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Death. Professor Shelly Kagan, Clark Professor of Philosophy Description There is one thing I can be sure of: I am going to die.


But what am I to make of that fact? This course will examine a number of issues that arise once we begin to reflect on our mortality. Texts Plato, Phaedo John Perry, A Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilych Course Packet: Barnes, Julian. В кварталах дальних и печальных - Рыжий Борис. Сразу и вдруг Идея этого издания принадлежит театру «Мастерская П.Фоменко», перед тем в театре родился спектакль «Рыжий», а рождение спектакля было вызвано впечатлением, которое произвели на коллектив театра песни Сергея Никитина[2] на стихи Бориса Рыжего.

В кварталах дальних и печальных - Рыжий Борис

Сам Никитин за вечер общения с этой поэзией стал её пленником на годы. Похожее чуть раньше случилось с другим композитором-бардом — Андреем Крамаренко[3], у него тоже немедленно возникло неистребимое желание петь Бориса Рыжего и нести его поэзию в народные массы. Что ни говорите, этот неоднократно подтверждённый феномен скоростного пленения удивителен. Тот же механизм сработал со мной: стихи Рыжего, увиденные в «Кулисе» (было такое приложение к «Независимой газете»), стали родными прежде, чем я дочитал подборку до конца. Свидетельства можно множить. David Sedaris: A Big Family, at the Beach. In late May of this year, a few weeks shy of her fiftieth birthday, my youngest sister, Tiffany, committed suicide.

David Sedaris: A Big Family, at the Beach

She was living in a room in a beat-up house on the hard side of Somerville, Massachusetts, and had been dead, the coroner guessed, for at least five days before her door was battered down. I was given the news over a white courtesy phone while at the Dallas airport. Then, because my plane to Baton Rouge was boarding and I wasn’t sure what else to do, I got on it. The following morning, I boarded another plane, this one to Atlanta, and the day after that I flew to Nashville, thinking all the while about my ever-shrinking family. A person expects his parents to die. “Six kids!” There were a lot of big families in the neighborhood I grew up in.

Take those kids, double them, and subtract the cable TV: that’s what my parents had to deal with. I recalled a father and son I’d met in California a few years back. “There are,” the man said. That’s not fair, I remember thinking. Read 12 Short Stories From Nobel Prize-Winning Writer Alice Munro Free Online.

Calling her a “master of the contemporary short story,” the Swedish Academy awarded 82-year-old Alice Munro the Nobel Prize in Literature today.

Read 12 Short Stories From Nobel Prize-Winning Writer Alice Munro Free Online

It is well-deserved, and hard-earned (and comes not long after she announced her retirement from fiction). After 14 story collections, Munro has reached at least a couple generations of writers with her psychologically subtle stories about ordinary men and women in Huron County, Ontario, her birthplace and home. Only the 13th woman writer to win the Nobel, Munro has previously won the Man Booker Prize in 2009, the Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction in Canada three times (1968, 1978, and 1986), and two O.

Henry Awards (2006 and 2008). Her regional fiction draws as much from her Ontario surroundings as does the work of the very best so-called “regional” writers, and captivating interactions of character and landscape tend drive her work more so than intricate plotting. Why do I like to write short stories? The most beautiful death. Brave New World novelist Aldous Huxley was diagnosed with cancer in 1960, at which point his health slowly began to deteriorate.

The most beautiful death

On his deathbed in November of 1963, just as he was passing away, Aldous — a man who for many years had been fascinated with the effects of psychedelic drugs since being introduced to mescaline in 1953 — asked his wife Laura to administer him with LSD. She agreed. The following letter — an incredibly moving, detailed account of Aldous's last days — was written by Laura just days after her husband's death and sent to his older brother Julian. Transcript follows. 6233 Mulholland Highway Los Angeles 28, California December 8, 1963Dearest Julian and Juliette:There is so much I want to tell you about the last week of Aldous' life and particularly the last day.