Waves of Healing. For me, healing has been a journey—and not always an easy one.
My experience with the healing of sexual intimacy in my marriage has been that healing happens piece by piece, layer by layer. I suspect this is true for many of us. We heal one layer—and that healed layer grows stronger and more solid. It prepares us for healing the next layer that is revealed. Does Your Spouse Make Mistakes? In a blog post called "I Wasn't Treating My Husband Fairly", a woman describes how she realized that her extreme criticism of her husband had damaged their relationship.
Her husband had done the grocery shopping and had brought home the wrong kind of hamburger. Instead of seeing this as a simple mistake, the wife interpreted it as a sign of his carelessness and stupidity, and his failure to pay attention to her and the way she did things. She gave him a huge, angry lecture about it.
And then she realized just how wrong she was. She remembered other incidents, in which she had criticized and scolded him for being careless, negligent, lazy, and just plain wrong. None of the husband's mistakes were serious. 3 Things to Do NOW If You Don't Like Sex. Posted on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 Do you avoid sex in your marriage?
Do you make excuses to kick it off the radar quickly? Do you love everything about your marriage… except the sex? Do you just go through the motions -- even faking orgasm -- to get sex over with quickly? Suffice to say, when someone like me blogs about sex, I hear from a lot of people who don't like it. Sure, there are often complex reasons behind a person disliking (or even hating) sex. 8 Things I’d Say about Sex If I Had NO Filter (Heaven Help Us All) 5 Signs You Need a Marriage Counselor.
I often talk about getting help when your marriage needs it.
Today I have a quest post with some signs of when you need to get outside help. If you need help, hit the link in the bio. ~ Paul Every marriage faces rough patches, but as anyone who’s gone through serious relational turmoil can testify, some rough patches are more serious than others. Day 1 – 10 Day Sex Challenge 2015. Brad and Kate say . . .
Here we are! Day 1 of the 10 Day Sex Challenge. 50 Shades of Uncertainty. I jazzercise with a homogeneous group of women, or so I thought, until the mention of 50 Shades of Grey.
Most kept their mouths shut, a few were negative. I suspected some were “Shades-positive.” I just did not expect the elegant, retired school-teacher-type to pipe up her eagerness to meet Mr. Grey this weekend at the theatre. You’ve probably already seen quoted, 40% of those fluttering for Mr. How I Win Every Argument with My Spouse. Today we welcome Daniel Robertson from God’s Help for Marriage, as he shares about how to win every argument with your spouse–the answer is so good, you BOTH actually win!
This past summer I was working a temp job at the local county fair. One day, before my shift started, I took my wife and kids (and mother-in-law) to the fair for some family fun. But this trip ended in an epic argument between me and my wife. One of the worst we’ve ever had in 7 years of marriage. I’ll also share how we overcame this argument, and the secret to winning every argument with your spouse. Everyday Romance – How Sweet It Is. Photo Credit: Enchanting Quotes blog Today’s idea is another one that is easy to do, but will hopefully leave a lasting impression on your spouse’s mind and heart.
Have you ever thought about the names of the candies sold in stores? Tips For Nurturing Your Marriage. As I sit down to write this article on the importance of nurturing your marriage, I realize that it is likely more for me than perhaps you.
I feel very convicted that I have not been making my marriage a higher priority. It is like I know the why behind the importance, but the actual actions take time and energy, which as busy moms, are often lacking in our days. With the scare my husband had with his appendix on Monday and the rush to surgery, I was really struck with how life can change in a matter of seconds. The reality is, finding time to honor our husbands and share intimacy is extremely important in keeping our marriage a priority. How to Get Along with an Introvert. A couple years back, I read Susan Cain’s book Quiet, for which I am thankful.
Cain is a terrific writer, and her book has gotten wonderful acclaim for explaining to about 60% of the world how the other 40% live. That is, Cain explains to extroverts what these quiet, I don’t want to go out tonight introverts are really thinking. Confessions of a (Semi-Reformed) Nagging Wife. I know him so well that I cringe when he reaches for a bag of chips. The chewing, the crunching. The jaw that works up and down like it was created to grind stone into dust. Each bite thrusting ugliness to the tip of my tongue until, finally, an exasperated sigh escapes my lips.
And I make sure he sees my eyes roll. No words, but that look was my way of reminding him that this was one more thing he does that puts my nerves on edge. Love bears all things. Top 10 Ways to Be More Adventurous in Bed. Do you long to feel more adventurous in bed? Recently I received this email: Message Received. Many years ago, in our third or fourth year of marriage, I learned a big lesson regarding talking about my guy. I had been at work and gone to lunch with a friend and on the way back to the office, I called our home answering machine to check our messages.
