iPad Ideas. How We Failed (and Then Succeeded) with Khan Academy. Last fall I wrote about the need for an ed-tech Test Kitchen – a place that might address ‘what works’ in ed-tech.
It’s really a two-part question: which products work and how should they be used? That ‘how’ question is tricky. Figuring out the best way to incorporate a product into a school, with all its idiosyncrasies, usually involves a process of repeated trial-and-error. Which means some failure. Today I’m writing about a handful of ways that we failed with Khan Academy. First, a bit of context: I joined Match last year to work on a new blended learning model we’re calling Match Next.
If you’re reading this blog you’ve probably heard of Khan. I’ll describe how we — 6 kids, 3 tutors, and me — actually used Khan in a daily hour set aside for 6th-grade math tutorial. Here’s how it started: Round One: Khan Free-for-all Once we’d showed kids how to use the Khan website, we let them pick and choose which aims they wanted to work on. Round Two: Assigned Khan – Easy Worked for a little bit.
E-assessment_and_innovation. Andrewchurches. Weller_Lams06. Paper J. Scheerens: Het innoverend vermogen van de onderwijssector en de rol van de ondersteuningsstructuur. Self Efficacy: Its Role and Sources. Social Learning Theory (Bandura. Summary: Bandura’s Social Learning Theory posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling.
The theory has often been called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation. Originator: Albert Bandura Key Terms: Modeling, reciprocal determinism Social Learning Theory (Bandura) People learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviors. Necessary conditions for effective modeling: Attention — various factors increase or decrease the amount of attention paid. Albert Bandura. 1925 - present Dr.
C. George Boeree Biography Albert Bandura was born December 4, 1925, in the small town of Mundare in northern Alberta, Canada. He received his bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of British Columbia in 1949. Went on to the University of Iowa, where he received his Ph.D. in 1952. Plus. Website and blog of New York Times best selling author of "The Element", TED speaker, education and creativity expert. Tap_overview. Irate teachers threaten 'civil disobedience' A growing grassroots movement of teachers threatened "civil disobedience" on Saturday in protest at education reforms.
Classroom teachers at the National Union of Teachers' annual conference in Liverpool told the Observer their profession had reached a turning point in its relations with Michael Gove, the education secretary, and calls for radical action were widespread. Last week the Association of Teachers and Lecturers overwhelmingly carried a motion of no confidence in Gove, in the first motion of its kind against an education secretary in its history. NUT members will vote on a similar motion on Sunday. Teachers have described Gove as showing "abject failure to improve education or treat teachers, parents and pupils with respect". They claim that for almost three years, since the coalition government came to power, they have been subjected to unprecedented levels of criticism and repeatedly been undermined.
Ofsted judgments are too harsh and data-driven, teachers have warned. Onderwijsverslag 2011/2012: de middelmaat voorbij: veel scholen kunnen beter. 24 april 2013 Er is winst geboekt aan de onderkant van het onderwijs door een forse terugdringing van het aantal zwakke en zeer zwakke scholen.
Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein. [Note: This list of Einstein quotes was being forwarded around the Internet in e-mail, so I decided to put it on my web page.
I'm afraid I can't vouch for its authenticity, tell you where it came from, who compiled the list, who Kevin Harris is, or anything like that. Still, the quotes are interesting and enlightening.] "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.
" "Imagination is more important than knowledge. " International Academy of Education. The International Academy of Education is a not-for-profit scientific association that promotes educational research, its dissemination and the implementation of its implications.
Founded in 1986, the Academy is dedicated to strengthening the contributions of research, solving critical educational problems throughout the world, and providing better communication among policy makers, researchers and practitioners. TED: Teacher Evaluation and Development. VBE Baden-Württemberg. 123test. De Canadese psycholoog Albert Bandura (1925-) bedacht de sociale leertheorie .
Volgens Bandura bestaat de persoonlijkheid niet alleen uit observeerbaar gedrag zoals traditionele leertheoretici beweren, maar ook uit mentale processen. Mensen denken na over zichzelf en kunnen bewuste keuzes maken. Bandura is het wel met Skinner eens dat de bekrachtiging (of beloning) van gedrag ervoor zorgt dat mensen bepaalde gedragspatronen aanleren. Leren kan echter volgens Bandura ook op een andere manier. Mensen leren ook door naar anderen te kijken, een fenomeen dat hij observationeel leren noemt. Observationele bekrachtiging is overigens geen noodzaak om gedrag aan te leren.