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Interesting B film which focuses on psychopathic killer well-portrayed against type by Frank Sinatra. " - noir expert Spencer Selby | Cast: Frank Sinatra, Sterling Hayden, James Gleason, Nancy Gates. 77 min. favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 41 reviews ) Topics: crime, drama, Frank Sinatra, Sterling Hayden, James Gleason, Nancy Gates, Kim Charney by Sam Spiegel favorite 253 comment 14 Set Connecticut after World War II, The Stranger is a cat and mouse game between Wilson (Edward G. By Leo C. Favorite 366 comment 56 D.O.A. (1950) is a film noir drama film directed by Rudolph Maté, considered a classic of the stylistic genre. By Fritz Lang, Walter Wanger favorite 217 comment 31 German director Fritz Lang is best known for the highly influential films from relatively early in his career, especially Metropolis (1927) and M (1931).
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DocuWatch. Ited Nations Global Issues - Home. Africa As the world’s only truly universal global organization, the United Nations has become the foremost forum to address issues that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone.
To its initial goals of safeguarding peace, protecting human rights, establishing the framework for international justice and promoting economic and social progress, in the six and a half decades since its creation the United Nations has added on new challenges, such as climate change, international terrorism and AIDS. While conflict resolution and peacekeeping continue to be among its most visible efforts, the UN, along with its specialized agencies, is also engaged in a wide array of activities to improve people’s lives around the world – from disaster relief, through education and advancement of women, to peaceful uses of atomic energy. This website offers an overview of some of these global issues, and links to other resources where you can get additional information.
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