Pincer Grasp on iPad – Ideas from Your Therapy Source. Pincer Grasp on iPad – Ideas from Your Therapy Source Pincer Grasp on iPad (click to link to post) provides a few ideas on developing pincer grasp with appropriate iPad apps from Your Therapy Source . Just a note – the cellulose sponge may not work with some iPad screen protectors as found by some comments previously shared by readers.
Another thought may be to use short styluses (similar to using a short pencil; see references below) which may discourage the occurance of wrapped fingers around a standard sized stylus. Certainly choosing the right device to support the developmental hand skills of the user are in order here. If in question, ask your OT! Here are inexpensive (8.95 for 9 styluses – no shipping with Prime account :0), Short Stylus Pens available from Amazon that also might help with developing a more refined grasp: For other styluses or mobile device equipment visit the OT’s with Apps Amazon Store.
Ideas for your OT iTool Kit. Carol Like this: Like Loading... Communication_checklist.doc. Scaffolding. What is Scaffolding? Scaffolding is an instructional technique whereby the teacher models the desired learning strategy or task, then gradually shifts responsibility to the students. What is its purpose? Scaffolding essentially means doing some of the work for the student who isn't quite ready to accomplish a task independently.
Like the supports that construction workers use on buildings, scaffolding is intended to be temporary. It is there to aid the completion of a task and it is eventually removed. How can I do it? Task definition Model performance while thinking out loud - either direct or indirect instruction Specification and sequencing of activities Provide prompts, cues, hints, links, partial solutions, guides and structures Fade when appropriate How can I adapt it? Pair advanced learners with developing ones Engage students in cooperative learning. Assessment & Evaluation Considerations Teacher Resources. SEN. Sensitivities_for_School_children. Sensory Based Problem Behaviors and Therapeutic Interventions.
Free stuff for pediatric occupational and physical therapists. Mental Health in Education. ADD/ADHD. AD/HD ADD. Studying with ADHD. Dyslexia. Dyspraxia. Dyscalculia. Autism. This is the place where I tell you about my autism... How does my autism affect me? What does it do to me? Well, firstly, it makes me more of a loner than most people would be. Not that I'm anti-social, though - the sad fact is that I can't easily cope with too many human-to-human interactions all at once. This is because I find it difficult to process all that verbal and non-verbal information all at once. It's a bit like a PC, you know... you run your PC under Windows and then you select about four applications to use. Another thing it affects is my ability to deal with emotions. I also have difficulties understanding what people say to me.
The thinking bit of the brain is actually two very separate structures, which only "talk" to each other via this thing called the corpus callosum (almost literally, the hard bit!). What my autism does to me is to make me vulnerable to being abused, and this has happened to me all my life. RELATIONSHIPS.... Learning is very difficult for an autistic person. My Autism Links. iPad Apps for Autistic Students.
Apps on portable devices such as the Apple iPad can help non-verbal children to communicate basic needs. Intuitive apps that employ colorful images and sounds can also hold a child's attention long enough to learn and offer effective tools to build vocabulary and reinforce word knowledge. The following iPad apps are designed to augment self-expression among children with autism spectrum disorders and other cognitive impairments.
Becoming more comfortable with language may also encourage more safe social interaction among family members and classmates. 1. Apple iTunes Store Autism Xpress is a free app that encourages people with autism to recognize and express emotions. 2. Grace is a picture exchange system designed to encourage independent social interaction among people with autism. 3. iConverse iConverse is designed for children with autistic and other communicative disabilities who have not yet mastered basic speech. 4. 5. iPad Apps for Autistic Students.
Autism. The May family copes with four boys' autism as a team. GLEN MILLS, Pa. – Mothers make home movies for lots of happy reasons: to record milestones, such as a baby's first steps; to share a child's smile with a far-away relative; or just for bragging rights. Nicole May reached for her camera out of fear. She wondered why her 13-month-old son, Nicky, stopped looking her in the eye, even when she was seated inches away. Why he wouldn't talk or respond to his name. Why he constantly flapped his arms. May shot the movies to share her concerns with Nicky's doctor. Although she suspected the cause of his behavior changes, she was reluctant to face it.
Indeed, nothing about May's life is typical. All four of her sons — ages 2 to 10 — have an autism-spectrum disorder, which impairs their abilities to communicate and socialize, and predisposes them to repetitive behaviors, such as Nicky's arm flapping. Though autism can run in families, researchers say, families such as the Mays are rare. "I cry a lot," she says. At first, 'denial' 'They're not animals' Autism Network International. Autism teaching strategies. Autism, Aspergers, ADHD. Asperger. Asperger's Sites.
Aspergers Women. ASPERGER'S DISORDER HOMEPAGE. The Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support Center. Asperger Syndrome Education Network (ASPEN) Managing Individual Education Programs (IEP) on the iPad. Individual Education Programs (IEP) can be difficult to put in place at the best of times. IEP's are sometime a source of concern and frustration.
The more informed people are about the IEP process the better the IEP can be. Parents will normally work with teachers to develop a plan to help the students succeed in school. The IEP assists this process by describing the goals the whole team sets for a student during the school year, as well as any special support needed to help achieve them. Here are a number of apps that make managing and collecting data for the IEP Process just that little bit easier. IEP Checklist: FREE IEP Checklist is a tool for parents and teachers to consider as they develop the IEP. Prologuo2Go: $199.99 AU Proloquo2Go is for anyone who cannot afford spending thousands of dollars on an AAC device and yet wants a solution that is just as good if not better. TED Education Talks. SmartBoards and Special Education. Top Ten Things I Wish Students With ADD (ADHD) Knew About Their Medication When They Arrive On Campus.
Patricia O. Quinn, M.D. 1. Know the name of your medication and how it works. Ritalin (methylphenidate), Dexedrine, Adderall (amphetamines) or Strattera are the most commonly prescribed medications for ADD (ADHD). Ritalin and Dexedrine come as either short-acting (usually 4 hours) and longer acting (6-12 hours) preparations. The shorter acting medications take effect in 20 minutes while the longer acting ones may take up to an hour to be fully effective. 2. Stimulants are the treatment of choice for ADD (ADHD). 3. Taking medication before classes can help you concentrate on what is going on and enhances information gathering. Stimulants can also help you stay focused while you are reading and thus improve your reading comprehension. 4. You don't just need to concentrate in class you also need to focus on what your friends are saying or on instructions on the job. 5. 6. Stimulant medications are controlled substances. 7. Your ADD (ADHD) is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. 8.
Special Education Apps. Special Needs Apps. Apps for special needs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Body Language and Conversation. Cognitive Coaching related. Special Ed.