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10 outils de curation de contenu à utiliser en 2020. How should a news curation team work? June 13, 2012 by Steve Buttry Mandy Jenkins and I are making plans to hire and launch a curation team for Digital First Media. If you wonder what a curation team is, don’t bother to apply. If you wonder what a curation team could be, and have some ideas, we want to hear from you. Mandy, who will supervise the curation team, has a draft of a job description that will be included with the official job postings for a curation team leader and two curation editors. So here’s an invitation to journalists interested in curating for Digital First (or those interested in contributing to a broader conversation about curation): Tell us how you think a national journalism curation team should work: How should we provide curation around big national stories, where primary coverage will be handled either by our staffs or by our content partners? We look forward to reading your thoughts on curation.

Some links that might help in your consideration: Aggregation guidelines: Link, attribute, add value. 5 Content Curation Secrets ScentTrail Marketing. 20 best-kept secrets for finding content to share. Curation techniques, types and tips. News curators must collect, summarize, make sense, add value, attribute, link, intrigue and entice. Digital First Media announced today that Julie Westfall will lead our curation team, joined by Angi Carter and Karen Workman. I am delighted with our selections for this team and look forward to working with them as they explore and demonstrate what a news curation team should be.

Mandy Jenkins introduces the candidates in her blog. Here I will discuss our expectations for those team members as well as for other Digital First journalists who will curate local content. Successful curation will make sense on its own if you don’t click through to any of the content you are curating, but will entice many people to click through and read or watch more. Finding and presenting the collected content is important, but effective curation boosts the experience of each of the pieces by presenting multiple pieces in a context that enhances your understanding of each piece.

Link and attribute Summarize. Intel's multi-million dollar "Creators Project' - can great curation build brands? I recently attended The Creators Project in San Francisco, a globe-roaming two day free event that celebrates an eclectic mix of avant-garde music and arts installations, and attracted tens of thousands of people. It could have easily been re-named "The Curators Project" because of the superb collection of bands, artists, installations, and even food trucks -- all carefully selected by a small team of curators.

The event is produced as a partnership between Intel and Vice Media. I spoke with David Haroldsen, (above) Intel's Creative Director for the project. Here are some of my notes: -The Creators Project is completely funded by Intel. The budget is not disclosed but it is in the "multi-millions" of dollars. - Intel is committed to keeping The Creators Project going. . - Intel had been watching the rise of Vice Media for some time before approaching it with an offer to partner on producing the Creators Project events. One of the interactive art installations at The Creators Project. Rédaction, blogues et curation. J'ai eu le privilège de donner une conférence/formation à près de 70 bibliothécaires, archivistes et agents de recherche de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) à la mi-février 2012. Il s'agit d'un condensé, voire d'un ersatz de trois heures d'une formation pratique de 12 heures que je donne chez Technologia: Atelier de rédaction Web.

Voici donc ma présentation à partir de SlideShare. Contrairement à toutes les autres, on ne peut pas la télécharger. Par contre, on peut l'intégrer facilement comme ci-dessous. Bien entendu, il manque la partie orale "in-vivo" qui fait toujours cruellement défaut à ce type de présentation... Enfin, les pages du cahier auquel je fais référence dans certaines diapos ne sont pas disponibles; le cahier en question est réservé exclusivement aux participants.

B an q_redacweb_pleroux View more presentations from Patrice Leroux/FEP/Université de Montréal J'espère que ma conférence aura donné le goût de lancer un blogue. Merci de votre lecture ! Social Media Influencers’ 5Ws For Content Curation. Le Guide de la Curation (1) - Les concepts. 01net le 14/03/11 à 16h00 Etymologie La pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditorialiser et partager du contenu a été baptisée par les Américains curation ou Content Curation, par analogie avec la mission du curator, le commissaire d’exposition chargé de sélectionner des œuvres d’art et de les mettre en valeur pour une exposition. Les termes curation et curator prennent leurs racines étymologiques dans le latin cura, le soin. Ils n’ont pas d’équivalent en français, nous les utiliserons ici dans leur contexte anglais (curation en français désigne le traitement d’une maladie).

Le terme curation est apparu en France fin 2010. Historique La curation est la convergence des deux principales activités sur internet : la recherche et le partage. Elle est indissociable de la culture du partage, dont elle est l’héritière. Parallèlement, le volume d’informations n’a cessé de croître. Mais avant que le terme curation ne consacre l’usage, il y a eu quelques tentatives de coller une étiquette. Learning Professionals and Their Roles as Curators.

