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Arts Conference 2015

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Arts Integration Conference. Arts Integration and STEAM for Teaching. Create, Present and Share Engaging Multimedia Presentations. Buncee, The Perfect Tool for STEAM Education. Author's Corner. This page contains recordings and videos from authors and songwriters.

Author's Corner

Use them to teach, inspire and have fun. Check out our blog post! Michael Paraskevas has been drawing all his life and has had many illustration jobs for magazines and books all over the world. He illustrated 23 books with his mother Betty. The mother and son team went on to create three television series, one of which is Maggie and the Ferocious Beast for Nickelodeon. Author Reads Taffy Saltwater Taffy SaltwaterReadalong LessonIdeas Two time GRAMMY nominee Brady Rymer makes joyful, rootsy rock'n'roll for kids and families. Song - Just Say Hi Introduction to Brady Some Ideas Carole P.

Captain No Beard If You Were Me...Kenya Student Submission Here are some of other fantastic authors and lessons! Lois Bernzott Boccio Student Submission Student Submission Student Submission Student Submission. Arts Conference 2015. 14 Best Classical Music Tracks for Kids - Let's Play Music. When it comes to choosing classical music tracks for kids to listen to, people often don’t know where to start.

14 Best Classical Music Tracks for Kids - Let's Play Music

I have experimented with many tracks over the years and so come armed with plenty of suggestions that have been tried and tested and are guaranteed to go down well. Here is my definitive list of music that gets kids moving, good for background for crafting or to encourage creativity. If you’re after classical music tracks for kids in order to set a relaxed and calm environment, check out this playlist. This page contains affiliate links. Music has many wonderful uses and it can be chosen to fit any mood or activity. 14 Best Classical Music Tracks For Kids Click on the title of the song to download them! 1.Johann Strauss Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka Op. 214 Great for skipping around to, good for imaginative movement. 2.

An obvious choice for marching, banging on drums and pretending to be a soldier! 3. Who wouldn’t want to be a sugar plum fairy or march like a tin soldier!? ThePianoGuys. Arts Conference 2015. Arts Conference 2015. Marcia daft on Vimeo. Moving Through Math on Vimeo. Moving Through Math is an arts integrated math program for children ages 4-9.

Moving Through Math on Vimeo

Watch our videos to see how kids can see, hear, and even feel math concepts through integrating math instruction with music and dance. Children feel how patterns form the building Moving Through Math is an arts integrated math program for children ages 4-9. Watch our videos to see how kids can see, hear, and even feel math concepts through integrating math instruction with music and dance. Children feel how patterns form the building blocks of mathematical thinking, the building blocks of musical composition, and the building blocks of choreography in dance. Shout Box Channels are a simple, beautiful way to showcase and watch videos. Enlisting Students to Help with Artsonia. I am all about getting my students’ artwork safely (and relatively anonymously) out on my art room sites, social networks, and fundraising sites.

Enlisting Students to Help with Artsonia

But photographing, editing, and uploading can sometimes be a real time-vaccuum! Especially if you teach 600+ budding artists! Here is a solution to save you time by enlisting and empowering your students: Create an Upload Station! Whether you use iPads or cameras, an upload station will save you valuable time and do double-duty teaching your students some photography basics. I teach older students (4th grade and up) to photograph their own artwork, so I may edit and upload the images to my selected sites at a much more efficient pace.

When setting up my upload station, I considered the following obstacles: What if other students accidentally delete another person’s photo? How do you know whose artwork is whose? How do you fix weird angles or glare? Arts Conference 2015. Artsonia Teachers. Theinspiredclassroom. Flocabulary - Educational Hip-Hop. Connectivity Conference Summer 2015. Dance Your Way through STEAM. On Thursday, July 23rd, I have the honor of presenting again during Education Closet‘s summer Connectivity Conference.

Dance Your Way through STEAM

This is a conference I have presented at since it’s conception by my wonderful friend, Susan Riley. She has done such great work for teachers who strive to keep the arts and arts integration thriving in schools. My presentation is titled, “Dancing through STEAM.” The art of dance allows you to literally embody STEM concepts. Whether you are a trained professional or wall-flower, you can do this Pre-K through 12! Before I share a couple of examples, first let’s look at some dance concepts. For dance, I use BEST, an acronym that stands for Body, Energy, Space and Time. This is a popular video on our YouTube channel: Math Dances! Math Dances on YouTube Another example of a STEAM dance is this one my students created where they dance their way through the water cycle. Water Cycle on YouTube Printable resource with links from today’s presentation.

Studentreasures® The Helpful Art Teacher.