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China Cultural attitudes. Written for: International Animal Law Conference, April 2-4 2004, San Diego Attorney and Professor Law of Science and Technology Institute University of Science and Technology of China Visiting Scholar Michigan State University College of Law, 2003 1. Animals’ place in humans’ mind 2. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.1.5. 2.1.6. 2.1.7. 2.1.8. 2.1.9. 2.1.10. 2.2. 3. 3.1. 3.2.

China has a long history and it is one of the four greatest ancient civilizations. As we all know, human being is also one kind of animals, but it has evolved into the advanced animal with the ability to remould nature and to think. Totem worship, one traditional custom, had once prevailed all over the world. Since ancient times, Chinese have generally agreed that animals are humans’ tools and properties. Buddhists are kindhearted and against killing the living. As the above mentioned, it is inevitable for animals to be taken as human food, yet many Chinese even regard wild animals as valuable delicious food. Cheltenham Festival 2012: BHA to launch full inquiry after death toll reaches five.

RSPCA 'very concerned' about horse deaths at Cheltenham Festival | Sport. Court Red Handed emerged unscathed after this fall at the Cheltenham Festival but the RSPCA have raised concerns about the five deaths at the track this week. Photograph: Stefan Wermuth/REUTERS The RSPCA has described itself as "very concerned and upset" by the deaths of five racehorses during the first two days of the Cheltenham Festival. In a statement issued on Thursday morning, its equine consultant, David Muir, said the deaths showed "the unacceptable face of horse racing", while another RSPCA spokesman expressed continuing concern about whip use by jockeys. "Any death on any racecourse simply cannot be justified," Muir said.

Scotsirish, Garde Champetre and Featherbed Lane fractured legs while running between obstacles, while Abergavenny and Educated Evans broke legs when falling. The racing surface at the Festival has been faster than usual, following months of freakishly dry weather. Five horses killed in just two days racing at Cheltenham. Animal Charity - Rescue Dogs, Cats, Pets, Horses - Prevent Cruelty - Animal Laws. Animal Laws In the UK, most Laws in relation to the treatment of animals can be related back to the Protection of Animals Act 1911.

This Act makes it an offence to subject an animal to unnecessary suffering and was one of the first moves to ensure the welfare of animals. With the advancement of Veterinary Science, the Veterinary Surgeon's Act 1966 defines specifically who can and cannot give treatment to an animal. The Treatment of Animals in the UK Where animals are concerned there is no such thing as an Alternative therapy. Q - Who can diagnose an animal? Q - Who can prescribe treatment for an animal? Humans can make choices In the field of human medicine there ARE "alternative therapies". Animals have no choice - they rely on you However, if you own an animal that is sick and you choose to do nothing about it and the animal suffers unnecessarily or dies you will (or should) be prosecuted under the Protection of Animals Act. Who CAN give treatment to an animal? Alternatively...

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