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Fashion Consumer Buying Behaviour

Facebook Twitter Smartphones and tablets drive an increase in impulse buying online. A new survey of UK smartphone and tablet owners shows that mobile is helping to drive an increase in impulse buying, particularly for clothes and music.

Smartphones and tablets drive an increase in impulse buying online

However the results also show that security concerns remain a key reason preventing consumers from embracing m-commerce. The survey, commissioned by Rackspace, interviewed 2,009 smartphone and tablet owners on their attitudes towards various aspects of m-commerce. It found that just 40% of respondents make purchases using their device, meaning that there is still a huge amount of room for m-commerce to grow even among the current audience of smartphone and tablet owners.

This figure is slightly lower than data from our Multichannel Retail Survey which found that 25% of all UK consumers had made a purchase using their mobile. As smartphone penetration in the UK is roughly 50%, then this approximately doubles to 50% of the smartphone owning population that have made a purchase using their device. Impulse buying Security concerns. Press release IIS Mobile Banking 2014.’s New App Called PriceJump Finds You The Lowest Price, Online, On Amazon Or In-Store. Amazon has a reputation for having low prices, but that’s not always the case.’s New App Called PriceJump Finds You The Lowest Price, Online, On Amazon Or In-Store recently revealed via its price comparison tool that, half the time, Amazon had higher prices than its online competitors. Today, the company is furthering its price comparison efforts with the launch of an app that helps shoppers figure out where to buy for the lowest price across three categories. Called PriceJump like its web-based counterpart, the new app gives you the best online price, the best local (in-store) price, or – if you need the item right away and want to take advantage of your Amazon Prime shipping benefits - the app will find the best Amazon price, too. Launching today in beta on iOS, PriceJump was spun out of’s web tool called “Amazon or Not” Price Check, which has helped over 500,000 shoppers save since its launch this July. The new app is less complex than top competitor ShopSavvy, which may either good or bad, depending on your use case. Shoppers Turn to Smartphones and Tablets to Cash In Coupons. Consumers continue to use digital coupons to stretch their dollars. eMarketer forecasts that digital coupon users, which include internet users ages 18 and older who redeem a digital coupon or code via any device for online or offline shopping at least once per year, will account for 55.0% all US internet users in 2014.

Shoppers Turn to Smartphones and Tablets to Cash In Coupons

The digital coupon audience is a relatively mature group, but there's still room for modest growth over the next few years. Mobile coupon users are making up a growing portion of the larger digital coupon audience as more consumers make in-home purchases via smartphone and tablet and as more shoppers use a mobile device to enhance their in-store experiences. eMarketer expects the number of adults who redeem coupons via mobile device for either online or offline shopping to rise from 78.69 million to 104.11 million between 2014 and 2016, or from 70.0% to 82.0% of all digital couponers. eMarketer estimates that only 36.5% of marketers will offer mobile coupons in 2014. Savvy Shopper: How Consumers Use Their Smartphones to Shop.

The Savvy Shopper. Today’s shopper is very savvy, powered with smartphone and other wonderful technologies to help her.

The Savvy Shopper

Retail technologist have this idea to bring contextual interaction through mobility. Innovative companies are applying strategies where customers are profiled and segmented to send specific offers & coupons to enhance the experience. Technologies in the form of BLE based Beacons, NFC tags are enabling shopper’s engagement. The topic is much broader than just proximity marketing. Power of the Mobile Savvy Shopper. Smartphones have opened up a world of possibilities and placed power into the hands of the consumer.

Power of the Mobile Savvy Shopper

Our smartphones have allowed us, the consumer, to walk into a store and find the item we like, checking over the product’s features, and then checking the retailer’s price. We quickly pull out our smartphone to make sure we are getting a good deal or if there is a better deal online and execute that purchase instead, better known as showrooming. This has caused slumping sales in many brick-and-mortar stores, who see online and mobile shopping as a threat.

However some stores, are recognizing that mobile shopping is only becoming more popular and encourage customers to come to their store with smartphone in hand, ready to shop. Savvy Shoppers Use Connectivity to Score Deals on the Go. With shopping season in full swing as the holidays approach, smartphone and tablet owners are using mobile apps and daily deal sites to get the most out of their money.

Savvy Shoppers Use Connectivity to Score Deals on the Go

According to a recent Nielsen survey of U.S. consumers who report using their mobile phone or tablet in the shopping process, shoppers look to retailer websites for mobile coupons significantly more than other sources. With 54 percent of mobile shoppers who have used a coupon on their device indicating that they have obtained coupons from retailer websites, it’s clearly the preferred source, followed by deal-of-the-day websites, such as Groupon and Living Social, with 31 percent of users looking to such sites for promotions. In addition to websites, daily deal apps are also a helpful source for mobile users looking to score discounted products and services.

Smartphone owners are dominating daily deal app usage, exceeding tablet users across all daily deal apps used. 10 mobile apps for savvy shoppers. Big-brand retailers and daily deals coupons and promotion services dominate the list compiled through a June survey by Nielsen.

10 mobile apps for savvy shoppers

Plenty of retailers and consumer products companies consider smartphones and other mobile devices integral to the future of shopping, even if many of them are scared to death by the idea that you might use them to find a better deal elsewhere -- a practice widely referred to as "showrooming. " One example of the sorts of technologies that might matter is Swirl, a mobile personal shopping assistant is emerging from stealth this week with 220 deals in places -- according to TechCrunch. Big-brands behind the startup, which has raised $6 million in venture capital, include Macy's, Nordstrom's and Old Navy.

(Signature Labs offers a similar platform.) Strategies For Getting Mobile-Savvy Shoppers Back in Retail Stores. Carin van Vuuren is Chief Marketing Officer of Usablenet, a global leader in mobile and multi-channel technology and a pioneer in mobile usability.

