Sutori. Timerime: creare timeline interattive. Aggiungo Timerime alla lunga sequenza di strumenti per creare timeline interattive e multimediali.
Si tratta di una risorsa gratuita che richiede la registrazione al servizio prima di iniziare ad utilizzarlo. Potrete verificare la facilità con cui è possibile costruire linee del tempo contenenti immagini, testi e video Youtube (da inserire attraverso il codice html). Sotto un esempio di timeline realizzata con Ecco come funziona: Vai su Timerime Articoli correlati. Timeline Comparison Chart. Beautiful web-based timeline software.
19 Great Web Tools and Mobile Apps for Creating Interactive Timelines. July 11, 2016 Besides posters and infographics timelines are great learning tools to help students visualize their learning and enhance their overall comprehensibility.
Timelines can be incorporated almost in any subject area and can be used to teach a wide variety of topics from historical events to bibliographical information. Tabella comparativa tra applicazioni per creare... History in Motion. Studiare con la linea del tempo. Ho già parlato dell’apprendimento attraverso mappe concettuali e mappe mentali, della capacità di prendere appunti e del metodo di studio in generale.
Oggi voglio continuare a parlare di apprendimento efficace attraverso l’uso delle linee del tempo (timeline in inglese). Spesso si trovano già pronte sui libri ma credo che la realizzazione autonoma di una linea del tempo possa costituire un buon esercizio per ricomporre la sequenza o l’evoluzione di una disciplina, qualunque essa sia. Si possono fare a mano ma è molto più efficace crearle con degli appositi software. Vi posso segnalare Tiki-Toki e Timetoast. Ma in rete potete trovarne molti altri… La linea del tempo, qualunque stile grafico abbia, dovrà contenere quattro elementi visivi: – un sistema per definire la traiettoria temporale (convenzionalmente corre da sinistra verso destra) – elementi che definiscono vari punti o segmenti sul tracciato temporale – titoli o immagini che definiscono ogni evento.
Falcone e Borsellino by Liborio Cali on Prezi. A Great Tool to Create 3D Timelines in Class. November 6, 2014 Tiki-Toki is a powerful web tool that allows you to create visually appealing and interactive multimedia timelines.
This app is web-based and does not require any software installation. TikiToki timelines can include a wide variety of materials such as images, text, and videos (from YouTube and Vimeo or AVIS). What's more, TikiToki now supports 3D timelines which means that you can both create and view timelines in 3D. To activate the 3d view for your timeline, open the timeline for editing. Then choose the 'Settings' tab in the admin panel, and click on the '3d settings' button at the top centre. 5 Timeline Creation Tools Compared - Chart.
How to Create a Multimedia Timeline. Using Timelines as Digital Portfolios and Reflections on Learning. We often think of creating timelines as just an activity for history lessons.
There are other ways besides history lessons to use timelines in a classroom. One of those ways that I've been sharing in my workshop about multimedia timelines is the idea of having students build personal timelines as digital portfolios. 8 Excellent Free Timeline Creation Tools for Teachers. 1-TikiToki TikiToki is a great application for multimedia timelines making .
It allows its users to create stunning animated timelines. TikiToKi is very easy to use and above all its basic version is completely free . 2- Time Glider This is a web tool that lets you create, collaborate on, and publish zooming/planning interactive timelines for free.It is like Google Maps but for time. 3- OurStory Ourstory enables you to write stories, tag friends, and add media to collaborative timelines either privately or in public. 4- Capzles Capzles is a web tool I have reviewed here a couple of times. 5- Read Write Think.
MyHistro: creazione timeline, mappe interattive... Creating Multimedia Timelines. Linee del tempo. Pillole 2.0 – Timeline - la scuola sul web. La timeline è una forma grafica che, in modo semplice, immediato ed efficace, consente di visualizzare una successione di eventi su un asse temporale personalizzato; tale strumento, in ambito web 2.0, rientra nella categoria delle infografiche ed è ampiamente sfruttato anche in ambito formativo in quanto riesce a fornire una visione d’insieme di un argomento di studio.
Ad ogni evento definito e descritto nella timeline è possibile associare immagini e link, ottenendo quindi prodotti graficamente attraenti ma soprattutto interattivi: è possibile condividere il lavoro sui social network o incorporarlo in un blog. Three Ways to Create Mapped Timeline Stories. Earlier this week I received an email from a reader who was searching for a good way to have students create mapped timelines.
The idea is to have students be able to create timelines whose events are directly matched to locations on maps. Doing this is a good way for students to see correlations between locations and events. 18 Strumenti gratuiti per la creazione di Infografica. 10 Creative Ways To Use Free Timeline Makers in eLearning. In this article I will highlight 10 creative ways to use free timeline makers in eLearning design and development that can help you boost knowledge retention, clearly convey core concepts, and appeal to your learners’ needs.
Thanks to advancements in today's technology, we have eLearning tools and applications that can allow us to design more immersive and effective educational experiences. One of the most powerful visual tools that we have our disposal is timelines. A Wonderful New Timeline Tool to Use with Your Students. 15 Great Timeline Creation Web Tools and iPad Apps for Teachers and Students. January 28, 2014 The possibilities for the use of timeline tools in the class are endless.
Whether you want to teach salient historical incidents, chronological order of events, or explain a developmental process in biology or simply outline the major learning curves for the year, timeline creation tools are the ideal platforms to implement. A timeline is a visual representation that features information in connected sequences over a given period of time. The importance of timelines lies in the fact that they enable students to easily comprehend and internalize information, chronological sequences, and dates.Students can also use these tools to participate actively and in building new learning experiences.
They are excellent tools for conducting scholarly research and sharing knowledge. That being said, I have done a lot of scouring and compiled the list below. Timeline. Timeline allows students to create a graphical representation of an event or process by displaying items sequentially along a line. Timelines can be organized by time of day, date, or event, and the tool allows users to create a label with short or long descriptive text. 10 servizi web per realizzare timeline - TOP 10... TOP 10 FREE Timeline Creation Tools for Teachers.