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Inspiration déco

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Le Grenier - Roubaix - France : Stock. Mobilier industriel - Versailles/Paris - Metal and Woods. Maison de Famille. DIY Wall Pop Art. Easy Change Floating Photo Wall. I'm a part-time professional photographer and I love taking pictures!

Easy Change Floating Photo Wall

Sometimes I work really hard to take an idea in my head and turn it into a finished picture. Like everyone else, I share my pictures online with friends and family, but I really want to display some of my images at home. Typically when you want to print out an image to display in your home you can do one of two things.

Joker Mosaic. One fine day, totally out of the blue, the startup I work with(Digital Jalebi) received a box overflowing with small stock image prints.

Joker Mosaic

Turns out we had purchased a few hundred images from Images Bazaar way back for a client's project, and they mailed us these prints for promotion. Such an awesome opportunity simply cannot be allowed to be wasted and I volunteered to put these images to good use. I decided to make a mosaic of 392 images from these totally random 700-800 images(coincidentally, the stock images we bought were also used to make a digital mosaic). Having never made a mosaic myself, I was informed that the mosaic making process is best left to computers, which can analyze each image, tint them and find the best spot to place them.


Blogs/sites Déco. How to Make Halloween Tinker Bell Pumpkin. Feature Friday- Paisley Chickens! Jamaica byles: Painted Rocks. I've lately become quite enamored with, of all things, painted rocks.Who knew such innocuous objects could be transformed, with a little paint and imagination, into pieces of eye popping beauty.

jamaica byles: Painted Rocks

Makes me want to go out and gather some rocks and paints.....what a fun way to pass some time.

Design intérieur

IMG_8610. Necessity Is... (Junk Art!) Window Salvage. Do you ever make something and just can't help smiling when you are done?

Window Salvage

That is how it was with this project. It ranks as one of my top 5 favorite projects of all time, and it was simple and came together (almost) effortlessly. I painted random pieces of scrap wood, trim pieces, pallet wood and Bri Waxed the window frame with light brown. Magnetically Modular, Sustainably Salvaged, Creatively Crafted Wood Home Decor and Furnishings.


Jardin. Tables. Bijoux. Cabane déco dans les arbres : Guirlandes flottées. Mobilier vintage, Meubles vintage années 50 60 70 - Design Market. La récup' dans la déco, le détournement d'objets /  WoDesign. Avec un peu d’imagination et quelques vieilles planches qui ont vécu il est possible de créer de belles ambiances.

La récup' dans la déco, le détournement d'objets /  WoDesign

Pour preuve les photos qui vont suivre, elles démontrent parfaitement que la décoration est une affaire d’accords, de tonalités, un peu comme une partition de musique en fait, peu importe finalement les matériaux utilisés, le tout est d’avoir l’art et la manière de les accorder pour donner tout son sens à une pièce. L’imagination est aussi une des clefs d’une décoration réussie, car il faut bien le dire, il en faut une bonne dose pour voir dans quelques vieilles planches désuètes, quelques morceaux de bois ou dans des palettes, la possibilité de les transformer en quelques choses d’utiles ou de décoratifs. Mais ça fonctionne pourtant bien. Le détournement d’objets est aussi dans l’air du temps, comme le témoignent les bureaux jumeaux : une simple table séparée par une bibliothèque, astucieux et pratique. Sources : The style divison, apartment therapy, then let it be.

Le meilleur du DIY. Édition éphémère. MAGIC Decal Tutorial with Free Printables! Some of you may remember, a little while back I posted a tutorial for DIY waterslide decals.

MAGIC Decal Tutorial with Free Printables!

