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Post Type Switcher. This plugin adds a simple post-type drop-down to the post editor interface, allowing you to reassign any post to a new post type.

Post Type Switcher

It allows you to switch post’s type while editing your post. Supported Types The plugin can convert nearly every combination of posts, pages, and even custom post types: Page to PostPost to PagePost to CustomCustom to Custom As of 3.0.0, support for switching to or from Attachments was removed. Invisible post types, such as revisions, menus, etc., are purposely excluded. Bulk Editing With bulk editing, thanks to Matthew Gerring, you can select all the posts in a certain type and convert them to a new type with one quick action. Installation In your WordPress Dashboard go to « Plugins » -> « Add Plugin ».Search for « Post Type Switcher ».Install the plugin by pressing the « Install » button.Activate the plugin by pressing the « Activate » button.From the post edit screen, above the « Publish » button is the « Post Type » interface.Change post types as needed. Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails.

List the most recent posts with post titles, thumbnails, excerpts, authors, categories, dates and more!

Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails

The plugin is available in English, German (Deutsch), Persian (فارسی), Arabic (العربية), Polish (Polski) Russian (русский), Turkish (Türkçe), Japanese (日本語) and Greek (Ελληνικά). It does not collect any personal data, so it is ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. Lightweight, simple and effective No huge widget with hundreds of options. This plugin is based on the well-known WordPress default widget ‘Recent Posts’ and extended to display more informations about the posts like e.g. thumbnails, excerpts and assigned categories. The thumbnails will be built from the featured image of a post or of the first image in the post content.

Advanced Custom Fields, cas pratique d'utilisation. Dans l'article précédent qui résume un talk fait lors d'un meetup Wordpess Lille, nous avons découvert ce qu'était Advanced Custom Fields.

Advanced Custom Fields, cas pratique d'utilisation

La suite de la présentation portait sur l'utilisation du plugin en situation réelle. Topic: [Plugin: Contact Form 7 Dynamic Text Extension] applying custom keys. This functionality is now available in version 1.0.4.

Topic: [Plugin: Contact Form 7 Dynamic Text Extension] applying custom keys

The tag would look like this: Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7. This plugin adds conditional logic to Contact Form 7.

Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7

If you edit your CF7 form, you will see an additional tag called “Conditional fields Group”. Everything you put between the start and end tag will be hidden by default. After you have added the field group(s), click Save and go to the “Conditional fields” tab to create one or more conditions that will make the group(s) appear. How to use it. Cpham/acf-contact-form: Contact Form Extension for Advanced Custom Fields (Beta) Taylormsj/acf-cf7: Adds a 'Contact Form 7' field type for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin. How to use Advanced Custom Fields for your contact forms - Awesome ACF.

Advanced Forms helps you create “Flexible and developer-friendly forms using the power of ACF” In my opinion this is the most under-rated extension for ACF, you should really check it out!

How to use Advanced Custom Fields for your contact forms - Awesome ACF

If you’re creating custom WordPress themes for clients, I’m guessing you’ll be using ACF Pro to manage your custom fields and a form plugin like Gravity Forms to manage your contact forms. In my experience, most client sites don’t really need a complex form builder plugin. Some developers think ACF is just for the wp-admin area. However, ACF is more then capable of managing the front end forms needed on most client sites!

You may have heard of the acf_form function, it lets you easily display an ACF field group(s) on the front end of your site. Advanced Forms solves this, it extends the default acf_form functionality and it makes creating all kinds of front end forms really easy! What are the benefits ? Advanced Forms Documentation. Php - how to display wordpress acf custom fields in front end form posting. Basic Usage - Reusing Simple Component Field - Reusable ACF Component Field. Scenario You are developing a custom wp theme, and you are using acf pro to allow your client to easily edit various content on the site.

Basic Usage - Reusing Simple Component Field - Reusable ACF Component Field

However, this theme has a special requirement, that is, any button can be either a) Internal page link selected from a dropdown, b) Internal page link, but a input field so the client is allow to append query string to the url, c) External link to other site, but might or might no open in a new tab. And the buttons are all over the place, in the header, sidebar, content, footer, call out area… Normal solution If you were to do this with plain ACF Pro plugin, you’d probably be doing something similar to this: For every button, might be in the same field group or different ones, might be inside a repeater or a flexible content block, you’d create the following fields for every single button instance:

ACF un page builder pas comme les autres. How to create single-custom.php for different repeater fields (using Advanced Custom Fields) in Wordpress. Custom contact form 7 select with custom values. Getting Custom field value in contact form 7 in wordpress. Dynamically Add a WordPress Post Title in Contact Form 7. The Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin is a very powerful plugin that we typically use on any WordPress development project that requires forms.

