101 Sources Of Start Up Information. Enterprise Flyer Web. Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies. Undergraduate » Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies. The Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies discovery modules (delivered as part of the University’s Enterprise & Innovation discovery theme1) are designed to help you to enhance many of the non-subject specific, transferrable skills that top employers are seeking in graduates.
For example: Organisation & Planning – Adaptability – Team working – Leadership – Communication skills – Networking – Creative thinking – Negotiation – Innovative ideas – Enterprise skills To see how the Enterprise & Innovation modules can link together, download a module map here2. Discovery modules 2016/17 Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Society Enterprise & Management Within these streams, modules are offered at three levels; please use the menu on the left to see the modules in each level. LUBS modules 2016/17 LUBS1890 Starting Your Own Business19 (Semester 1) At a time when competition for jobs is intense, developing such skills is one way to gain an advantage in the employment market. 1.
Business support on the phone and online. Set up a business. There are rules you must follow when setting up a business.
You can also get help and support. Register your business Most businesses register as a sole trader, limited company or ‘ordinary’ partnership. Sole traders. Setting up. Home. Main Body Text The Business and IP Centre Leeds is a one-stop source for all your business and intellectual property needs.
We draw on a wide range of resources and have extensive experience in dealing with business and intellectual property enquiries. We are members of the Europe-wide PATLIB network, the British Library's Business & IP Centre network, and work closely with the West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and other partners. Business InformationWhether you are taking your first steps in setting up in business, targeting new customers, increasing your knowledge of competitors or looking for new partners or markets we have a wealth of information at our fingertips.
Starting a business. Resources Within the centre you will find an extensive collection of resources covering business start-up, marketing, intellectual property, employment law and health and safety.
Many of these resources are available to loan. In addition a collection of e-books is also available to borrow for a range of devices through Leeds Library services. Business management. Small Business - start. run. grow. succeed. - Small Business. - The National Enterprise Network. Small business advice, business ideas for UK start-ups.
Learn How to Start Your Own Business. Starting a business? Shell LiveWIRE UK can help with free business advice and funding for start-ups in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. NatWest Business Banking. Boost your Business. Startup and SME business banking. Business Banking. Account services. CONNECT Yorkshire helps businesses in Yorkshire and the Humber get the funding and expertise they need.
Young Enterprise: Empowering young people to learn, to work, to live. Self employment factsheet. The Prince's Trust. Our Enterprise programme, which equips 18 to 30-year-olds with the tools, skills and confidence to become their own boss, matches you with an experienced mentor to test and plan your ideas.
You can ask them anything, and they'll share useful advice and guidance - even on sustainability. As a small business, reducing your environmental impact can help you to reduce your costs, run a more efficient business and appeal to a consumer market that is ‘going green’. You also have a legal responsibility for the impact your business has on the environment, so read on to find out how you can make your business more eco-friendly. Reduce your carbon footprint: Work out the size of your carbon footprint by calculating how much you spend on travel and utilities like gas and electricity. You can then use this to spot ways to reduce the amounts you use. Welcome to the Action for Blind People website » Action For Blind People. Being Self Employed. 10 Tips for Starting a Creative Business – MAIA Creatives.
Sitting at your laptop daydreaming about starting your own creative business, perhaps as an artist, performer or creative agency?
An innate desire to make a career out of your creativity? The good news is: there’s never been a more accessible, interconnected time in history, which makes starting a business that much easier in this entrepreneurial generation. Here are 10 tips to launch your creative business: Study. Refine your craft. Focus. Attitude. Internet. Like this: Like Loading... What I learned from starting a creative business. .....Leeds Libraries & Information Services - Athena. .....Leeds Libraries & Information Services - Athena. Home page Athena Business Indexes Search The Leeds Business Indexes The Leeds Business Indexes, compiled and maintained by Leeds Library and Information Service, are a series of indexes which contain annotated references to sources of information on: companies and markets the local and national economies business, industry, and employment issues We are paying particular attention to material on local companies and the major sectors of the local economy, such as engineering, chemicals, printing, retailing, food and drink, the service sector, the digital industries, and financial services.
It is hoped that those researching the history of a company, for example, will find the database to be an invaluable tool, as will those needing to locate more current information. We also hope that job seekers preparing for interviews will find the database to be particularly useful. Please bear in mind that these are references to resources rather than the full texts of the resources themselves. Journals. Sources of Information Princes Trust. VentureNavigator - Online business support. Home - SimVenture. 12purch. 13negotn. 27recrt.