Among other things, I mentioned how awesome they are for creating custom embellishments without the need for any fancy-pants equipment. Yep, waterslide decal paper is a truly fab product, though as great as it is, there is one drawback – although it’s somewhat tough it’s not especially durable. So, whilst it’s perfect for ornamental purposes, it’s not ideal for more practical applications…until now that is! Magic decal coating paper is a product designed to be used in conjunction with standard decal paper to make the finished transfers super durable – yes, even dishwasher resistant! If you’re already familiar with magic decal coating paper then please excuse my tardy excitement, though for everyone else who is just getting to the party now too, feel free to start throwing the streamers! 1 Image to transfer. Use anything you like. 2 Printer. You can use either a laser or an inkjet printer. 6 Scissors. Chevron Pattern Recycled Wood Planter Box » The 91204 Blog.

After we built the planter box in the previous post for Stephanie, Dez was jealous and she wanted something cool like that for her own garden.

Chevron Pattern Recycled Wood Planter Box » The 91204 Blog

So this is what she got and it’s by far one of our favorite DIY projects that we’ve done. It was actually kinda tedious, but totally worth it. Mes Idées récup'. Pour le reportage, on m'a demandé de faire un petit bricolage facile et rapide à faire, que je vous présente ici.

Mes Idées récup'

Voici, la patère Parisienne, réalisée avec de vieilles poignées de fenêtres et un morceau de palette. Fiches créatives - Decoy Strawberry Rocks to Deter Bird Burglars. Our Home. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?

Our Home

I have a special delivery for you today. A WHITE CHRISTMAS Yup. I put my elf hat on, and made a little snow for you. Blog. April 15th, 2014 Daniel and I just got back from Washington, DC.


We drove up for our friends’ wedding celebration, but stayed to explore a little since neither of us had been since high school. We hit some museums downtown and visited the zoo. Déco & Récup - Carolyne's Home. Bonjour tout le monde ! Bien longtemps que je n'étais pas venue vous faire un coucou ... Trop de boulot, trop de fatigue, trop d'eau, pas assez de soleil, un grand ras le bol de cet hiver qui n'en finit pas ! Parce que je ne sais pas pour vous, mais pour moi, le printemps n'a même pas eu le temps de s'installer ! Cela dit, je ne vais pas trop me plaindre, je n'ai pas les pieds dans l'eau comme nombre de français (enfin pas encore) !

East Coast Creative: Modern Typography Meets Reclaimed Barnwood. Back in May, I posted about this frame that I made from reclaimed barnwood: This piece is one of my absolute favorites. It’s the first frame I made from barnwood, and is what began my love affair with all reclaimed materials. I had purchased the phrase from Uppercase Living to to add to the frame and for almost 3 years, this frame has made me very happy. But…. (you knew there was going to be a but, right?) Inspired by the House Rules print above, I picked up 2 in letter stencils at Walmart and went to town. 11 idées DIY pour créer des patères originales et recyclées.

Cartes vintages à télécharger. Voilà une ressource qui devrait plaire aux amoureux des cartes et plans en tout genre: la bibliothèque publique de New York a récemment rendu accessible à tous sa collection de cartes et plans passées dans le domaine public. Dentelles oxydées. Somewhat Quirky: Love One Another Subway Art - Fall Fix-Up #8. Part 1 It's still fall and one of the things that I've been needing to make is "due" this Saturday so I get to add one more thing to my Fall Fix-Ups 2012.A friend I made when we lived in Kansas City got married last week in Cancun. Her reception is this weekend in KC and we will be making a flying trip down (and back) to celebrate and wish her and her husband the best.This wedding means a lot to me. I know that sounds selfish, but she was always one of those girls that lived through one bad ending relationship after another. That possibly means that she lived through one bad relationship after another, but that's not for me to say.

That said - I could not be happier that she has found someone to share her life with.

Wall Art

Chambre. Déco - Esprit industriel on Pinterest. Images. Illustrations. Bonus: The Moose. This is a bonus for my other instructable: Create faceted paper-objects If you like it, please vote for me there while the papercraft competition still runs) I had hoped that the deer would get some positive feedback. But what really happened totally blew my mind. More than 100.000 views and more than 1.000 likes.

Thank you so much!!