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Usare Photoshop: 10 consigli per imparare - Photoshop Tutorial. Usare Photoshop ammetto che non è affatto facile.

Usare Photoshop: 10 consigli per imparare - Photoshop Tutorial

Purtroppo la complessità di questo immenso software è governabile solo grazie al tempo. La pazienza nei giorni, nei mesi, negli anni deve essere nostra amica, senza di lei probabilmente getteremmo la spugna subito. Cos’è Photoshop ?! È un software di elaborazione grafica nato negli anni novanta e ad oggi è arrivato alla versione CC 2015.5. L’utilizzo di questo software è così ampio che diverse figure professionali si avvalgono del suo uso, infatti, possono utilizzarlo fumettisti, architetti, designer, fotografi, ritoccatori, chi fa piccole lavorazioni 3D ecc. Photoshop Tips From Top Designers And Artists.

Adobe Photoshop has been around for over 25 years, allowing novice image editors and professional graphic designers alike bridge the gap between concept and final product.

Photoshop Tips From Top Designers And Artists

In the countless updates the robust program has implemented during its lifetime, the amount of options and tools at a creator’s disposal are mind-boggling. Even for the advanced Photoshop expert, there are many tricks and techniques that go unnoticed. We reached out to some of today’s most reputable designers and artists to discover their tips and secrets for harnessing the power of Photoshop. Next time you’re working on a project, try some of these techniques to take your images and designs in new creative directions. 1. Emi Haze This master of dreamlike and evocative images is a talent to trust – he collaborated with Adobe for their Oscar spot celebrating the 25th anniversary of Adobe Photoshop itself. 2. 120 Photoshop tips, tricks and fixes. Photoshop is an easy tool to use and a difficult one to master, but help is at hand with our comprehensive list of tips, tricks and fixes for Adobe's showpiece software.

120 Photoshop tips, tricks and fixes

Whether you're looking for tips on using layers, advice on mastering the pen tool, a guide to using RAW, or ways to improve your brush work, it's all here! Most of these tips were originally published in Practical Photoshop magazine – now part of Digital Camera World. If you're a photographer, we recommend making DCW a rest stop on your travels around the web! Here are the best Photoshop tips, whether you are using an older CS version or the very latest Creative Cloud software. We've grouped them by category to make it easier for you to find the stuff that's the most relevant to your work right now, but be sure to check them all!

5 pro tips for Photoshop layer management. As anyone who uses Adobe Creative Cloud's photo editing tool Photoshop for more than the simplest of image editing tasks will be aware, its very easy to lose control when you're working with a huge multilayered PSD file.

5 pro tips for Photoshop layer management

When you're in the zone its very easy to quickly rack up the number of layers resulting in hundreds of layers simply named by their number or duplicate number. This is fine (if a little hard to manage) when its your own personal file that only you will be working on but a different matter when working as part of a team in a professional environment. Promotion Whether its the design for a new site that needs to be passed onto a developer or an illustration destined to be animated by someone else, PSD files often get passed between different creatives which means that its imperative that everything is clear and concise. 01.

I segreti della fotografia secondo Terry White. Abbiamo intervistato in esclusiva il guru mondiale di Photoshop, Lightroom e tutti i software creativi di Adobe.

I segreti della fotografia secondo Terry White

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Terry White Pubblicato *SupersizeContenuto forte: è lungo, ma vale la pena Tutti gli stickers Terry White non ha certo bisogno di presentazioni, a meno che non vi venga da cantargli davanti “Let the music play”, scambiandolo col fantasma del buon Barry. Leggi anche: Instagram cancella “curvy” dagli hashtag In cosa consiste il tuo lavoro, Terry? 8 common Photoshop mistakes (and how to avoid them) Working in Photoshop is such a ubiquitous feature of our lives that much of what we do becomes automated and subconcious.

8 common Photoshop mistakes (and how to avoid them)

But ask yourself whether your work habits are holding you back and making you less productive and affecting the quality of your work. Here, we outline 10 of the most common mistakes designers make when using Photoshop. If you recognise any of these in your own workflow, it's time to make a change... Read all our Photoshop articles here 01. Learning shortcuts is an enormously important way to save time and enery as a designer. It might sound like a lot of effort but learning them will increase your workflow exponentially. 02. A common mistake people make when working in any software is forgetting to save, and consequently losing all your work when there's a power cut or hardware malfunction. 03. A central feature of Photoshop, layers make a project easier to edit, duplicate and more. 04. 05.

Photoshop, ecco come usarlo. 8 reasons to use the new Adobe CC Library panel. 4 Ways to Remove Problem Areas With Photoshop Elements 13 - Photoshop Master. Every photographer has experienced the frustration of having a great photo marred by a small problem.

4 Ways to Remove Problem Areas With Photoshop Elements 13 - Photoshop Master

Perhaps it's a piece of litter on the grass, a speck of dirt on the lens, or a distracting figure in the background. You'll be surprised by how seamlessly many of these problems can be eliminated with Photoshop. Removing areas from photos is a task all photographers should master. Here are four ways to tackle your problem areas using Photoshop Elements 13. 1. Photoshop's most impressive tool for removing unwanted elements is the Content Aware Move Tool. The Content Aware Move Tool is fairly smart. 2.

Removing small flaws is simplest with the Spot Healing Brush. If you don't get an effect you like on your first few tries, tweak the settings of the Spot Healing Brush. 3. With the Cloning Tool, you can cover a problem area by copying over it using an unaffected portion of your photo. Photoshop Tips&Tricks: Aggiungere dettaglio… Sfocando! – Bentornati a “Photoshop Tips & Tricks”, la nostra piccola rubrica di consigli utili e veloci per migliorare la tecnica di post-produzione.

Photoshop Tips&Tricks: Aggiungere dettaglio… Sfocando! –

Oggi ti insegnerò un metodo velocissimo per dare più dettaglio e volume alle tue immagini, utilizzando come strumento per il contrasto… LA SFOCATURA! Hai capito bene: sfocheremo per accentuare il dettaglio!