Laura McCain Reed
I'm in this life.
Affiliate Marketing. How to Resize Printables for your Happy Planner! - Planning Inspired. Wordpress. Cricut. Federal Social Media Accessibility Toolkit Hackpad. The following contains the shared document for the development of the Social Media Policy Toolkit, a shared service of the Federal Social Media Community of Practice lead by teams including The Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.
Royalty free music from Bensound. Beautiful, high-res photos of black and brown people. The Complete Psychonaut Field Manual: A Cartoon Guide to Chaos Magick. Archtraitor Bluefluke’s incredible Psychonaut Field Manual, a visual guide to getting started with chaos magick, collected in full for your delight and enlightenment!
The Psychonaut Field Manual, attached in whole below, is a comic book guide to chaos magick created by Bluefluke. It’s an incredible, concise piece of work, demonstrating how to use altered states of consciousness and flexible belief to achieve a greater experience of reality. Magick is one of the oldest pursuits of humanity. It was practiced in caves by tribal shamans, in early religions, and in secret by those who were persecuted by authorities from more organized religions.
It was practiced in covens and in secret societies. Of course, we think magick should be available to everybody, and liberating it is, of course, a primary concern of Ultraculture. These are truths that Archtraitor Bluefluke elegantly expresses in this comic book introduction to magick. Check out the comic below!
Science Node Searches. ITCO SocMed. HP Notebook Computer Battery Safety Recall and Replacement Program. Transcription Guidelines for Captioning – CaptionSync Support Center. Closed Captioning your files with CaptionSync allows you to submit your own verbatim transcript.
This article shows how to format it correctly. An accurate transcript is the basis from which CaptionSync generates captions. Following these guidelines ensures the transcript will work with our automated captioning process. Learn more about accuracy and quality results for various forms of transcription. In summary, pay attention to speaker IDs and parenthetical comments, scan the table of contents below and save your transcript as a UTF-8 .txt file.
Get the Ultimate List of Better-Paid Blogging Gigs. UbuWeb. A Writer's Community. Welcome to a new start.
With about two years of blogging under my belt, I have decided to take the small writer’s community with whom I have been blessed, and allow The Daily Post to supplement us with new writers. Each week you will find a new picture prompt to facilitate your writer’s juices. The prompt will have its copyright/ publication privileges easily posted. Please feel free to post the photo prompt and your classic works on your personal blog. Feel free to follow this blog by clicking the FOLLOW button in the sidebar, as well as my personal blog, It’s All in Finding the Right Words.
I am looking forward to meeting many, many more bloggings in the next years. Donna Downey Studios Inc. Image Protection - How to Prevent Image Theft. Home -> Articles -> Image Protection written by Greg Cope Protecting Images - Put plain and simple: the only way to protect your images from being downloaded or stolen off a web page is to not put them online in the first place.
While I put this fact out there as blunt as possible, there are several techniques we can use to make website downloads and image theft much harder. Of course, image theft can be defined in a number of ways, and its definition - and hence measures (if any) taken to prevent it - will depend upon the individual. The Marshall Project. Reverse Text Generator – Text Mechanic™ Leapforce Leapforce At Home Current Opportunities. Current Leapforce At Home Assignments Leapforce is experiencing unprecedented demand and growth for qualified home-based independent agents.
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Decoding Psychotic Delusions: The Push to Find Meaning in 'Mental Differences,' Not Mental Disability. Do psychotic symptoms like hallucinations have meaning, or are they just the products of a broken brain that misfires neurons?
For years, psychiatrists and psychologists have struggled with this issue, at times attempting to decode patients’ delusions and at other times using medicine, like antipsychotic drugs, to dismiss them. Now, patients with psychiatric and neurological conditions are finding a middle ground for themselves, studying their own symptoms and identifying the meaning behind them, while simultaneously addressing the problems posed by the disconnection between their own sensed experiences and those of others around them. In a recent New York Times feature, reporter Benedict Carey wrote about the case of Milt Greek, a computer programmer in Athens, Ohio, who manages a successful work and family life, despite living with schizophrenia and having a long history of delusions about meeting God and Jesus.
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