Free Printable Alphabet Cards. 2 sets of free PDF with 26 printable alphabet cards in upper case and lower case, colored or black & white.
Each card is about 2 x 2 inch. Simply print, cut and use for anything you like. Play games with them, learn spelling or even use them in your craft projects or scrapbooks. Color Alphabet Cards 2 x 2 inch size cards, alphabet in upper case letters A – Z in colors Download the alphabet cards (PDF 36 Kb, 2 pages) 2 x 2 inch size cards, lower case alphabet a – z in colors Download the alphabet cards (PDF 35 Kb, 2 pages) Black Alphabet Cards 2 x 2 inch size cards, upper case alphabet A – Z in black Download the alphabet cards (PDF 35 Kb, 2 pages) 2 x 2 inch size cards, lower case alphabet a – z in black Download the alphabet cards (PDF 35 Kb, 2 pages) Tips Try printing them on card stock paper if you’re going to use them repeatedly.
Free Printable Alphabet Flash Cards. Play and learn ABCs with these free printable alphabet flash cards.
This set includes 26 flash cards with our lovely original illustrations in high resolution PDF format. Simple to download and print on a PC or Mac. Each page has 4 cards and the last page has a template for the wallet to keep all your alphabet flash cards together. Tips Try printing them on card stock paper as they feel nicer to handle and survive longer after repeated use.
Remember to select the correct page number you wish to print, or select ‘print all’ if you’ve loaded all 7 sheets of papers ready to go! Cut them out with scissors or a craft knife and ruler (yes, they have rounded corners and you may ignore them if it’s too fiddly but we think they look better and feel friendlier to the little fingers.) Print them as many times as you want – reprint them if they are worn out or you want to decorate your girl’s or boy’s room with them, or if you think the set will make a nice present for someone. Enjoy! ABC card. Thank you Grace for letting me spend the week here! For my last post I decided to make an ABC birthday card with a PDF you can download and make yourself. We have a birthday tradition in our family we’ve been doing since we were kids. We go around the dinner table and each person takes a letter of the alphabet, and we say something nice about the birthday girl/boy. A is for Artistic! B is for the Beautiful!
My family is now scattered across the country. To get started: Download the PDF which includes all 26 letters. Printable ABC Flash Cards. Printable ABC Flash Cards are a great way to help you kids learn their alphabet letters. Use them as traditional flash cards to learn ABC’s, create a book with them or even us them for fun memory games. Avery just started kindergarten, and while she can say her ABC’s and knows most of the sounds she had trouble with the letter identification test at school. That meant it was time to start studying her ABC’s here at home. This was just a simple test where the teacher points at the letters and the student is supposed to say there names. Alphabet flash cards had been one of my favorites as a kid and I thought they would be perfect for practicing for this test.
Our free printable ABC flash card set come with all the letters of the alphabet, A – Z. This download comes as either an easy print PDF or a zip file with individual PNG files saved for each letter. To create your own ABC flash cards you will need to download our file. Download the ABC Flash Cards Easy Print PDF Related posts: