FRENCH FIASCO AND PAKISTAN BASHING! When Pakistan foreign office spokesperson was asked during his weekly briefing on 29 March that ‘according to some international media reports, there are 150-200 French who are getting training in North Waziristan’, he replied: “Please don’t pay attention to such far-fetched media reports.”
Unfortunately some elements of our national media promptly pick up such leads from their foreign counterparts and set out to make a mount out of the mole. Contrary to the negative reports appearing in foreign media, a large number of fighters, including those from western counties, have either been killed or have surrendered. Finding the noose tightening, most of the surviving ones have gone back to their countries of origin. Western media’s campaign has dubious objectives to malign Pakistan for providing sanctuaries to foreign fighters. It is a typical example of self denial regarding homegrown problems of radicalization confronted by the European countries. Rating: 9.7/ (3 votes cast) Mohammed Merah toujours retranché dans son appartement toulousain. Partager Mohamed Merah.
Le nom de l'auteur présumé des tueries de Montauban et de Toulouse, suspecté d'avoir assassiné sept personnes entre le 11 et le 19 mars, a résonné toute la journée du mercredi 21 mars, alors que les forces de l'ordre ont engagé des négociations avec le jeune homme de 23 ans, retranché chez lui. FTVi revient sur une affaire qui a bouleversé les Français. • Quels sont les faits reprochés à Mohamed Merah ? L'homme de 23 ans est suspecté d'être l'auteur des fusillades perpétrées à Toulouse et à Montauban, lesquelles ont fait sept morts entre le 11 et le 15 mars. - Les meurtres de trois militaires.
Quatre jours plus tard, deux autres militaires du 17e Régiment de génie parachutiste de Montauban, Abel Chennouf, 25 ans, et Mohamed Legouade, 23 ans, sont abattus en pleine rue. Vendredi, les deux enquêtes sont regroupées en raison de leur similitude. . - Les meurtres de quatre personnes juives dont trois enfants. . • Comment le suspect a-t-il été identifié ? Enquête en bas débit. L'identification du terroriste au scooter a été très rapide, selon certains.
La chronologie que nous avons reconstituée montre qu'elle aurait pu intervenir plus rapidement. En cause, le délai très long avec lequel les adresses IP en relation avec le premier assassinat ont été demandées et obtenues. Des sources policières confirment l'existence, dans cette affaire, d'un délai inhabituel pour une opération de cette nature. Interrogé sur RTL sur le point de savoir si on aurait pu identifier le terroriste au scooter plus tôt, et donc empêcher la tuerie dans l’école juive de ce lundi – quatre victimes, dont trois enfants -, Gérard Longuet, ministre de la défense, a répondu “je ne pense pas, sauf à transformer la France en Etat policier“. Et d’ajouter : French Close In on Gunman. A stand-off in Toulouse: Murders in Midi-Pyrénees.
EVEN after a siege lasting over 24 hours, in which a heavily armed elite police squad have surrounded his house in Toulouse, Mohammed Merah, who is suspected of killing four adults and three children in a series of terror attacks in south-west France, remains holed up.
This after days of drama, terror and national mourning that rocked the country and—temporarily—put its presidential-election campaign on hold. The 23-year-old French national, who is of Algerian origin, is suspected of a multiple killing spree, fleeing each time aboard a motor scooter. Last week three paratroopers were shot dead (one in Toulouse, two others in nearby Montauban) and a fourth was seriously injured. All the dead were of north African origin. Two came from the 17th engineering parachute regiment that has served in Afghanistan. In France's biggest manhunt in living memory, anti-terrorist police have been sent from Paris and thousands of policemen put on the case. Details are slowly emerging about Mr Merah. The lone wolf killer: Merah fits new al-... JPost - International.
Alleged photo of Mohamed Merah from French TV.
Photo: REUTERS/France 2 Television In light of the information now emerging from France, it seems the man suspected of being behind the rampage of murder in Toulouse, Mohamed Merah, made a decision to embark on a one-man jihad campaign close to home. By doing so, he acted in line with instructions that have been broadcast on the Internet by al-Qaida ideologues over recent years.