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Welcome to Web Books Publishing. Vocabulary Practice With Rap Your Words. I love being able to let popular celebrities inspire my students with a positive educational message, especially the most unlikely ones.

Vocabulary Practice With Rap Your Words

Eminem did my work for me when he was interviewed by 60 Minutes; he talked about how he can rhyme unlikely words together and therefore has an almost obsessive need to know as many words as possible. That one snippet of his interview alone is a great inspiration as to why students should care about learning new vocabulary! I also use his interview to prime students right before I assign them to write their own vocabulary raps (or song lyrics if students would rather not rap but sing).

My students team up in pairs and have to use at least 15 of the 20 vocabulary words of their current unit. Level 200 Vocabulary Topics. Town vocabulary in English. FoodieView - The Recipe Search Engine. Peapod Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery Service. World's Largest Cookbook Selection at Jessica's Biscuit - Food Network - Easy Recipes, Healthy Eating Ideas and Chef Recipe Videos.

Food. A Bedroom 2. Furniture 1. Vocabulary Practice With Rap Your Words. Vocabulary Practice With Rap Your Words Posted on Thu, Sep 15, 2011 I love being able to let popular celebrities inspire my students with a positive educational message, especially the most unlikely ones.

Vocabulary Practice With Rap Your Words

Eminem did my work for me when he was interviewed by 60 Minutes; he talked about how he can rhyme unlikely words together and therefore has an almost obsessive need to know as many words as possible. That one snippet of his interview alone is a great inspiration as to why students should care about learning new vocabulary! I also use his interview to prime students right before I assign them to write their own vocabulary raps (or song lyrics if students would rather not rap but sing). My students team up in pairs and have to use at least 15 of the 20 vocabulary words of their current unit. 16 Websites to Teach and Learn Vocabulary. There are now several web tools that are really great in teaching vocabulary and that you can use with your students in the classroom.

16 Websites to Teach and Learn Vocabulary

We have curated a list a list of some of the best web tools to teach vocabulary. Check them down below. 1- 16 Websites to Teach and Learn Vocabulary. Vocabulary Index. Blends, Digraphs, and Trigraphs. Consonant blends (also called consonant clusters) are groups of two or three consonants in words that makes a distinct consonant sound, such as "bl" or "spl.

Blends, Digraphs, and Trigraphs

" Consonant digraphs include bl, br, ch, ck, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gh, gl, gr, ng, ph, pl, pr, qu, sc, sh, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, th, tr, tw, wh, wr. How to Memorize Things Quickly. People like to joke that the only thing you really “learn” in school is how to memorize.

How to Memorize Things Quickly

As it turns out, that’s not even the case for most of us. If you go around the room and ask a handful of people how to memorize things quickly, most of them will probably tell you repetition. That is so far from the truth, it’s running for office. Verbal Working Memory Assessment - Cambridge Brain Sciences. The digit span task exercises your verbal working memory.

Verbal Working Memory Assessment - Cambridge Brain Sciences

Scientists refer to working memory as the cognitive system that allows the temporary storage and manipulation of information. Visual Spatial Span Assessment : Cambridge Brain Sciences. The spatial span task exercises your visuospatial working memory; the component of working memory that allows you to temporarily hold and manipulate information about places.

Visual Spatial Span Assessment : Cambridge Brain Sciences

Many everyday activities involve visuospatial working memory, including finding your way around your environment, judging the position of other motorists while you are driving and searching for your keys. According to one very influential cognitive model of working memory (Badderly & Hitch, 1974) visuospatial working memory depends on a specialised sub-component of the working memory system.

This is referred to as the ‘visuospatial sketchpad’ and is thought to have a visual ‘cache’, responsible for storing visual form and colour information, and an ‘inner scribe’ which deals with spatial and movement information. This task places significant demands on the inner scribe. How many squares can you remember? Paired Associates Memory Assessment - Cambridge Brain Sciences. In this task you have to remember which objects are hidden in different boxes.

Paired Associates Memory Assessment - Cambridge Brain Sciences

Psychologists call the skills required for this task 'paired-associate-learning', as you are required to learn to pair two items in memory - in this case the type of object and the location of the object. When one of the paired features is revealed (in this case the object), you have to remember its associate (the location it is hidden in). MemTrax: Online Memory Test - Fast Memory Screening Test - Memory Exam. Everystockphoto - searching free photos. Telling the time 6 exercises. What time is it? Phrasebank. Значение слова «ДУРАК» в онлайн-словаре. Основные английские фразы и выражения. English 2126: Modern English Grammar: The Phrase.

You are here: · · hypertextbooks · grammar · phrase.htm Words are the constituent elements of the next rank, phrases.

English 2126: Modern English Grammar: The Phrase

At the phrase rank, we discover that it is possible to analyze each structure in more than one way. To study this phenomenon more closely, we will look at phrase structure in English. English is a language with five classes of phrases, noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases, adverb phrases, and prepositional phrases. The Noun Phrase Like all phrases, the constituents of the English noun phrase can be analyzed into both functional constituents and formal constituents. From a functional point of view, the noun phrase has four major components, occurring in a fixed order: In the diagram below, notice that each functional component of a noun phrase (NP) can be further subclassified as we trace the diagram from left to right until we find that we have form classes (of the kind we discussed above) filling each constituent category.

And so on. A. C. E. F. English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions. Idioms and idiomatic expressions are used frequently in spoken and written English and so this is a useful area of the language to learn. Since idioms are phrases where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words, this can make idioms hard for ESL students and learners to understand.

However, learning idioms can be fun and rewarding since their meanings are often surprising. New Year’s Eve Vocabulary « English with Jo. With only one day to go until New Year’s Eve, you might wish to revise some common words and vocabulary that you might hear if you are out celebrating this occasion.

New Year’s Eve Vocabulary « English with Jo

New Year’s Day – The day when people celebrate the beginning of a new year. It is held on 1st January and in some countries it is a holiday from work. New Year’s Eve - New Year’s Eve is the night before New Year’s Day, the 31st December. Town vocabulary in English. New Year’s Eve Vocabulary « English with Jo.