12″ Heart Quilt Block. I Heart Chevrons. Love Quilt. With a feeling of helplessness, sadness and horror over what happened at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, I went straight to where I find my comfort and happiness and that is to my sewing room. I think every quilter can relate to that do-something-mentality of needing to make a quilt, to give love through cotton and thread, to hug someone with a quilt. The Modern Quilt Guild has a great blog post about #QuiltsforPulse Charity Drive with the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild.
There are lots of great ideas and info on quilt blocks. For my own personal needs and desire, I wanted to create my own and I thought I’d share it. I made a pattern that could be used by guilds, clubs, or individuals. There are 49 heart blocks in the Love Quilt, one for each person who lost their life. The Love Quilt can also be used to just show love, and maybe it wants to be made for other loving purposes. This Love Quilt pattern is very basic and for quilters who know how to make quilt tops. Love Charm Throw Quilt. There are currently no images from other quilters. close Terms & Conditions You must enter into this Agreement if you want to submit digital images or other content to Prime Publishing through Sharing Customer Images (the "Service").
As used in this Agreement, "we" or "Prime Publishing" means Prime Publishing, LLC. and "you" means the individual or entity submitting materials to Prime Publishing. Any individual or entity that wants to use the Service must accept the terms of this Agreement without change. 1) Eligibility. 2) Definitions. 3) License Grant for Materials. 4) Removal of Materials. 5) License for Name, Trademarks and Likenesses. 6) Specifications and Guidelines. 7) Representations, Warranties and Indemnities. 8) Restrictions. 9) No Obligation. 10) Changes to Agreement. 11) Prime Publishing Intellectual Property. 12) Communications. 13) Waiver. 14) Disclaimer. 15) Miscellaneous.
Sharing Your Own Images Who can share images? You! What should I share? What shouldn't I share? Sweethearts. Hearts Throw. Happy Friday!! I hope you all had a good week! We have a lovely bundle of fabric to share with you today. Melanie from Mostly Crafty has made a fun project featuring this week's bundle. Be sure to scroll down for all the details! Strawberry Sunshine This week's bundle is a sweet mix of florals & berries in red, yellow, and pink! You'll receive 1 cut of each: Strawberry Festival Birds/Flowers Red - In the BeginningJust Color Sunshine - Studio EStrawberry Festival Small Flowers Red - In the BeginningPosy Garden Pink Geometric - Riley BlakePainter's Canvas Red - Michael MillerStrawberry Festival Berries Pink - In the BeginningDot Dot Dash Yellow Stripes - ModaStrawberry Festival Dot Red - In the Beginning I am loving this bundle!
You can also follow Melanie on Instagram where she is always sharing what she's working on! Now that we shared our fabric for the week, we want to see yours! Here is your chance to link up anything to do with fabric! Sweetheart Quilt. Heart Quilt. It's the perfect week to post this quilt. After I made my heart pillow, using this tutorial, I was contacted to make a baby size quilt. Of course I said yes, these hearts are really fun to make. And I still love the black and white. We made the hearts 8 inches finished. We used this polka dot (by Lotta Jansdotter) for the backing and black and white stripes for the binding. to add some interest my customer wanted one polka dot heart on the front. (that black fabric is tricky. Happy Valentines Day.
A sweetheart of a table runner. Patchwork Valentine Table Runner | Clever Little Mouse. I’d put off putting away my Christmas table runner until this weekend because my table looked so naked without it. I was sorting through fabric scraps Saturday morning and ran across a yard of pink fabric I bought last year to make Valentine’s Day placemats. A little more digging unearthed red and white scraps as well. A couple quick calculations in Excel and the idea for this Valentine table runner took shape! Supplies: 3/4 yard pink fabric (also used for the back of the table runner)1/3 yard white fabric1/4 yard red fabric1/2 yard fusible fleece Cut out: One rectangle 16″ wide by the width of the pink fabric for the back of the table runner60 2-1/2″ squares from the pink fabric5 2-7/8″ squares from the pink fabric60 2-1/2″ squares from the white fabric5 2-7/8″ squares from the white fabric24 2-1/2″ squares from the red fabric10 2-7/8″ squares from the red fabric A few tips before you begin: Ready?
