Florihana. Biographie de Florence Servan-Schreiber. Diplômée en psychologie transpersonnelle d’une université américaine, et formée à la Programmation Neuro Lingustique (PNL) à Palo Alto, Florence a été l’une des premières à l’enseigner au sein de l’Institut Français de Gestion dès 1984.
Elle s’est ensuite consacrée à la formation à la qualité de service dans les plus grandes entreprises françaises avec le programme « Service Compris». En 2005, elle rejoint le groupe Psychologies pour diriger les innovations numériques du groupe en développant des outils interactifs et des sites internet dédiés à la connaissance de soi. En 2008, elle se forme au management du développement durable, comme complément au développement personnel, au Presidio School of Management de San Francisco et rejoint Lagardère active comme directrice des innovations développement durable. En 2009, en pleine crise économique, son poste est supprimé. Florence se forme alors à la Psychologie Positive auprès du Pr. Bibliographie. Aromatherapy and essential oils with Pranarôm. Handmade olive oil soaps.
Liggett was first introduced to making soap at the very early age of five. His Great Aunt Ann who lived in Denman, Nebraska had him help her make her yearly batch of soap. This soap was completely utilitarian and used for everything from bathing, dishes, clothes and general cleaning. Aunt Ann cooked down all of the fat, grease and oils she had saved up through the previous year and thus rendered the oils needed to make her soap. She then used her soap through out the next year. NOTE: (Petroleum based Detergents did not enter the picture till the 1950’s and then was quickly promoted by huge corporations with lots of money to nearly entirely replace soap. J.R. really enjoyed the process of making soaps and continued this practical and artistic hobby until about 35 years ago when he discovered an old recipe card stuck in a very old book. Now, over 30 years later, J.R.LIGGETT’S has over 30 products they sell nationally and internationally. Anias de Moras. Dobrodošli na web stranice Udruge “Anias de Moras” čiji je cilj promicanje i razvijanje medicinskog (francuskog) modela aromaterapije i svih njezinih grana koje uključuju fitoterapiju, hidrolaterapiju, primjenu kemotipiziranih eteričnih ulja, biljnih ulja, te svih ostalih biljnih dijelova s ciljem očuvanja i poboljšanja svih zdravstvenih aspekata živih bića.
Posljednjih nekoliko godina, postali smo sinonim za pouzdano aromaterapijsko savjetovanje i vrhunsku edukaciju na koju dolaze klijenti iz cijele regije. Ali prije svega, prepoznaju nas po ljubavi koju imamo za aromaterapiju. Zalažemo se za kvalitetna kemotipizirana eterična ulja jer se isključivo takva koriste kao pomoć u liječenju mnogih tegoba, ali i ozbiljnijih bolesti, koje su donedavno bile isključivo u domeni alopatske medicine. Takva medicinska primjena eteričnih ulja eksponencijalno se širi i zaokuplja sve veću pažnju zdravstvenih stručnjaka. Adm na slovenskom Sviđa ti se?
Sviđa mi se Učitavanje... Pranarôm .:. Who are we ? Training, in order to professionalize aromatherapy Pranarôm trains its customers and all fans of essential oils through a rich training programme.
Each year, over 600 pharmacists and healthcare professionals are trained in scientific aromatherapy at the Collège International d’Aromathérapie Dominique Baudoux. The College courses are recognized as the most serious in the field. They are mostly approved by official bodies that allows participants to obtain training aid or funding. Pranarôm’s scientific department, as well as Dominique Baudoux himself, also give lectures in University faculties of Pharmacy, in Belgium and France. In pharmacies and stores, Pranarôm also trains resellers through a dynamic network of professional trainers. Pranarôm trainings are constantly renewed according to recent product developments and researches.
All the trainings on www.college-aromatherapie.com Spreading information, in order to rise the passion for essential oils. Horaires & Agenda. Hors Vacances Scolaires : Pas de consultations le mardi de 13 h 00 à 18 h 00 et le mercredi de 12 h 30 à 19 h00 => à Ermont : 2 jours de semaine : 8 h 30 - 21 h 00 => à Garges : 3 jours de semaine : 9 h 00- 19 h 00 Samedi matin : 9 h 00 - 13 h 00 Vacances Scolaires (été inclus) : Pas de consultations de 8 h 00 à 18 h 45 2 soirs de semaine : 19 h 00 - 21 h 00 => consultations au cabinet d'ERMONT 3 soirs de semaine : 18 h 45 - 19 h 45 => consultations au cabinet deGarges Samedi : 1/2 journée au cabinet d'ERMONT, 1/2 journée au cabinet de Garges Pour vous aider à prévoir notre rendez-vous, vous pouvez consulter mes disponibilités ci-dessous.