Ultra-processed foods, protein leverage and energy intake in the USA. Crossref Citations This article has been cited by the following publications.
This list is generated based on data provided by CrossRef. Kelly, Bridget and Jacoby, Enrique 2018. Is Grassfed Meat and Dairy Better for Human and Environmental Health? The Role of Livestock in Human and Environmental Health Palates link the health of soil and plants with animals and biophysical environments.
A palate attuned to a landscape enables herbivores and humans to meet needs for nutrients and to self-medicate (1). That evolves from three interrelated processes: biochemically mediated flavor-feedback associations where cells and organ systems, including the microbiome, alter liking for wholesome foods as a function of needs; accessibility to phytochemically and biochemically rich foods; and learning in utero and early in life to eat wholesome combinations of foods (2). That occurs when wild or domestic herbivores forage on phytochemically rich landscapes, is reduced when livestock forage on simple mixture or monoculture pastures or consume high-grain rations in feedlots, and is greatly reduced for people who eat highly processed foods obtained in contemporary food outlets (Figure 1).
Save On Delivery Costs By Decreasing the Frequency of Protein Supplementation. Effects of protein supplementation frequency on physiological responses associated with reproduction in beef cows. - PubMed - NCBI. Changing Supplementation Frequency May Impact Cow Weight and Body Condition Score. This article is a summary of the 2016 Kansas Agricultural Experimentation Station Research Reports: Vol. 2: Iss.1.
“Effects of Altering Supplementation Frequency During the Pre-Partum Period of Beef Cows Grazing Dormant Native Range.” C.J. McMullen, J.R. Jaeger, J.W. Waggoner, K.R. Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) is a common protein supplement for cows that are grazing dormant low quality forages. Prior research of supplementing cows consuming hay with DDGS once every six days indicated that on the day cows were fed supplement there was a lower number of cows consuming hay during the 60 minutes after the supplement was fed as compared to hay fed cows that were fed DDGS supplement daily. A total of 238 pregnant Angus cows were used in the study over a two year period. When results from the two year study were analyzed, there were no significant differences between body weight gain or body condition score for the first, second and third groups.
552. Untitled. Grass-finished beef need high-energy forages. These steers are finishing on mixed grass/legume pasture.
The grass seedheads in the background are under a fenceline and are not desirable in the grazed area. Kim Cassida Grass-fed beef is a growing niche market that provides opportunity for marketing cattle with enhanced value. In the Upper Midwest, selling grass-finished beef in local markets can also take advantage of the growing popularity of local foods. However, there is more to producing high-quality grass-fed beef than simply keeping cattle on pasture without grain. Finish them fast Grass-fed systems require premium quality forages that push animal performance to a high level at every step. In order to finish a steer to acceptable carcass size and quality in two growing seasons on grass, there is no time to waste on periods of backgrounding or poor gain. Keep hay quality high Any hay or baleage offered to finishing cattle in the winter or as a pasture supplement needs to be premium quality.
High-energy pastures. Drought Mitigation for Grazing Operations: Matching the Animal to the Environment. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. On the Ground With expected increases in drought frequency and severity, long-term drought management strategies that focus on cattle selection and natural resource management are essential. The livestock industry in general unintentionally tends to select for cattle that do not perform to their maximum potential in limited-resource environments. We discuss the implications of cattle selection based on characteristics such as genetic potential, cow size, and hide color.
In a hypothetical model, we found that because forage requirements for smaller cows are lower than forage requirements for larger cows, using a herd of smaller cows produces a larger total calf crop if cow size and milk do not lead to greater calf production. Keywords beef climate efficiency integrated management rangeland variability. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. Home > Master Publication List > Ruminant Nutrition for Graziers Cattle, sheep and goats have the ability to convert plant carbohydrates and proteins into available nutrients for human use, making otherwise unusable land productive.
However, proper care of the land and its grazing animals requires a sound understanding of ruminant nutrition. This publication provides managers with tools and references to consider biological and climatological variables and make decisions that ensure the ecological and economic viability of a grass-based ruminant livestock operation. Table of Contents Introduction Grazing animals are very important to agriculture. This publication covers the basics of animal nutrition from a grazing perspective. A ranching operation can appropriately be thought of as a forage production and utilization enterprise. However, grassland ecosystems (both rangeland and temperate grasslands) produce plant materials that are highly digestible to ruminant animals.
The Basics Intake.