16 Clever Ways to Use Storage Cubes in Your Home. Make a Stunningly Beautiful Faux Marble Bowl with This Simple Technique. Keeping Your Disposal Up and Running. Bart Everson by Tip Hero David Glenn A garbage disposal can be a very handy thing.
It makes washing dishes and handling basic household tasks a whole lot easier, and you don’t have to worry about as much stinky trash. It’s important to keep your garbage disposal in good condition if you want it to work properly for years to come, however, so remember these tips to keep yours up and running with minimal issues. Have it Repaired When Issues Arise. How to Distinguish Between Good and Bad Batteries. YouTube If you don’t want to go through the hassle of putting batteries in your electronics to test them out, then you’ll want to try this easy trick to help tell whether a battery is still good or bad.
I was a little dubious at first so I took some batteries I knew were both good and bad and tested them using this trick to see how accurate it was. I was surprised to see that 85% of the time this trick worked in predicting whether a battery is good or bad. What’s the trick? Check out the video below to see an example: Curious about the science behind this? How to Easily Cut Glass Jars Using Water & Oil. Roman UrsuHack If you were a big fan of science projects in school, you are going to love this science project that you can do at home!
This cool trick actually lets you cut through glass without ever taking a blade or saw to the glass. Confusing, right? How is that even possible? Well, get ready, because we’re going to show you the trick below that cuts through glass using OIL. To pull off this incredibly cool project, you’ll need a few tools: YOU’LL NEED – Water – Oil (sunflower oil or motor oil) – Box Cutter Razor (or any piece of metal) – Glass Jar – Small Blowtorch – Metal Bowl – Pliers STEP 1: Fill the glass jar with water, as high as you would like the cut to be. It should be noted that the thicker the glass is, the larger the piece of hot metal should be. Also, be very careful throughout this whole process! How to Update Ugly Vertical Blinds in Your Home. EYSpace As far as window treatments go, bare blinds are probably the least appealing to the eye.
They’re a bit harsh and tacky looking, whereas curtains might soften the look of a room or painted-on treatments might make your decor seem fresher. Unfortunately, most likely because this is a universal truth, there are typically blinds pre-installed into most apartments and houses. If you’re sick of staring at ugly blinds and you want a change, you’re not alone! The video blogger behind Engineer Your Space, Isabelle Larue, is all about making changes to your home that you can do yourself, and that counts fixing up unsightly blinds. Isabelle hated the look of her own vertical blinds, but she needed to keep them in the kitchen, where they block blinding sunlight from sneaking in. Luckily, she was kind enough to share the entire process on this EYSpace video so that anyone in this situation can update their windows the same way she did hers. 1/4″ Wood DowelPins.
19 Unexpected Ways to Use Hair Conditioner. Mike Mozart via Flickr Conditioner: It’s the key to long, strong, and healthy hair, but did you know that it’s capable of doing more than softening your locks?
Believe it or not, this moisture-packed cream can help accomplish a lot around the house! From preserving the life of your tools to keeping your clothing soft, here are 19 examples of what this miracle moisturizer can do. It removes waterproof eye makeupSlather it on just like cold cream or coconut oil. It effectively gets rid of caked-on mascara and, best of all, won’t irritate the eyes! How to Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs in One Easy Step.
Knowmore If you love making your famous egg salad around springtime just like I do, then good news, because we have a BRILLIANT time-saving tip to share with you today!
Believe me, this will make peeling those rounds guys so much easier. It requires just one pot and will leave you with absolutely no annoying crusty pieces under your fingernails. What more could you want?! The host of today’s video, the dashing Chef James Tahhan, starts off by explaining that removing the shell from hard boiled eggs doesn’t have to be a laborious process. For this technique, you will need just three things: a hard-boiled egg (the chef uses just one for his demonstration), a pot with a lid, and a bit of water. Take your freshly hard-boiled egg and place it in a small pot that contains about an inch or so of water. These 20 Messes Are No Match for the Magic Eraser. Tip Hero.