Alan Peat Limited - Helping Able Writers at KS2 - Enrichment Strategies. Home » FREE Resources » Helping Able Writers at KS2 : Enrichment Strategies All young writers need a broad range of writing opportunities .
A consideration of enrichment strategies (methods of widening the writing experience / increasing the opportunities for writing) will help to ensure that writing activities are as richly varied as they should be. This will also help to counter a diet of 'more of the same' which will merely ensure that able pupils are kept busy ; a far less beneficial situation than being actively and enthusiastically engaged in the writing process. Enrichment opportunities are manifold ; in this essay strategies, which have proved successful to the author, will be explored. Alan Peat Limited - Writing Exciting Sentences: BOYS. LINKING ALAN PEAT SENTENCE TYPES AND LEVELS. When I wrote the ‘Exciting Sentences’ book in 2008 I had hoped for, but certainly didn’t expect, such an overwhelmingly positive response.
The approach is a simple one: if you give a sentence type a name (such as ’2A sentences’ = 2 adjectives before a noun) and all staff use the same name then pupils will quickly develop a vocabulary which helps them to analyse sentences in the writing of others AND use a broader range in their own writing. Feedback with regard to the impact of this idea has been forthcoming from schools as close to home as Stoke on Trent and as far away as New Zealand. Participants at my UK conferences do, however, often ask about the level at which sentences are taught and so, rather than wait until the new sentences book is published in 2013, here are the levels at which I’d INTRODUCE the sentence types.
I’ve maintained the same order as the book for ease of use. Alan Peat Limited - FREE resources.