8 Cool Valentine’s Gifts for Your Hot Hubby. Today, I’m giving some Valentine’s gift ideas to the wives, and tomorrow (yes, tomorrow, instead of Thursday) I’ll address the husbands. So here we go, ladies: If you’re still stumped on what to get him, here are some cool gifts for your hot hubby! 15-Minute Major Marriage Makeover.
If your marriage is not everything you hoped it would be, the next 15 minutes could create a major improvement. Please note: this makeover is not for marriages experiencing violence, threats of violence, addictive behaviors, or current infidelity. Can We Talk? Last night at our small group meeting a couple shared something they had recently gone through that they thought would be helpful to the rest of us. Valentine's Ideas. A friend found the books below when he was looking for a V-day gift for his wife. Any of these would make a great gift for almost any wife.
Amazon is quick, so if you order today you can have them in time (and they’re all Prime*). 25 Meaningful Things You Can Do in 30 Minutes or Less. Things I Do That Annoy My Husband. The Christian Response to 50 Shades of Grey. Fifty Shades of Grey is coming to theaters everywhere next Valentine’s Day. It’s become the highest advanced ticket sales for any R-rated movie ever. Groups of women are going to see it together. 4 Things That Can Save or Sink A Marriage.
All the Possibilities Need a Plan. All the possibilities in life… need a plan —> or they won’t happen. (yeah. sorry.) It’s easy to let “real life” meander – or dash – or fast forward, and find your dreams sinking into the muck of “wish I coulda” because time has passed too fast, and too far. Are Romance Novels Okay for Christian Women? In A Shaded View of Romance, I stated that sexy novels are comparable to porn: They create unrealistic expectations (of both relationships and sex).They nurture discontent in marriage.They cause sexual arousal. Cleaning Jesus' Teeth. I was heading back to work after lunch when it hit me—oh no. 3 Attitude Shifts That Vastly Improved My Marriage Happiness. Sexuality is a Powerful Holy Metaphor. Top 10 Ways to Destroy Your Marriage. Some Days My Marriage Isn't Awesome. Why a Messy Workspace Undermines Your Persistence. 5 Ways to Reconnect with Your Spouse. Are Your Expectations in Marriage Preventing Real Happiness?
If you won’t do it, then I will! The Tricky thing about Praying for your Spouse. How to Plan a Weekly Date Night {at home} Love, Respect, Trust: Action Words in Marriage. Three Important Times to NOT Speak... Valentine's Dinner Costs Too Much! Double Standards in Marriage. Respecting His Time. Do You Live with Emotional Clutter? The Best Marriage Advice Ever. A Future Not Written by Your Past. Do You Ask Or Tell Your Spouse What To Do? Baby Steps and Small Beginnings. Marriage Check-In Questions. Sexual Positions for Pregnancy, or “My Belly’s In the Way!” Make One Simple Change to Improve Your Marriage. Anniversary Date Night & Laughter. 9 Things I Would Say About Sex if I Had No Filter. This Blog As a Conversation Starter. Magnetic Poetry - Little Box Of Passion. Magnetic Poetry - Little Box of Encouragement.
Why Try More than One Sexual Position. A Shaded View of Romance. Have you bought new underwear this year? Top 10 Ways to Relax During Sex. 4 Simple Phrases that Keep a Marriage Going Strong. The Gift of More Variety. Ultimate Marriage Reading Challenge of 2015. Will You Live in the Land of Scarcity or the Land of Enough this Year? Encouragement: Giving. Encouragement: Receiving.
The Addiction In Marriage No One Talks About. January Love Challenge: Spend 10 Minutes Each Day With Your Spouse. The Role Kindness Plays In Romance. Intentional Sex? 2 reasons you shouldn't compare yourself to other people. Inspiration vs. Comparison. The 5 Friends that Every Woman Needs. What to Do When Your Spouse Won't Change. Hungry for God ... Starving for Time - Five-Minute Devotions for Busy Women. The Most Important Phrase I Say Toward My Husband. Great Laundry Room Tips for Busy Moms. This one thing will improve your marriage in 2015. Feeling Beautiful: A Wife’s Goal for 2015. Diving into Grace. Creating Your Year with a Word and a Theme. Of Strawberries, Fish, and Olives: A Matter of Preference. So What If This Year Was REALLY Different At Your House? Sheep, Habits and Walking Down The Right Path. The 2015 Reading Challenge. Handbag Organizer. 8 Things to Do Today to Get Ready for a Healthy New Year. Near Daily Sex. 15 Tips To Rock Your Marriage in 2015. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity: David Allen.
January Declutter Calendar: 15 Minute Daily Missions For Month. 10 Resolutions for a Better Marriage This Year. Habit a Powerful Tool.