CEI-2015-rev.pdf#__utma=149406063.1664002850.1431959444.1431973393.1432678086.3&__utmb=149406063.7.10.1432678086&__utmc=149406063&__utmx=-&__utmz=149406063.1431973393.2.2. ED335262.pdf. The Largest Affirmative Action Program in American Higher Education. Affirmative Action for the Rich: Legacy Preferences in College Admissions.
Richard D. Kahlenberg, ed. New York: Century Foundation Press, 2010. While the practice of race-based affirmative action in higher education has been extensively debated, a larger and older form of preferential admissions treatment has received remarkably scant attention. Crenshaw-Demarginalizing.pdf. 1.5 Million Female Wal-Mart Employees Lose Historic Sex Discrimination Case Before Supreme Court. This is a rush transcript.
Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: In a unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has dismissed the largest class action lawsuit in history. The case involves one-and-a-half million current and former female employees of Wal-Mart who filed suit in 2001 saying they were allegedly paid less and promoted less often than their male counterparts.
The Court found women who worked at Wal-Mart did not have enough in common to constitute a "class" in a class action suit. Incredibly Detailed Map Shows Race, Segregation Across America In Beautiful Color (PHOTOS) Segregation as pointillism?
Using data gleaned from the 2010 U.S. Census, Dustin Cable at the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service has created what might be the most comprehensive color-coded map of racial segregation in America. Made up of 308,745,538 colored dots representing five major ethnic groups, Cable's map is vivid, highly detailed and oddly beautiful.
While it isn't the first map to show racial segregation, nor is it the first to map each citizen in the U.S. -- it is the first to do both, according to Wired. For the purposes of his map, Cable chose blue dots to represent white people, green dots for African-Americans, red dots for Asians and orange dots for Latinos. (Story continues below.) Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice. Created-equal.pdf. Fd_Felony Disenfranchisement Primer. Windsor v. United States. Whether the Defense of Marriage Act violates equal protection by denying married gay couples recognition under federal law.
On June 26, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that section three of the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA) is unconstitutional and that the federal government cannot discriminate against married lesbian and gay couples for the purposes of determining federal benefits and protections. Why are white people expats when the rest of us are immigrants?
In the lexicon of human migration there are still hierarchical words, created with the purpose of putting white people above everyone else.
One of those remnants is the word “expat”. What is an expat? And who is an expat? According to Wikipedia, “an expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of the person’s upbringing. The word comes from the Latin terms ex (‘out of’) and patria (‘country, fatherland’)”. Defined that way, you should expect that any person going to work outside of his or her country for a period of time would be an expat, regardless of his skin colour or country. Drstevenjonesjan2013parents-community-slides. WPC_Steven_Jones_Handouts. Taylor. A learning model for becoming interculturally competent. Edward W.
Taylor Antioch University-Seattle USA Available online 19 July 2002 Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Check access Get rights and content The world is becoming increasingly interdependent with nation states struggling to work together and share limited resources.
Unmasking 'racial micro aggressions': Some racism is so subtle that neither victim nor perpetrator may entirely understand what is going on. Two colleagues—one Asian-American, the other African-American—board a small plane.
A flight attendant tells them they can sit anywhere, so they choose seats near the front of the plane and across the aisle from each another so they can talk. At the last minute, three white men enter the plane and take the seats in front of them. Just before takeoff, the flight attendant, who is white, asks the two colleagues if they would mind moving to the back of the plane to better balance the plane's load. Both react with anger, sharing the same sense that they are being singled out to symbolically "sit at the back of the bus. " When they express these feelings to the attendant, she indignantly denies the charge, saying she was merely trying to ensure the flight's safety and give the two some privacy.
Were the colleagues being overly sensitive, or was the flight attendant being racist? In other words, she was acting with bias—she just didn't know it, he says. Aversive racism. Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life. Belief in God Supports Prejudice Against Gays and Atheists. Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released. Take a Test. Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition - thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control.
The goal of the organization is to educate the public about hidden biases and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the Internet. Project Implicit was founded in 1998 by three scientists – Tony Greenwald (University of Washington), Mahzarin Banaji (Harvard University), and Brian Nosek (University of Virginia). Project Implicit Mental Health launched in 2011, led by Bethany Teachman (University of Virginia) and Matt Nock (Harvard University). Project Implicit also provides consulting services, lectures, and workshops on implicit bias, diversity and inclusion, leadership, applying science to practice, and innovation.
If you are interested in finding out more about these services, visit For more information about the Project Implicit research group, see. Emory Bogardus and the Origins of the Social Distance Scale. This article provides some history of sociology by focusing on the origins of the Bogardus Social Distance Scale.
The scale was developed by Emory Bogardus in 1924 and is still widely used in measuring prejudice. It has been translated into several languages, and used in many countries in measuring attitudes toward a variety of groups. The authors use primary and secondary data, including an interview with one of Bogardus’s colleagues, Thomas Lasswell, and the Bogardus archive at the University of Southern California. In 2014, Latinos will surpass whites as largest racial/ethnic group in California. 22 Maps That Show The Deepest Linguistic Conflicts In America. In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto (9780143114963): Michael Pollan: Books. Article__Mapping_the_Margins_by_Kimblere_Crenshaw.pdf. Fd_State_Level_Estimates_of_Felon_Disen_2010.pdf.
Unauthorized Immigrants: 11.1 Million in 2011. State of Metropolitan America Indicator Map. Statistics on Religion in America Report.