Scriptures Of India

Srishtikhand contains an explanation of metaphysical knowledge in a dialogue style between Bheeshma and the sage Pulastya. It contains a description of Pushkar Tirth. Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan Episode 07(With English Sub).flv.


РигВеда. Мандалы I-X. Происхождение этого сборника и его дальнейшая история отразились в предании, которое приписывает большую часть десяти книг определенным древним жреческим родам, ведущим свое начало от семи мифических мудрецов, называвшихся Риши Rishi.

РигВеда. Мандалы I-X

Их имена приводит традиционный комментарий anukramani, иногда они мелькают в текстах самих гимнов. Так, вторая книга приписывается роду Гритсамада Gritsamada, третья - Вишвамитре Vicvamitra и его роду, четвертая - роду Вамадевы Vamadeva, пятая - Атри Atri и его потомкам Atreya, шестая роду Бхарадваджа Bharadvaja, седьмая - Bacиштхе Vasichtha с его родом, восьмая, в большей части, Канве Каnvа и его потомству. Книги 1-я, 9-я и 10-я приписываются различным авторам. Эти песни изустно передавались в жреческих родах от поколения к поколению, а впоследствии, в эпоху большого культурного и государственного развития, были собраны в один сборник Индийская литература очень богата, разноязыка и насчитывает не менее трех с половиной тысячелетий. РигВеда. Vimanas.

Harappan Civilization

A Day and Night of Brahma: The Evidence from Fossil Records. The Vedic concept of time, like that of the ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, was cyclical.

A Day and Night of Brahma: The Evidence from Fossil Records

The ancient Sanskrit texts tell us that, in addition to the cycles of day and night, and the cycles of the seasons, there exists another cycle of time known as the Yuga Cycle or the Cycle of the World Ages. As per the Laws of Manu and the Mahabharata, the Yuga Cycle is of 12,000 years duration, and is comprised of four Yugas or World Ages – Satya Yuga (Golden Age), Treta Yuga (Silver Age), Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age) and Kali Yuga (Iron Age). Vedic Empire - Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization and Bharatiya Culture. The recent discovery of the courses of ancient River Sarasvati_ from the Himalayas to Gujarat presents a new perspective on indigenous evolution of and the continuing cultural.

Vedic Empire - Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization and Bharatiya Culture

The Hindu Universe - Hindu Resource Center.


Sri Narasingha Chaitanya Ashram.