Dynamically Add a WordPress Post Title in Contact Form 7

Often times we run into situations where we need to dynamically add a WordPress post title in either the subject line or email body generated by the form. Luckily, this situation is very easy to handle with the aid of an extension plugin. Extending Advanced Custom Fields With Your Own Controls. Advanced Custom Fields1 (ACF) is a free WordPress plugin that replaces the regular custom fields interface in WordPress with something far more powerful, offering a user-friendly interface for complex fields like location maps, date pickers and more. In this article I’ll show you how you can extend ACF by adding your own controls to tailor the experience to your needs. How ACF Works Link ACF is a collection of fields which can be added to a number of locations in WordPress, such as posts, taxonomies, users and so on.

8 astuces ACF pour un développement WordPress surpuissant. 8 snippets pour un développement ACF aux petits oignons. Je ne sais pas si vous êtes un habitué de cette extension WordPress, mais j’adore Advanced Custom Fields.

8 snippets pour un développement ACF aux petits oignons

Dans mon quotidien de développeur WordPress freelance, il me fait gagner un temps fou ! Créer des metaboxes, insérer des champs simples ou complexes dedans, gérer leur affichage conditionnel… J’évite grâce à ACF beaucoup de lignes de code pour arriver à un résultat de qualité. Mais parfois, l’interface d’ACF ne permet pas de dynamisme poussé. Advanced Custom Fields Contact Form 7. Advanced Custom Fields - Component Field Addon by gummi-io. Build it once, use it everywhere and forever.

Advanced Custom Fields - Component Field Addon by gummi-io

A simple acf pro add-on that allows you to treat a field group as a component and reuse it in any other field groups. Later on if you want to make changes to that component, you only need to edit once, it’ll apply to every field groups that uses the component. When should I use this? Have you ever find your self creating the same set of fields in your project, say like, a custom lists menu, a testimonial block, sliders, or even a button?

Well, this plugin might just be the one you need. Requirement. ACF un page builder pas comme les autres. Installer, configurer et utiliser WOOCOMMERCE [Tutos Vidéos]

Elementor Page Builder

WordPress: Plugin Development. After months of hard work, I am excited to announce the launch of my new video course on developing WordPress plugins. It covers the entire process of building, securing, and optimizing your own plugins, including 50+ ready-to-go plugin demos and examples. The course is focused on developing plugins using the WP API and Standards. Covers basics and gets into advanced topics like HTTP API, REST API, and WP Cron. Truly packed with practical examples and techniques to help you create your own awesome plugins. Check it out at » Post Type Switcher. Créer un plugin WordPress extensible – Lipaonline. A la recherche des bonnes pratiques pour créer un plugin WordPress (je dois revoir le code d’un plugin que j’ai codé il y a +2ans.. à l’époque, j’étais loin de connaitre aussi bien WP que maintenant), je vais vous parler d’un concept au coeur de WordPress, et pourtant assez peu utilisé des développeurs : créer des hooks (filter et action) pour ces propres plugins, et les rendre ainsi extensible.

La littérature en la matière est assez pauvre, je suis tombé sur cette article, qui m’a donné des pistes pour aller plus loin… L'Écho des Plugins WP. Widget Options est le petit cousin du fameux Widget Logic qui affiche les widgets sur votre site suivant les tags conditionnels de WordPress. Par exemple, le tag is_home() fera en sorte que le widget ne s’affiche que sur la page de listing du blog. Frontier Post — WordPress Plugins. Description WordPress Frontier Post Plugin enables simple full featured management of standard posts from frontend for all user roles.

Intention of the Frontier Post plugin is to enable front end posting and editing on your blog. Allowing your users to create content easy, with no need to go into the back-end. Editors and Administrators can use Frontier to edit posts from the frontend (Can be enabled/disabled in settings), and at the same time go to the backend for more advanced options.

