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Cultivation of Algae - Photobioreactor - Oilgae - Oil from Algae. Algae cultivation can be achieved in two ways: open ponds and photobioreactors (PBR). A photobioreactor is a closed equipment which provides a controlled environment and enables high productivity of algae. As it is a closed system, all growth requirements of algae are introduced into the system and controlled according to the requirements. PBRs facilitate better control of culture environment such as carbon dioxide supply, water supply, optimal temperature, efficient exposure to light, culture density, pH levels, gas supply rate, mixing regime, etc., Photobioreactor - How it works Working of a photobioreactor: Flow description: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Advantages of Photobioreactors Cultivation of algae is in controlled circumstances, hence potential for much higher productivityLarge surface-to-volume ratio. Disadvantages of Photobioreactors Capital cost is very high.

General Specifications of a Photobioreactor Requirements to develop a high-performance photobioreactor for algal cultivation: Ryohei Tanaka: Painting studio. Ryohei Tanaka has completed a renovation of a small atelier for a painter in a 25-year-old apartment building. Titled PRC (from patched reinforced concrete), the project grows out of an experimental technique employed here by the architects. They began by spraying a white paint onto existing concrete walls and ceiling, masked by a special EVA sheet with a cobweb-like pattern. This creates a surprising effect for the onlooker. As a result, the surface of the wall became a texture, somewhat like a floral pattern: surfaces in the interior mix the texture of the old wall (that had been left unfinished) with the new wall, now painted white.

The process is inspired by Kintsugi, a Japanese technique for repairing broken pottery. Ryohei Tanaka: PRC (patched reinforced concrete) painting studioArchitetct: Ryohei Tanaka / GConstruction: Kenji Okubo / DOUGUArea: 70,5 square metresCompletion: 2012. Adam Miklosi - formatervez s, grafikai tervez s, industrial design, product design, graphic design, art, artist, designer, hungary. Red sky at night shepherd's delight. Archdaily. McGee Art Pavilion / ikon.5 architects McGee Art Pavilion / ikon.5 architects (10) – ArchDaily. Asteroids make life's raw materials - environment - 04 May 2011. By Michael Marshall WERE asteroids the factories that created life’s building blocks?

For the first time, rocks from an asteroid have been shown to power the synthesis of life’s essential chemicals. The asteroid in question fell to Earth on 28 September 1969, landing on the outskirts of the village of Murchison in Victoria, Australia. Tests showed it was laced with amino acids and some of the chemicals found in our genetic material. The discovery suggested that space was not the chemically sterile place it was once thought to be, and that organic chemistry was widespread. It hinted that the molecules life needed to get started could have been produced in space, before dropping to Earth. “Rather than space being chemically sterile, organic chemistry is widespread and rich” But how did those molecules form?

They obtained 1 gram of the Murchison meteorite, ground it to powder and removed all the organic molecules, leaving just the mineral. More on these topics: Asteroid Mining | Stuff-Review. What do Google’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, director James Cameron, Microsoft alumnus Charles Simonyi, billionaire Ross Perot Jr. and X Prize founder Peter Diamandis have in common? Apparently an aspiration in mining asteroids, and making even more money of course. After conquering the world-wide web, your phone and your smartphone, the Google duo has outer space ambitions and in their plan they will be joined, among others, by the above named billionaires and visionaries and a few former NASA employees. The group of investors have formed a new company, named Planetary Resources that will be unveiled this coming Tuesday by Peter Diamandis and former NASA Mars mission manager Chris Lewicki. Planetary resources said in a short press release:continue reading.

The Commons | Urbis Magazine. Takapuna has traditionally been a beachy suburb, known for its line up of lofty, ocean-front homes, but not especially for its dining and shopping offerings. With the admission of a few new upmarket establishments in recent times, Takapuna seems to be emerging as a retail and hospitality hot spot on Auckland’s North Shore. One of the most welcome new additions to Takapuna’s dining scene is The Commons, a multi-space bar and eatery area designed by hospitality mavens Pack and Company - the team behind Auckland’s uber-stylish Imperial Lane and Wellington’s Matterhorn. The first introduction to The Commons from Hurstmere Road is a European-inspired bakery and patisserie, Elske. Here, the designers have embraced the recent re-emergence of ‘industrial-chic’ choosing polished concrete floors, raw timber roof beams and a selection of heavy tables and chairs.

