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Keyboard Symbols. Want to learn how to type various symbols and make your text look cool?

Keyboard Symbols

Here are some cool keyboard symbols that you could use in blogs, chats, e-mails, and text messages. These symbols evolve from a mix and match of some simple characters and keyboard functions. They are fun to create and interesting to decipher. Use these symbols and make your communication crisp and entertaining. Text Message Symbols. Believe it or not, for most of us, our messages remain incomplete without the use of text message symbols.

Text Message Symbols

Many times, the use of these emoticons is even unnecessary, but we have become so used to them that we can't do without them. Texting abbreviations and symbols undoubtedly help us in reducing the number of characters. A simple smiley can express whether you are happy, sad, or even sarcastic about something. Texting abbreviations help you save space in messages. Text Message Symbols.