1. Sew the remaining 2-1/2″ pink and white squares in pairs. Set two of the strips aside. 2. Hearts Galore. One table runner and 6 placemats Table runner 18″ x 48″ Placemats 12″ x 16″ Ingredients: 1 Layer cake: Always and Forever by Deb Strain 1 3/8 yard background, light fabric 7/8 yard binding Choose 11 Layer Cake squares you want to use for your hearts From your background fabric cut: 1 – 2 7/8″ x 45″ strip 1 – 4 1/2″ x 45″ strip 15 – 2 1/2″ strips From your 4 1/2″ x 45″ strip, cut 5 – 4 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ rectangles From your 2 7/8″ x 45″ strip cut 11- 2 7/8″ squares Take 6 of your 2 1/2″ x 45″ strips and cut 16 – 2 1/2″ squares from each strip.
Now take 4 more 2 1/2″ x 45″ strips. You will have 20, you will use 17 of them. Take 4 more 2 1/2″ x 45″ strips. You will have 12 strips and use all of them From your last 2 1/2″ x 45″ strip, cut 2 – 2 1/2″ x 14 1/2″ strips. You use both of these. Cut your layer cake square as shown Cut a 4 1/2″ strip Now from your strip cut one 4 1/2″ square one 2 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ rectangle one 2 7/8″ square from the other part of the layer cake cut two 2 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ rectangles Press open.
Heart Quilt Blocks. Hello! The other day I mentioned I was thinking of making a heart themed quilt. So I took a little time to play around with a few different designs to see if any of them really caught my interest... The first three blocks (pictured above) all finish at 6" x 6". I really love thepatchwork version; however, it would definitely take quite a bit longer to make an entire quilt using that style block even if I increased the size to 12" finished. The bottom block is from Alisson's terrific heart block tutorial which includes information for making several different size heart blocks. I'm kind of leaning toward the style of blocks pictured below, though. And then there is the question of whether I want to make the quilt in reds and pinks...or make it in soft florals so it can be used year round. Do you have a favorite heart-themed quilt or pattern? Thanks so much for stopping by! Love Within. Crazee Patch Heart Block. Lots of Love Block.
Today I am so excited to get share the block I designed for The Splendid Sampler. If you are visiting Happy Quilting for the first time from The Splendid Sampler , Welcome!!! I am so glad you popped in and hope you will come back often. I have so much fun sharing my passion for quilting here with lots of free tutorials, giveaways, fabric eye candy, finished projects and of course, lots of Happy Quilting goodness!! Each of the blocks in The Splendid Sampler have a story behind the design. I hope you get the chance to read each of the stories on the top of each block pattern ;) Quilts are so special because they have the ability to wrap someone in Love!! My block is a representation of the 6 people in my life that I always want to wrap up in Lots of Love. So now, let me share with you a few tidbits on how to make this block a little easier to piece ;) First off, when working with small pieces, it is always helpful to starch your fabrics before cutting them.
Heart Embers Quilt Block. There are currently no images from other quilters. close Terms & Conditions You must enter into this Agreement if you want to submit digital images or other content to Prime Publishing through Sharing Customer Images (the "Service"). As used in this Agreement, "we" or "Prime Publishing" means Prime Publishing, LLC. and "you" means the individual or entity submitting materials to Prime Publishing. Any individual or entity that wants to use the Service must accept the terms of this Agreement without change. BY CLICKING THE ACCEPT TERMS AND CONDITIONS BUTTON, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND ALL SPECIFICATIONS AND GUIDELINES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. 1) Eligibility. 2) Definitions. 3) License Grant for Materials. 4) Removal of Materials. 5) License for Name, Trademarks and Likenesses. 6) Specifications and Guidelines. 7) Representations, Warranties and Indemnities. 8) Restrictions. 9) No Obligation. 10) Changes to Agreement. 12) Communications. 13) Waiver.
You! Hearts Roundup. After seeing so many adorable heart quilts over the past couple of years I finally started my own this week. I have so many random sized pieces of reds and pinks that I’m ready to use up…so a heart quilt was calling my name. I’m making the 8″ finished blocks (tutorial here!). I figure if I make a handful each day I’ll have enough to make a nice big throw size without sashing within a week or two. If you ever make these big hearts remember to use this tip here….and make an extra scrap HST you can use later! Since we still have a month until Valentines day, here’s a quick roundup of my past heart projects/tutorials! Making Heart Blocks in Multiple Sizes I Heart You Free Mini Quilt Pattern Red Hearts Pillow Simple Heart Baby Quilt Bring on all the hearts.
