Ignite! Newsletter, Leadership, Ken Blanchard. Any training will provide some impact back on the job, but to maximize the impact of your training dollars you need to address five design considerations with any program you roll out. That’s the message Jay Campbell, VP of Product Development for The Ken Blanchard Companies®, shared in a recent presentation at Blanchard‘s annual client summit. Across all modalities, Campbell believes that there are five design principles that need to be addressed if training sponsors want content to stick. Toward that end, Campbell outlined five key concepts. Simplicity. Less is more. No training design or facilitator guide is complete until every unnecessary element has been removed, explained Campbell. Drawing on his recent experience launching the new learning design of the company’s Situational Leadership® II (SLII®) training program, Campbell shared, “In our own case we removed terminology and teaching points throughout the program that added unnecessary distraction and slowed things down.
Ignite! Newsletter, Leadership, Ken Blanchard. Redirecting. Redirecting. Our Deepest Fear... Organismic integration theory. Psychlopedia -- Key theories -- Motivational theories -- Organismic integration theory Jump to the comments Section Overview According to cognitive evaluation theory (Deci, 1975), people are sometimes intrinsically motivated to complete tasks. That is, they feel that some tasks are inherently enjoyable, challenging, or significant. They do not merely feel obliged to complete these activities. When individuals feel intrinsic motivation, they tend to be more persistent. In contrast, people are sometimes extrinsically motivated to complete tasks.
Some activities, although originally motivated extrinsically, might eventually evoke feelings of autonomy and enhance persistence. In particular, initially individuals might learn to introject a behavior that was initially motivated extrinsically (see Ryan & Connell, 1989). Over time, individuals might learn to identify with this behavior, rather than merely introject. Integration still departs from intrinsic motivation, however. True self-esteem. Theory. The self-determination continuum described in Deci & Ryan's (1985, 1991) organismic integration theory represents differences in the ways in which people's behaviour can be regulated and how these differences are experienced.
The following fictitious mini-biographies illustrate these different forms of behavioural regulation in exercise contexts. June June is a charity worker. She has not taken any regular exercise since leaving school and has unhappy memories of cold, wet and windy days on the school playing field being yelled at by her PE teacher. Paul Paul is a trainee paramedic who has just reluctantly signed up at his local gym. Bill Bill is a civil engineer in his fifties. Alan Alan had rather a hard time socially as a child and adolescent. Liz Liz is a senior executive in a leading City finance house. Sandra Sandra used to be a teacher but retrained a few years ago as a fitness instructor.
John John is a builder. Commentary on the biographies The boundary between intrinsic and extrinsic. Selfdeterminationtheory - Organismic Integration Theory. Home. Building Your First Personal Kanban. The basic kanban: Waiting, Working, Done A quick trip through personal kanban design patterns demonstrates how they can be created using any number of materials. This tutorial illustrates how to build the most common personal kanban. Step One: Establish Your Value Stream Value Stream (v l y str m): The flow of work from the moment you start to when it is finished. Step Two: Establish Your Backlog Backlog (b kl g , -lôg ): The work you haven’t done yet.
Step Three: Establish Your WIP Limit WIP (hw p, w p): Work in Progress Limit – The amount of work you can handle at one time. “Pull” tasks from one kanban stage to the next Step Four: Begin to Pull Pull (p l): To take completed work from one stage of the value stream and pull it into the next. Beyond Step Four: Prioritize, Refine, and Reduce Past step four, it’s all about prioritization of work, refinement of the value stream, and reduction of waste. How To: Mapping Your Value Stream. When we build our kanban – whether for ourselves or for a team – we first need to build a value stream. A value stream is simply a list of the steps you take to create value.
When we build a kanban, work flows along the value stream and this visualizes our flow. Before We Begin There are some quick tips about a value stream. It should match reality as closely as possible.It should be only as detailed as necessary to see and understand your work flow.As your understanding and contexts change, your value stream will also change. These three tips are telling. The Beginning: Start with the Ends in Mind What is it you are doing?
In a meeting you may be: fully discussing a topiccoming up with action itemsplanning a future set of tasks At home you might be: delegating choresplanning a vacationbuilding a deck During the workday you might be: creating documentsmanaging staffbuilding a section of an airplane All nine of these might have very different end-states. Next Step: Fill in the Blanks 1. 2. 3. 4Share. Build Your Own Productivity Style by Remixing the Best. 21 Things You Can Do To Change Your Life Forever. Seven Productivity Myths, Debunked by Science (and Common Sense) Role-Play Activities About Expressing Feelings. How Can I Develop Self-Esteem? Maurice Gibbons Self-esteem is [our] dominant motive. Ernest Becker Are You the Greatest or Not? The big question is, how do you feel about yourself? If your boss approached you and offered you a new job with a leap in salary and increased responsibility, would you decide you could handle it and take it?
