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Rigging rotation deformers. Raw polarized photo refs & displacement maps –

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Technologie de l'anatomie humaine. Ingénieur en systèmes mécaniques, j'ai toujours été fasciné par l'harmonie du corps humain du point de vue mécanique.

Technologie de l'anatomie humaine

Même les machines les plus perfectionnées qui nous construisont sont à des années-lumière d'approcher en complexité l'anatomie humaine. De plus, le corps a une durée de vie de plus de 100 ans dans certains cas, possède un système d'entretien intégré et une capacité à s'auto-réparer que les robots ne sont pas près de posséder. Cette admiration pour une telle mécanique est en train de se traduire par un dossier étudiant chacune des fonctions corporelles de l'homme d'un point de vue purement technologique. Le texte suivant est un extrait du paragraphe consacré à l'oeil. Merci de me faire parvenir vos commentaires (E-mail: NVIDIA Texture Tools for Adobe Photoshop. A collection of texture tools generating normal maps, texture compression, mip map generation and cube map formatting packaged as a plugin for Adobe Photoshop 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 7.0, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6.

NVIDIA Texture Tools for Adobe Photoshop

Download Release Notes Added Adobe Photoshop CS6 and 5.1 support. Updated installer for silent installs. DDS export now supports PSDs with transparent layers, but without alpha channel. Bug Fixes Bug fix for using DDS plugin in Corel PaintShopPro. Introduction to UV mapping. Installing directx 9 on Windows 8? - Neowin Forums. 'TokiToki', on 17 Mar 2012 - 23:08, said: Use this to get the latest DirectX 9 libraries, some of which are probably missing from Windows 8.

Installing directx 9 on Windows 8? - Neowin Forums

So your suggestion to get directx 9 to install on windows 8, is to install directx 9?... Download DirectX End-User Runtime from Official Microsoft Download Center. Download DirectX Redist (June 2010) from Official Microsoft Download Center. 3D Meshes Research Database by INRIA GAMMA Group. Polantis - 3D Catalog technology - Free CAD objects for architects. Nasa 3D Resources. These models are for anybody that uses a 3D software package.

Nasa 3D Resources

Most of the models are in the common .3ds format, which can be read by most 3D programs. Some models, however, are in their original .lwo ... The images and textures here are provided in .jpg and .tif formats in their original resolutions. No special software is required to view or use these files. Find out about the contributors to the repository. 3D Warehouse. Will A. ToutApprendre. Absorption, reflection, and refraction of light. Initiation à  l'éclairage. Initiation à l'éclairage, 1ère partie.

Initiation à  l'éclairage

J'ai été débutant (enfin, je le suis encore, mais un ptit peu moins .... :) et je sais à quel point ils sous-estiment très largement l'importance de l'éclairage dans une scène ainsi que l'importance des textures d'un modèle ! CG Education. Translucency and Sub-Surface ScatteringBy Neil BlevinsCreated On: Sept 12th 2001 Updated On: June 12th 2006 Translucency is a material phenomenon where light travels through an object's surface rather than simply bouncing off the surface.

CG Education

This is a diffuse phenomena, its specular equivalent would be something like transparency or refraction. Most non-metal surfaces contain a certain degree of translucency, so it was only a matter of time before researchers began looking into how to simulate this phenomenon in CG more effectively. A lot of papers at siggraph this year dealt with the subject, including a paper by PDI about skin in Shrek, Jensen's BSSRDF paper, and a talk by Matt Phaar of Exluna. Anyways, I've decided to talk a bit about what I learned, as well as take some reference pictures to help understand the phenomenon better. Reflecting Light. Portrait : techniques d'éclairage classiques. Material Properties. Indirect (global) vs. direct illumination. Caustic (optics) Caustics produced by a glass of water Caustics made by the surface of water Concentration of light, especially sunlight, can burn.

Caustic (optics)

The word caustic, in fact, comes from the Greek καυστός, burnt, via the Latin causticus, burning. Caustics. Notice how the light reflected off of the mirror actually creates a new shadow of the vase on the side wall - the shadow within the bounced light is created entirely from blocking bounced caustic photons, independent of any raytraced or depth mapped shadow from the light.


Another effect of the Caustics is that the vase looks better "attached" to the top of the dresser in the version on the right, because of the realistic reflected light bouncing back from the glass to the wood. Jeremy Birn's new book Digital Lighting and Rendering explains much more about lighting, global illumination, and other topics related to the art of rendering. The image above was adapted for the cover. Web Links: See Rendering Caustics on Non-Lambertian Surfaces by Henrik Wann Jensen, for more color pictures and a .pdf publication about Caustics. Main Index | Digital Lighting & Rendering. SIGGRAPH University : cours 2013 disponibles en vidéo.

The State of Rendering – Part 1. Part 1 of 2.

The State of Rendering – Part 1

This part deals with the rendering trends in the VFX industry today. Part 2 includes a run down of 14 of the most popular renderers for VFX.