Futuristic ‘ec-O’ bench grows plants, generates electricity | Greendiary : Greendiary – Let. You might not often come across such artistic furniture that tends to move beyond its primary function, i.e. seating. Including a bench, a planter, a street light and a power generator in a single piece of furniture, designer Steve Ma introduces, conceives rather, ec-O bench – ‘a semi circular moon shaped prop’. While it’s crafted in recycled stuff such as bio-Aluminum hauled out of outmoded aircrafts, the bio-glass adds a green sheen to its overall green design. The bench’s lighting surface with four lighting channels are embedded with thin solar films, and they generate electricity. Lest you ask for more, ec-O comes with an inbuilt water collector and water filter to sustain green on it.

Next, as Evolo points it out, “the bench could contribute to LEED credits and USGBC project certification.” Via: Treehugger/GreenPacks. Why Algae. The events of the past few years have made it clear that the United States can no longer ignore the threats to its economy, climate and national energy security rising from its dependence on petroleum fuel. Social and political instability in or near major oil producing regions has led to frequent price spikes, hampering an already-slow economic recovery as consumers are forced to spend more of their limited income on gas. Major spills in waterways like the Gulf of Mexico provide dramatic reminders of the risks inherent in oil exploration and production and their effect on our natural environment.

The status quo is simply no longer an option. We must find new, sustainable and domestic alternatives to petroleum fuel. Doing so will help us address the three most crucial issues of our time: National Energy Security. Economic Security. Climate Change. Fortunately, there is a solution to these incredible challenges. Algae’s Advantage | Algae Biomass Organization. Algae are changing our world again. They have already helped to shape our earth into the hospitable, oxygen abundant place that it is.

Now they are quickly becoming a renewable source of fuel, agricultural feed, chemicals, plastics, and so much more. Algae can do all of this because of a few unique advantages. Algae consume carbon dioxide (CO2) as a food source, and release oxygen into the atmosphere. These basic advantages give algae the world-changing potential to create a renewable energy source that recycles our waste, provides new products, and purifies our air. Members of the Algal Biomass Organization are working hard to harness these advantages, and the algae industry is quickly expanding as more people begin to appreciate what algae could do for our future.

Recycled Bench grows plants and generates electricity | Tomorrow is greener. Posted by Greener Tomorrow on September 8th, 2010 There are many ‘eco benches’ designed in the past few years, but Steven Ma came up with a really intriguing eco bench to say the least. The bench is not only a recycled bench, but also a planter, it generates power and functions as a street light as well. The ec-O bench, as the bench is called, acts as a planter and is formed in such a way that it captures its own water to sustain the plants growing on the bench. The small ‘rooftop’ of the bench has solar cells to collect solar energy during the day. The solar cells are used to power four lighting channels that turn into a street or path light when the sun goes down. The eco-bench is made out of recycled materials, including bio-aluminum, from redundant aircrafts and glass, which can be recycled again at the end of the bench’s life.

Source: Evolo You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Chlorella - Purified Air Pods by Adam Miklosi. This exploration into the future of oxygen production is a green twist on the oxygen bar that incorporates high-yielding, oxygen-producing algae into a sauna-like structure. Designed for public spaces, Chlorella users can take a quick breather inside and enjoy the healing and relaxing effects.

When not in use, it keeps working, contributing oxygen to the external environment. Designer: Adam Miklosi. Top 15 NASA's Plants That Can Save Your Life! The world we live in is full of synthetic chemicals, most of which are toxic. They are encountered from our food to all the objects we touch. No wonder the explosion of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) cases (see: But if you think that contamination is something occurring outdoor, you're awfully wrong. The "technology toxins" stalk inside your house, and the situation is nastier than you could imagine.

The insidious aspect is that these toxins poison you most of the time, including while you are sleeping. 95% of what's inside perfumes, deodorants, body lotions, cleaning products, paints, new carpets, tobacco smoke, shampoos, gasoline and other products are petroleum derived, like acetone, camphor, benzens, aldehydes, ethanol, g-terpins and others. On long term, this exposure translates into cancers. Plants (more specifically the leaves) have been known to function like air pumps. Dracaena massangeana 1. 2.