Imagine that you met a stunning person who was intelligent and admired by many others. Strange But True Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to improve self-esteem, but ironically, pursuing self-esteem isn’t one of them. And here is another curiosity. How you view yourself has a powerful impact on the quality of your life and on your performance in anything you try to do. Questions Worth Answering Here are a few questions adapted from tests of self-esteem. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Self-esteem is your estimate of your own worth. Your Inner Worth The second question introduces the powerful inner component of self-esteem.
You may not be aware of that enhancement, and that’s a good thing. Screwed Up? Www.nta.nhs.uk/uploads/mod1_managing_emotions.pdf. Writing for Emotional Balance. Facilitator’s Toolkit | Integrated security. Exercitii « momenttum. Salut, In exercitiul anterior ne-am concentrat pe primele trei elemente ale teoriei inteligentei emotionale a lui Daniel Goleman, care fac referire la dezvoltarea propriei persoane (cunoasterea propriilor emotii, comportamente si reactii; gestionarea acestor emotii, comportamente si reactii; auto-motivarea). Astazi, ne oprim la elementele teoriei inteligentei emotionale care pun accent pe relationarea cu oamenii din jurul nostru: Capacitatea de a intelege emotiile si comportamentele celor din jurGestionarea relatiilor cu cei din jur prin prisma raportului emotiile mele / emotiile lor Ce ai de facut?
Incearca sa evaluezi cat de bine te descurci cu aceste doua elemente. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pe masura ce raspunzi la aceste intrebari, or sa apara si altele la care vei vrea sa gasesti raspuns. Spor la treaba! Să ne uităm la un fenomen prea cunoscut: Amânarea! SpecialistConnie Larkin› Lun, 2012-12-03 14:12 Amânarea lucrurilor „de făcut” este un subiect foarte abordat. Putem intra pe Google și căuta informație referitoare la amânare și vom găsi multe articole, unele dintre ele chiar foarte interesante.
Ce este de reținut, în primul rând, este că amânarea este o “boală” de care suferă majoritatea umanității, de la mic la mare. Cu toții suntem nemulțumiți de noi pentru că amânăm lucrurile. Ca să aflăm ce putem face am putea merge la un curs: cu cât mai scump, cu cât personajul care îl conduce este mai cunoscut, cu atât mai bine: înseamnă că…va funcționa chiar dacă noi nu vom face nimic! Sursa: istockphoto.com Hai să investigăm: De ce amânăm? Observă-te pe o perioadă de 5 sau 6 zile și notează într-un caiet ce explicație îți dai ori de câte ori amâni ceva. După ce ai scris, poți să consideri: ceea ce te determină să amâni un lucru sau nu, este modul în care acel lucru: 1. 2. 1. 2.
What the Research on Habit Formation Reveals About Willpower (And How You Can Apply it to Your Life) Each time they did the test they did it without expending willpower, then they did it after expending willpower. This adjusts for familiarity, since the baseline was the same each time they took the test, even after being familiar with it. Even if the baseline had changed, they could use that change to normalize the values of the second portion of each test. So, to directly answer your question, no that doesn't account for changes in the data. The experiment is designed to adjust for that. Also, in at least some of the studies described here (and I imagine all of the work of these researchers, as you wouldn't likely get your results published without this), the researchers have a control group who they measure doing all the same things as the treatment group *except* they don't assign them the treatment activity (in this case, developing a habit by exercising regularly).
Appreciative Inquiry with Teams. Appreciative Inquiry with Teams Gervase R. Bushe Ph.D. Faculty of Business Administration Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6 (604) 291-4104 bushe@sfu.ca In any reference to this paper please use this citation: Bushe, G.R. (1998) Appreciative inquiry in teams. The Organization Development Journal , 16:3, pp.41-50. Executive Summary This article describes the author’s thoughts and experiences in trying to help people have conversations that generate new, affirming and generative images. Introduction The question I have been thinking about is how do people come to have conversations in groups that generate new, affirming and generative images of the group?
I have been experimenting with a form of appreciative inquiry (Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987) that I think can help create those kinds of conversations and lead to productive, developmental changes in teams. A "Best Team" Appreciative Inquiry I developed a form of appreciative inquiry that can be used in small groups. Education Levels Up! – A noObs guide to Gamifying your Classroom » MrDaley.com | MrDaley.com. A new way to manage classroom instruction is slowly creeping into the world of education: “Gamification“. Gamifying simply means turning the class content and the way students learn into a game with a rewards system, quests, experience levels, and healthy competition. Gamifying isn’t anything new; businesses and social websites have been using “gaming” to attract and keep users coming back for years now.
Here is a short list of groups already gaming: Facebook – Farmville! However, gaming is all around you all the time; you have been participating in games under your very nose! People dedicate hours everyday trying to promote themselves up these virtual scales and reach new levels. 1) Badges - These will be the rewards for completing tasks, doing homework, coming to class everyday, etc.These badges are easy and fun to make if you use a little imagination and your resources.
Each badge represents some sort of accomplishment. Here are a couple FREE online resources for editing your badges: Appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/uploads/IFN Appreciative Interview ver 1.1.pdf.