In my first post for Learning Circuits, I explored how I use Twitter as a professional development tool. Over the past two weeks, we've looked at Filtering: A Challenge and Responsibility for Learning Professionals, and Curation: A Core Competency for Learning Professionals. In this closing post in my Learning Circuits series, I want to dig into curation in greater detail, describing what role technology plays in the curation workflow, and what it looks like for learning. Who Qualifies as a Curator? Part of the reason curation is such a popular term right now is that the definition of curation has been changed by technology. Years ago 'curation' was a specialized field that was found only in places like museums, performed by individuals who have studied their field and the techniques of curation for years. The definition of curator has expanded in recent years, largely in line with the expansion of social media technologies. Automated Curation: Can a Computer be a Curator?

L’influence dans les médias sociaux : Les 10 étapes de la curation de contenus. On l’a vu dans le billet précédent : Comment dénicher les contenus les plus pertinents pour son réseau, le principal défi des professionnels et des entreprises dans les médias sociaux sera de se démarquer pour s’imposer comme leader de son secteur. Il leur faudra donc trouver les meilleures sources de contenus, s’en inspirer pour en créer de nouveaux, et partager l’ensemble via les plateformes sociales les plus populaires auprès de leur clientèle.

L’orientation de la recherche, pour dénicher les sources de contenus les plus pertinents, devra d’abord reposer sur les attentes de leurs lecteurs, et s’adapter en conséquences. D’un professionnel ou d’un entrepreneur à l’autre, les étapes varieront. Il ne peut donc pas y avoir de formule-miracle, et chaque professionnel du Web devra déterminer la sienne en fonction de ses propres objectifs stratégiques. 10 sources de contenus pour animer sa présence sociale 1 – Abonnements newsletter (email) 7 – Sites de partage de signets (bookmarking) The Seven Needs of Real-Time Curators.

I keep hearing people throw around the word “curation” at various conferences, most recently at SXSW. The thing is most of the time when I dig into what they are saying they usually have no clue about what curation really is or how it could be applied to the real-time world. So, over the past few months I’ve been talking to tons of entrepreneurs about the tools that curators actually need and I’ve identified seven things. First, who does curation? Bloggers, of course, but blogging is curation for Web 1.0. Look at this post here, I can link to Tweets, and point out good ones, right? But NONE of the real time tools/systems like Google Buzz, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, give curators the tools that they need to do their work efficiently. As you read these things they were ordered (curated) in this order for a reason. This is a guide for how we can build “info molecules” that have a lot more value than the atomic world we live in now.

A curator is an information chemist. 1. 2. 3. 4. Content Curation vs. Content Creation: Finding the Right Combination « Content marketing is powerful, but with blogging, article marketing, content curation and more, there are tons of options to consider. How do you know what’s right for your business? The biggest choice in content marketing is content curation versus content creation. Many successful businesses depend completely on one model or the other, but most use a mix. Why? Because content curation and content creation have vastly different goals. Step 1: Determine Your Content Marketing Goals Curating content is all about becoming a trustworthy, reliable resource of high-quality, cutting-edge information that your readers and customers can depend on.

Creating content is about becoming a thought leader and demonstrating your expertise and authority. Think about your content marketing goals for a minute. Of course every business wants to combine the goals stated above and be perceived as a trustworthy, reliable, expert thought leader ─ and the best businesses are all those things. Success Story. Curation et community management - curateur et community manager : quel rapports - Les z'edLes z'ed. Peut-être avez-vous lu l’article du dossier sur la curation dans Documentaliste Sciences de l’information de mars 2012 ?

Comme je l’expliquai voici quelques minutes sur dans dossier Curation de Documentaliste Sciences de l’information ce n’est que l’extrait d’un article plus long que voici. Si pour l’année 2010, le buzzword était community manager, celui de 2011, fut le terme de curateur. Aussi, il me semblait intéressant en préambule de voir sur Google Trend la comparaison des termes Community manager et Curator… Je ne m’attendais pas à ce résultat au niveau des recherches qui confirment pourtant en partie mes prévisions, même si le terme curator est employé dans d’autres sens, on prend vite conscience que ces deux métiers sont à la croisée de leur chemin.

Le community manager est en perte de vitesse alors que le curator explose. La seconde recherche : community management – curation est certainement plus proche de la réalité « métier ». Curateur, content curator…