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Rhea Mehta

Rhea holds a PhD in Molecular Toxicology and Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor’s in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Waterloo with over 15 scientific publications. She’s the founder of Living Rhea, a scientific wellness consultancy with services including 1-on-1 health coaching (Institute for Integrative Nutrition), scientific communications (writing, research, talks, interviews), and strategic advisory.

Home - The Changemaker Formula. My green smoothie guide, in a nutshell - Living Rhea. Green smoothies are all the heat – or un-heat, for that matter.

My green smoothie guide, in a nutshell - Living Rhea

One of the chief reasons you’d want to swap your dead, sugar-laden, complex breakfast with a “pre-chewed” fibrous, living greens smoothie is to get your daily dose of bioavailable nutrition whilst preserving your precious digestive fire. In this way, your body can focus its energy on other important tasks, like cellular repair, detoxification, and the metabolism of that not-so-healthy late-night snack.

Oh yeah, and on productivity at work Unlike popular belief, it’s not necessary to start your engine in full force from the moment you wake up. Have your lemon water, take your vitamins, breathe, and get blending. Confused about the process? Add more greens If you want your smoothie to be healthy, keep the alkalizing greens dominant (60-80%). Easy, neutral tasting greens include romaine and spinach. Be fruit smart A spike in blood sugar is not necessary for any of us, no matter what time of day.

Use supplements fiber protein spices. MY GREEN SMOOTHIE GUIDE1. Integrative Health Coaches Role in Covid Era. Why integrative health coaches hold a critical position in the COVID era The events of 2020 have shed a bright light on the challenges of the healthcare system, as well as the opportunities.

Integrative Health Coaches Role in Covid Era

We’ve seen the rise of digital transformation in healthcare, as practitioners try and adapt to the new reality of virtual care. Digital health solutions are in many cases replacing therapies, or accompanying medications as chronic disease management and diagnostic tools. To facilitate this shift, we need educators who are helping both patients and their doctors with the adoption of this digital transition that seems to be here to stay. Digital is not the only shift this year. While there are several societal inequities that have contributed to these vulnerabilities, what’s important to highlight here is that the strongest guts and immune systems seem to have a higher chance at survival and defeat of Covid-related symptoms. What does this mean for healthcare? The Role of the Integrative Health Coach. Benefit from Medicinal Mushroom - Dr. Rhea Mehta.

Why We Would All Benefit from Consuming Medicinal Mushrooms Fungi have been around on the Earth for more than 2 billion years, pre-dating animal and plant life.

Benefit from Medicinal Mushroom - Dr. Rhea Mehta

While some species are poisonous, there are a number of species with superpowers that can nourish, heal, and boost the health of humans and our shared planet. The latter are referred to as medicinal mushrooms. These fungi deliver more healing than meets the eye. Superficially, they are loaded with vitamins and minerals, which is surely one of their superpowers. These bioactive ingredients have incredibly therapeutic, and even magical healing properties, which historically led to their use as medicines in several ancient cultures around the world for the past several millennia. The Changemaker Formula - Smoothie Challenge. The Changemaker Formula – a transformative 30 day smoothie challenge “The only constant in life is change”-Heraclitus.

The Changemaker Formula - Smoothie Challenge

Despite our inherent desires to be and feel healthy, the majority of us are overcome with stress and confusion before we ever get the chance to try. I was there once upon a time, and it was an urgency that led me to change. I thankfully came out stronger and healthier, but it’s not fun to be the only one on this side. I won’t stop until we are collectively healthy. Changing our lifestyles is not easy. I always say that every day we have another chance at a reset. When I was suffering from fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome, I was overwhelmed with all the things I needed to do to clean up my diet and lifestyle and address all of my symptoms—specifically my digestive issues (chronic constipation, insta-bloating) and chronic pain.

Unlock Your Health Potential with Smoothies If you’re just starting out and wish to further educate yourself, you should read the e-book. Health Coaching and Wellness Advisor - Rhea Mehta.