Strategies For Getting Mobile-Savvy Shoppers Back in Retail Stores

She is an experienced marketer with a diverse background and over 15 years of experience in brand-building and strategic marketing communications. Today’s shoppers are increasingly mobile-savvy and comfortable with using multiple devices and screens in different ways to achieve their goals. We have truly entered the “age of mobile,” and as a result, the effectiveness of traditional engagement strategies is in question. For retailers, this means rethinking how to engage shoppers on mobile while in the store. Importance of customer engagement in business. This article will be discussing the importance of businesses engaging with their consumer audience in terms of building customer loyalty, and the channels through which companies can interact with their market.

Importance of customer engagement in business

So what is customer engagement and why is it important in the business world? Customer engagement centres on building upon the relations between a business and their existing consumer market along with establishing new, high-value customer relationships. The purpose of engaging with your customers and forming a connection is due to the fact that this aids in developing the value consumers have towards a business, which in return results in loyal, longer term customers that spend more money.

Developing a loyal consumer fan base is also an important factor in terms of building a quality reputation and attaining further customers essentially through positive ‘word of mouth’. Levels of customer engagement Evidently the level of customer engagement varies depending on the consumer.

Mobile commerce the path to customer engagement. 5 Best Practices for Mobile Consumer Engagement. How Mobile Is Taking the Reins on Customer Engagement. February 18, 2014 How Mobile Is Taking the Reins on Customer Engagement When it comes to attracting and retaining customers, increased engagement is the Holy Grail for many sales and marketing teams.

How Mobile Is Taking the Reins on Customer Engagement

In the last year, customer engagement has become such a priority that many businesses have reported it will overtake productivity as their primary driver of growth. This means that sales and marketing teams will be working closer than ever to find new and innovative ways to engage with customers across multiple touchpoints. As the consumer and enterprise gap continues to close, enterprise is adopting mobile apps to foster collaboration between employees and increase productivity and interaction with customers. Focused content and solution dashboards As the enterprise adoption of mobile computing increases, employees are undoubtedly going to get a myriad of app solution options on top of the content they already consume for work. 5 Steps of Decision Making Process. It is every marketer’s goal to get inside the head of a consumer. You want to figure out how the consumer makes decisions and how you can get them to make a decision to purchase your product or service.

The 5 stages of Consumer Buying Decision Process. Find out the 5 stages of Consumer Buying Decision Process that guide shoppers in their decision and purchase process when buying a product. And learn how to improve your marketing strategy to create a need, strengthen your relationship with your customers and increase your sales. The Consumer Buying Decision Process This article is the second in a series of articles about the factors and variables that influence the behavior of consumers. The purchase is only the visible part of a more complex decision process created by the consumer for each buying decision he makes. GfK UK Fashion Study snapshot. The Influence of Mobile Website Quality on Consumer Satisfaction. Mobile Cocooning How Growing Reliance on Smart Devices is Influencing Consumer Behaviour. RWC whitepaper2. Internet vs Store based Shopping The Global Move Towards Omnichannel Retailing.

Buyer behaviour - The decision-making process. Marketing Study Note Home | Latest Marketing Resources from the tutor2u Blog | Marketing Revision Quizzes Author: Jim Riley Last updated: Sunday 23 September, 2012 How do customers buy? 5 Steps to Understanding your Customer’s Buying Process. The Customer Buying Process (also called a Buying Decision Process) describes the process your customer goes through before they buy your product. Understanding your customer’s buying process is not only very important for your Salespeople, it will also enable you to align your sales strategy accordingly. The process has been interpreted by many scholars over the years; however, the five stages framework remains a good way to evaluate the customer’s buying process. John Dewey first introduced the following five stages in 1910: 1. Meet the Connected Consumer [Infographic] Meet the Connected Consumer [Infographic] Today’s consumers are increasingly connected and regularly use multiple mobile devices to engage in online shopping.

But just like every shopper has their favorite stores and brands, these digital customers have particular preferences regarding everything from their digital devices to their shopping styles. To give marketers a better understanding of these connected consumers, developed this informative infographic based on the results of their new research report. Four ways brands can leverage mobile to connect with consumers. Mobile devices have become an extension of our being. 2013 A Multidisciplinary Cognitive Behavioural Framework of Impulse Buying A Systematic Review of the Literature.

Digital Commerce Four Areas for Investment. M Commerce 10 Statistics to Know Now. The Mobile Movement is Changing Consumer Behavior. How mobile technology could shape the consumer goods sector in the future. The 2020 Consumer is coming. Mobile Engagement In Retail Influencing Consumer Purchasing Behaviour. Redefining Customer Experience with Mobile. 12 retail trends and predictions to watch for. Customer Focus: ‘Consumer behaviour is changing’ Technology is developing rapidly. Dot matrix mobile phones, floppy discs, and trailing Ethernet cables have given way to iPhones, Blu-rays, and WiFi.

But the techniques used online by retail businesses are evolving just as quickly, and there is concern from some experts that certain practices are placing unfair pressure on customers. Dr Susan Rose, an associate professor in marketing management at Henley Business School, University of Reading, says that for better or for worse, online technologies and techniques employed by retailers, banks, and other service providers are having an effect on the minds of consumers. How Consumer Behavior with Mobile Technology is Changing the Game for Retail & Marketing. How Mobile and Social Are Changing Consumer Behaviors [Infographic]

The Omnichannel Opportunity. Business Standard. The mobile phone is increasingly becoming the core platform through web users access the Internet and engage with brands online, said a study by mobile advertising network, InMobi. As per the study, over 50% of the average mobile web user now uses the mobile as either their primary or exclusive means of going online.