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Unblast - Selective Free Design Resources to Download. Procurando por inspiração? Conheça o Behance Served Sites. Provavelmente, a maioria das pessoas que leem esse blog conhece o Behance, um lugar incrível para divulgar projetos e buscar inspiração nos projetos de outros designers.
Mas e quanto ao Behance Served Sites? Já acessaram? Para quem ainda não sabe do que se trara, são sites feitos de galerias específicas de projetos do Behance. Uma ótima fonte de inspiração que todo designer deve conhecer. Cada galeria é curada por um time do Behance liderado por Oscar Ramos Orozco. Veja abaixo algumas dessas galerias. Preparem suas barras de favoritos e vamos lá: Tipografia: Web Design: Vídeos e animações: Embalagens: Fotografia: Branding: Personagens e Caricaturas: Ilustrações: Arte Digital: Selecionamos algumas galerias das muitas existentes.
@Issue Journal of Business & Design. Designed by acclaimed graphic designer, Kit Hinrichs, an AIGA medalist whose work is included in the permanent collection of MoMA, LACMA, and the Denver Art Museum, has created the 2020 365 Typographic Calendar.
It features 12 unique type faces each designed within the 21st century. The calendar also includes descriptions about the typeface, a biography of each type designer and every major United States and Canadian Holiday. As it is 2020, we have created a complimentary 21 inch by 32 inch wall poster celebrating the first 20 years of this century with new typefaces designed in the last 20 years. As in previous years, the calendar comes in two sizes. The super-size calendar, a 23 inch by 33 inch wall calendar and the smaller 12 inch by 18 inch desk calendar.
Packaging of the World.
50 sites
WEB. TIPOGRAFIA. Cor. Creative uv print. Krop portfolio demo - Michael Muller. 60 Beautifully Modern and Inspirational Magazine / Book Layouts. There have been a couple of Magazine Layout Inspiration post's on Inspiration Hut and they have proved to be very popular and resourceful for you guys, so here's another to tickle your taste buds.
As we all know designing and constructing a layout for a book or magazine is much harder than it first appears. So here is a collection of 60 images that I think could help you on your way, copying the layouts displayed below defeats the object of designing one, so be inspired by these snapshots to create your own layout masterpiece. If you have any images of various publication layouts that you have designed or have come across, let us know in the comment area and we will compile them for another post! Trendi Magazine Layout by Lotta Niemenen MUST Magazine Layout Opere 31 Publication Layout Publication Layout by Lotta Nieminen JAZZ 2011 Journal Layout Designed by Atelier Martino & Jana. Dribbble - Show and tell for designers.
Logopond - Identity Inspiration. Creative & Affordable logos. Italian Web and Logo Design. Visual Tools To Aid Your Daily Inspirational Process. Today we have gathered together a small but interesting toolkit which is going to help you find and harness the inspiration you need on a daily basis.
The creative process for web designers is unrelenting, we all need a little help from time to time to unearth the visual inspiration, new ways to interact, content architecture, and other ideas. This toolkit doesn't center on content but rather provides tools which we can use to curate and organize content. It goes without saying that there are hundreds of tools and utilities which do this job, but we have gathered a concise selection of visual bookmarklets, chrome extensions, and other bits and bobs which the team here at Awwwards couldn't live without - you won't be able to either once you give them a try!
PinBoards and Visual Inspiration Tools Niice - A search engine with taste Niice is a search engine for inspiration whose results are curated resources from sites such as Behance, Dribbble and Designspiration.
AD Online. Comunique-se. Touchey Design Magazine - Ideas and Inspiration. Latest free PSDs & other resources for designers - Freebiesbug. Geometric shapes art. Generate Pattern. Animation News, Animated Cartoons. Creativemarket. Who doesn't love a good infographic?
In this post, we’ll look at 5 of the coolest infographics about basic web design principles and explore a little bit about what you can learn from each. 10 Key Design Principles This infographic for Digivate by designer Toby Davies is a very general overview of 10 key principles to keep in mind when designing a website. The principles include some common sense stuff like “Know Your Audience,” but it also does a good job of collecting fundamental ideas to keep in mind when designing an effective site that both draws people and functions well. The Evolution of Web Design It’s hard to understand where something’s going without understanding where something came from. The Evolution of Web Design infographic is helpful to people hoping to learn the basics of design since it outlines prominent designs, significant design advancements, memorable design elements, and more from each era, including the current one.
Principles of Effective Web Design in 2013. Inspiration. Made With Paper. Lovely Letters : Shutterstock Stock Photography. 50 Recursos de Referências essenciais para Designers.