Feltmaking for dementia. AiH Home Page. Happiness is a Needle and Thread Away: New Data on Mental Health Benefits of Knitting. Turns out, it is possible to knit yourself into a better state of mind.
Clinical psychologist Ann Futterman-Collier who runs the Well Being Lab at Northern Arizona University, is studying what Arizona Public Radio station KNAU calls “Textile Therapy” — the emotional benefits of knitting, as well as crocheting, weaving and quilting. "People basically have a vacation from their problems," she tells KNAU. "They can forget about what’s bothering them, and they get into something in the moment that energizes them, that leads to the repair in mood. " Futterman-Collier studied 60 women suffering from various levels of stress. She had them either work with textiles, write or meditate. Jeanette Winterson on the transforming power of art. The Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester reopens this weekend with the message “Fall in love again”.
It’s the right message. Creativity in all its forms is a passionate engagement with making something happen. Like falling in love, art is a disturbance of what is; a reordering of existing material; an encounter with otherness; and a baffled certainty that what is happening – long or short, brief or lasting – has to happen (the urgency of love and making). The happening of art renews, replaces or renames the tired old cliches of the obvious.
Fine Cell Work. Arts and dementia. Depression and Creativity - ENGAGE INSPIRE IMAGINE CREATE. Don’t stop knitting! It keeps you healthy. Last month I wrote an article called “Why bother knitting a scarf?”
Much to my surprise, I received thousands of positive reactions from readers who share my love of homemade, local, and beautiful “slow fashion” items. "Why bother knitting a scarf?" I’ve started knitting again after a year-long break.
I bought some beautiful hand-dyed, locally spun yarn in a brilliant mottled fuchsia, and then I got to work, knitting furiously for two days straight until I realized that my new infinity scarf was disproportionately huge. I had to undo everything and start over, my enthusiasm somewhat dampened. When I took my knitting to a friend’s house, someone asked an interesting question: “Why would you bother knitting a scarf? We Do. Arts for Health. Haul - Arts in Health. Building resilience through community arts practice - boingboing.org.uk. A scoping study with disabled young people and young people facing mental health challenges This research project funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council explored how community visual arts practice can help young people flourish and connect with their communities despite adverse experiences they may have faced.
Etheses.dur.ac.uk/7774/1/Anni_Raw_Thesis_accepted.pdf?DDD45+ Impact Arts. This site uses cookies.
By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files, stored on your computer to help us remember things like your preferences or to help us find out how many people are accessing our site. This information is really important to us.
CreativeConnections%20text. Crochet Saved My Life. The relationship between quilting and wellbeing. Textile art promoting well-being in long-term illness. Arts 4 Dementia. Craft and Wellbeing / News & Press / About Us. 31 March 2011 Happiness remains high on the political agenda, as the UK government sets out to determine and measure the nation’s wellbeing, as a basis for future policy making.
Both ethical and practical considerations around this politicization of happiness continue to be debated, but in the meantime new ways of thinking about and measuring wellbeing have been in development by academics and independent foundations and think tanks, as well as through the Office of National Statistics itself. So what does craft contribute to individual wellbeing? The answers may seem obvious to those who make, yet can be surprisingly difficult for others to pin down.
Crafting wellbeing. Craft in care homes: wellbeing and excellence in practice. I was rather moved by this post on the personal blog of Community Care’s group editor Bronagh Miskelly.
It’s about the therapeutic benefits of craft in care homes. Her mum has dementia and is a care home. Before she became ill, craft was an important part of her life. In fact, even though she can’t do it anymore, it still is. This extract explains more: “Yesterday Mum even commented on millinery. Arts for Health. Patterns for Colouring. Free printable mandala coloring pages. Free Printable Coloring Pages for Adults. Deciphering the Language of Colors Green-eyed monster―jealousy See red―be angry True blue―loyal and faithful Purple speech―profane talk Yellow streak―coward Blackhearted―evil Whitewash―gloss over defects There is color all around us, right from the food we eat to the clothes we wear.
Color is an indispensable part of our lives. It is what makes our surroundings more livelier. Come to think of it, life would be dull and drab without a liberal splash of color. Without colors, we wouldn't be able to distinguish between fiery reds and soothing blues. All said and done, it is time you shed all inhibitions, and pull out your color pens, crayons, water colors, and flaunt your creative genius. Printable Coloring Pages for Adults * Click on the images to obtain an enlarged print version.