Luis E Gonzalez
Photographer of over 28 years
Performance reports: Google AdSense. Seeing Humor in Everything. Having the ability of seeing humor in everything is a gift that not that many of us posses.
We can often see an act, a subject, an event or any random thing that will bring a smile upon our face and will lighten our day, even changing our mood from foul to fair. Barriers and Openings. This particular theme involves two opposite concepts; one lets you in the other stops you.
Openings and barriers are two subjects that can easily be represented in photography. A barrier can be anything that stops progress, prevents one from going forward from getting from point A to point B. So in essence a barrier can be something physical or imagined. An opening is the same concept; it can be something that lets you pass, lets you achieve a purpose, so here again it can be real or imagined. So Cool It's Hot Photography. It's so hot, that's actually cool.
I have often wondered how these two opportunistic terms work so well together when describing something that's so appealing that is really cool simply because it's so hot. The idea of capturing images that represent something hot, represent something cool and represent both at the same time seems to be a contradiction in terms and practice, yet it has become a photographic project which has gained in popularity in the last few years, probably thanks to the words themselves and their colloquialism but definitely thanks to the advertising industry. Photographing hot has many variations; one can photograph images of things that are actually hot by temperature or hot simply because they are in style; the new rave.
Images of "cool" follow the same definition, it's either cool by temperature or it's a really good thing, fun to use or do. First a definition of each word, as per the web; The same applies for the "hot" theme. Photo Tips for Beginners. Photography is an art, no doubt, in most photos the photographer has to plan, and decide how the finished product will look.
Therefore some basic photo tips and knowledge of your camera's functions is essential. I am very particular as to how I want my subject to be represented, I want my subject to be the focus or centerpiece of each of my shots. I most always use the aperture priority setting on my shots(Canon calls it AV) and I most always set the aperture to its widest setting. Granted, the backgrounds are most often out of focus but this fits my style. You may decide that you want to include more of the background and that is your choice, what sets you apart from others. Photography and Repetition. Repetition is another of the classic subjects that can be represented through photography.
Patterns that repeat are found in many things, including nature. Repetition in simple things sometimes make for the best photos. Repetition in a chain link fence, the leaves of a tree, a set of marbles. Faces in a crowd. Several people in uniform. Use lines, shapes, texture and color when choosing subjects for repetitive photography. The are two main techniques that can be pursued with this technique; to break the repetitive patterns, in order words, to include an element that is repetitive in shape,texture etc but perhaps of a different color into a continuous pattern. The second technique is to emphasize the pattern. Sensuality Through Photography. If you would like to pursue this style of photography, do so with an understanding that sensuality is not nude photography, nor is it erotic photography, The entire human body need not be shown and only small parts are best.
Makeup, props, lightning ,arrangement of subject, positioning are the crucial elements to which the most attention has to be directed. If photographing a human form, do so by cleverly insinuating the subject's form rather than to show more skin. Lines and form are more important as is texture. Many of these shots are used in the fashion industry as well as in many product marketing campaigns.
Start by taking shots of family and friends or hire some models for short time work. Consider offering your services free of charge to art schools, beauty schools and fashion institutes in return for photographing the students as models. Contact them and offer working for them in return for being allowed to keep your work, although you will need to supply them with copies. Angels and Demons The Photos. I have seen many an angel during my time and I have also seen plenty of demons too.
What makes a Professional Photographer. What is a professional?
In any form or any endeavor, a professional is usually one who makes a living out of their work. Some definitions for being a professional include making at least 50% of their income from their activities, to some this percentage has to be 100%. In photography this is not always the case. True that most professionals in this field do make their entire living from the photos they capture, to include writing books and selling prints to individuals. But more than making money, it is the love and appreciation for photography that often is the defining factor in being called a professional photographer.
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