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Not an Exact Science Show a ajouté 350... - Not an Exact Science Show. Affiche à imprimer: femmes scientifiques. Enseignants et parents: je vous autorise par la présente à imprimer ces affiches et à les utiliser en classe, à la maison, sur vos t-shirts, où vous voulez (sauf sur des marchandises destinées à la vente).

Affiche à imprimer: femmes scientifiques

Les images en haute résolution sont disponibles ICI et ICI: J’ai fait ces petits dessins pour inspirer les filles qui ont envie d’étudier en sciences. À l’université, pour toutes sortes de raisons, les filles sont moins présentes que les garçons dans les programmes de sciences de la nature et technologie. Évidemment, je suis consciente qu’il en existe de nombreuses autres scientifiques importantes, et j’invite les enfants à faire leurs recherches et à créer leur propre affiche s’ils en ont envie. Sur Internet, j’ai reçu de nombreuses suggestions d’ajouts et quelques critiques qui déplorent le manque de garçons dans ce dessin: vous pouvez vous lancer, à vos crayons! 100 Common Myths & Misconceptions. Sources and Notes: Weil.

100 Common Myths & Misconceptions

"Does Alcohol Really Cook Out of Food". Archived from the original on 2014-04-27. Retrieved August 20, 2011. Analysis Reveals Human Sperm Counts Are Plummeting In The Developed World. By collecting every credible study they could find, a team of international researchers have confirmed that men in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand are producing less than half the sperm that the previous generation made at the same age.

Analysis Reveals Human Sperm Counts Are Plummeting In The Developed World

Despite some scaremongering headlines, this won't send the human race extinct, but there are some disturbing possible causes.

La ministre de la Santé, Agnès Buzyn, veut rendre obligatoire la vaccination contre 11 maladies - VACCINATION.

La ministre de la Santé, Agnès Buzyn, veut rendre obligatoire la vaccination contre 11 maladies -

La ministre de la Santé, Agnès Buzyn, a déclaré réfléchir "à rendre obligatoire, pour une durée limitée, les onze vaccins destinés aux enfants", dans une interview au Parisien parue vendredi 16 juin 2017. Aujourd'hui, seuls trois vaccinations infantiles sont obligatoires (se faisant en une seule injection) : diphtérie, tétanos et poliomyélite. Huit autres, dont la coqueluche, l'hépatite B ou la rougeole, sont seulement recommandées, rappelle la ministre. "Ce double système est une exception française. Cela pose un vrai problème de santé publique", estime-t-elle, rappelant que "la rougeole réapparaît" et qu'elle a causé la mort de 10 enfants depuis 2008. Earthables - 10 Amazing Facts About The Human Body. How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail. Have you ever noticed that when you present people with facts that are contrary to their deepest held beliefs they always change their minds?

How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail

Me neither. In fact, people seem to double down on their beliefs in the teeth of overwhelming evidence against them. The reason is related to the worldview perceived to be under threat by the conflicting data. Uk.businessinsider. Mitch and Greg from AsapSCIENCE sat down with Tech Insider to explain their experiment with the 36 questions.


Comment les rayons X voient à travers votre peau - Ge Wang. Chipping Campden - Les Cotswolds - Love GREAT Britain. GOOD - The World's Deadliest Animal. GOOD - If The World Were 100 People.

4° 5° Scientists on screen. Conversational activities. MOOC. DNL. Atlas Obscura - Invisible Worlds: Lima Beans. AsapSCIENCE - What Happens When You Die? Success. And Science’s Breakthrough of the Year is … Every December, the staff of Science singles out a significant development or achievement as the Breakthrough of the Year.

And Science’s Breakthrough of the Year is …

This year, visitors to Science’s website could pick their own favorite from the short list of candidates. Below are descriptions of Science’s Breakthrough—the powerful genome-editing technique known as CRISPR—along with nine Runners-up and the results of the “People’s Choice” poll. This Much Will Kill You. Oldest Known Message-In-A-Bottle Found. A postcard placed in a bottle and thrown into the North Sea more than a century ago has been found and returned to the scientific institution responsible for its distribution.

Oldest Known Message-In-A-Bottle Found

Rather than a love letter or an SOS to the world, it is part of one of the longest running scientific experiments in the world. From 1904-1906 George Parker Bidder of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K. (MBA) placed 1020 postcards addressed to the institution in bottles and had them released into the North Sea. Scientists Reveal Birth Date Of Earth's Inner Core. The inner core of our planet is notoriously difficult to investigate, being that it is over 6,300 kilometers (roughly 4,000 miles) away from us.

Scientists Reveal Birth Date Of Earth's Inner Core

The deepest humanity has ever drilled into the planet is a frankly minuscule 12 kilometers (7.5 miles). Seismologists long ago worked out that the physical properties of the core could be determined using the sound waves produced during earthquakes, but its age is less certain, with estimates ranging from 2 billion to a mere 0.5 billion years old. Today, a team of researchers led by the University of Liverpool has narrowed this down, revealing that the age of the inner core is somewhere between 1 and 1.5 billion years old. The study is published in Nature.


MinutePhysics. Common Science Myths That Most People Believe. There are a number of old wives’ tales out there regarding some basic scientific principles.

Common Science Myths That Most People Believe

Six Mysteries Solved By Science. While there are some mysteries that scientists have not yet unraveled, there are some myths and legends that seem to persist even after an explanation has been provided. Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is an area that represents the region of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Miami, Florida. Take the weekly quiz on levitating objects, mysterious fish migrations, and more! American eel. For more than a century, every sailor worth his salt knew that somewhere in the shallows of the Sargasso Sea, home to the infamous Bermuda Triangle, the eels spawned.