Related I Heart You Free Mini Quilt Pattern My husband is a little anti-Valentines Day, and I on the other hand am allllll over it. January 21, 2016 In "Finished Quilts" All the Hearts Quilt Finished May 8, 2017 Finished Hearts. Heart Blocks in Multiple Sizes. I heard you! Or read your emails at least…so here’s some info on making those heart blocks in multiple sizes. The full heart quilt tutorial is here. To make each heart block (just the center heart portion) you need 2 print strips, 2 large background squares, and 4 small background squares. Here’s a table with the sizes and pieces to cut: Draw diagonal lines on the wrong side of each of your squares, place them on the print strips, sew along the lines, trim corners and press seams out (or open for the little squares), and sew the two sides together!
Easy as pie. Save Related Simple Heart Quilt For Heart Blocks in Multiple Sizes see this post! January 14, 2015 In "Tutorials" Churn Dash Block I knew I wouldn’t have time to make a real pattern with yardage requirements and everything…so this will have to do for now! October 8, 2013 Sweet n’ Sassy Baby Quilt This little quilt is so fun to make…not to mention a great scrap-buster. Sewing Hearts. Sewing hearts is fun and quick! I had a little fun sewing the past week or so. Not a lot but just small things that will mostly be gifted. These hearts are ready to be assembled into a mini wall hanging with some sashing. I had fun choosing the colors and fabric for these. Here is a little wall hanging or maybe even a little quilt to go on a table or just anywhere to add a little Valentine cheer. Another fun little sewing project that I made was this pink heart mug rug. Lastly I have this pink and red pincushion, also made with Pam Kitty Morning fabric, that I had fun making for a friend.
I think this will be the layout for these hearts. Have a great weekend and hope you have a Happy Valentines Day!! The following two tabs change content below. a grandma and mom who loves to sew, quilt, and learn new things. Big Love Quilt. We’re welcoming Nicole from Modern Handcraft to the Dear Stella blog today! She’s sharing an amazing tutorial for Valentine’s Day using our Mini Confetti Dots, and we’re obsessed.
There’s no better way to say “I love you” than by wrapping your valentine up in this quilt! And be sure to stick around until the end of this tutorial… We’re having a little giveaway! Hello! Nicole here from Modern Handcraft and I am going to share with you today how to make a quick throw-sized quilt perfect for Valentine’s Day. Big Love is a quilt that I made for myself last January and is a great beginner project since you are really just working with all half square triangles. The finished size of this quilt is 54″ x 62″. This quilt features some amazing fabrics from Dear Stella – Mini Confetti Dots and Zig Zags.
Materials needed: – Sewing machine & notions (thread, scissors, rotary cutter, cutting mat, straight pins, basting pins) – Quilt batting – Dear Stella fabrics: Zig Zags in Raspberry Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Encircled Love – Free Mini Quilt / Table Topper Pattern – Kittens & Threads. This year, I decided to participate in the Try Something New Every Month challenge hosted by Stephanie & Rebecca! You can read the details at Swoodson Says or Hugs Are Fun. The theme for January is Quilting! I decided to make this heart mini quilt / table topper (& free pattern!) This was my first time writing a pattern, spiral quilting, making my own bias tape, and binding a circle! I thought of this idea in bed one night and I had to write it down before I forgot!
Close up of my (slightly wiggly) spiral quilting! If you use the pattern, I’d love to see it! And if you have any questions or issues, please let me know at Kittensandthreads@gmail.com! Thanks! Longarm Machine QuiltedSquid. As much as I enjoy making big quilts, I absolutely LOVE mini quilts! The feeling of starting and finishing a project in just a few hours feels amazing. It's a great way to brush up on my quilting skills in between projects. A fun mini pattern to utilize a few of my favorite scrap pieces I've been hoarding for almost 10 years. I had sooo much fun with the pattern I needed a solid version.
I doubled and mirrored the original. Love is in the Air! FREE PATTERN from Janome – AQS OnPoint. Valentines and My list of "quilts to do!" Braid quilt and colour wheel (sort of!) / charm about you. I Heart You Free Mini Quilt Pattern. Sweetheart Table Topper Tutorial. Tiny Hearts Mini Quilt. Pieces from my Heart Mini. Filled With Love. Heart Quilt Block. Heart Block 2 - MSQ. Candy Hearts for Valentines Day. Sweethearts Mini Quilt Tutorial. Finish #19. Valentine Mini Tutorial… | quilt'n party. Sweetheart Table Runner. Paper hearts piano runner. Rainbow Heart Quilt. Hearts and Tarts. Pretty hearts. Heart to Heart. I Heart You Quilt + Tutorial. Tutorial Reboot: Valentine Heart Quilt Featuring Guest Blogger Christie Hurst. Starburst Jewel Series: Project 5.
100 Blocks Vol. 16 Blog Tour. Quilt for Pulse. All the Hearts Quilt Finished. Finished Hearts.