GeoDirectory - Directory Plugin — WordPress Plugins. Turn any WordPress theme into a lightning-fast global business directory. Now 100% Multisite compatible! Includes extensive new set of shortcodes. Solution pour l'alerte WP_Widget obsolète depuis 4.3.0. Si vous avez mis à jour votre site en 4.3, et qu’en mode débogage vous avez ce message concernant un plugin actif qui utilise PHP 4 : Notice: La méthode constructor appelée pour WP_Widget est obsolète depuis la version 4.3.0 ! Veuillez utiliser __construct() à la place. in …

Revisr < git, versioning, plugin WP

Version control plugin for WP - VersionPress, version bêta. In this blog post I’m going to show how VersionPress 1.0 works and how it can help you manage your WordPress sites. It is a lot of screenshots so let’s get rolling. UPDATE: For new features in VersionPress 2.0, see this blog post. Installing VersionPress VersionPress ships as a standard plugin so the installation is just a matter of uploading a ZIP file and clicking a few buttons as usual. Once VersionPress is activated, it shows a prompt to start tracking the site: Beginner’s Guide to Wordpress Plugin Development. The WordPress CMS has changed the face of our Internet and allowed a surge of new ideas to prosper and its open source movement holds a strong presence rooted in software and web development.

WordPress is a blogging platform which has the ability to launch into many other scripts such as web forums, job boards, and even a classic webpage Content Management System. We’ll be going over a few ways to get started in plug-ins development for WordPress. The steps are fairly simple and don’t require a large dedication to study. Rudimentary knowledge of PHP would be useful even with a basic understanding of the WordPress file structure and Administration panel. WordPress Development for Beginners: Building Plugins. Interested in creating your own plugin for WordPress from scratch?

Coding your own plugin if you haven’t done it before may feel like you’re venturing into no man’s land, especially if you’re not super confident about your PHP skills. The challenge is knowing how to get started – and being open to making mistakes along the way. Plugins allow you to add all kinds of functionality to WordPress, from adding a simple contact form to a page to beefing up your security and adding eCommerce capabilities. If you can dream it up, there’s probably a plugin that can do it – or an idea for a plugin you can build yourself. This is the final post in our five-part series for beginners, teaching you the fundamental concepts of WordPress development so you can take the leap from tinkerer to developer.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to code your own plugin so you can modify the functionality of your WordPress site, third party plugins and even themes. Let’s get started! Ultimate Category Excluder — WordPress Plugins. Redirect Source — WordPress Plugins. WP Media Folder, WordPress folder in media. Stop searching for an image through thousands of media, and instead just navigate like you do on your desktop file browser. You'll be able to upload and drag'n drop media into folders and sub-folders. WP Media Folder is a real time-saver plugin, with it, you can manage and order files and images, from the native WordPress media manager. Using the default WordPress media manager also means that the plugin will be highly compatible with all the other plugins that you're using. There's nothing else to add, just watch our demo to get a clear idea of what you can do with it.

Rexpansive - Download best plugin page builder wordpress free. WordPress propose un plugin AMP pour booster l'affichage des contenus. Marcin Probola: PHP static code analysis vs ~1000 top wordpress plugins = 103 vulnerable plugins found. Front-End Editor - Ninja Forms. WP Safe Mode - WP Safe Mode. Plugins and Fast WordPress Sites - It's not the Number of Plugins, It's the Quality. Top 60 Wordpress Plugins of 2014. Term Management Tools. Convert Post Types. Pro Plugin Directory - Premium WordPress Plugins. Comment utiliser le plugin CoSchedule pour WordPress WP Contact Slider. UpPrev. Support. EWWW Image Optimizer. Imsanity. List category posts. Query posts by category... and display posts on page in grid layout without coding - Content Views. 7 astuces pour un développement Gravity Forms sur-mesure. WordPress - BOXIT - The Dropbox file upload for Wordpress.

AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild. PHP Browser Detection. Revisr. WP Clean Up Optimizer - Optimize WordPress. Reveal Template. WordPress Wiki Plugin. If Menu. WP Example Content. Gravity Forms: Update Custom Posts From The Front End With Revision Updates. Wp-sync-db/wp-sync-db-media-files. Wp-sync-db/wp-sync-db. PWD WP Login. Traductions WordPress. CollabPress. CoSchedule - Calendrier éditorial ultime pour WordPress ? DaWPlugins. Delicious WordPress Shopping Advice - WPscoop. Les Meilleurs, Gratuits et Essentiels. 21 Plugins to Efficiently Manage WordPress Multi-Author Blogs. 10 Picture Perfect WordPress Thumbnail Plugins.

WP & BuddyPress (

Duplicator Quick Start. WordPress - Color My Posts Pro. Category Icons. WP plugin > Appointments. SF Admin Bar Tools. Menu Image. Menu Icons. Relevanssi - A Better Search. Simple Footnotes. Velvet Blues Update URLs. Polylang. WordPress - Famax - Facebook Fan Page on your Website. WordPress Membership Plugin - WP eMember.