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Phaser - A fast, fun and free open source HTML5 game framework. Jquery - Velocity.js not working in IE8. Three.js - documentation - Manual - Creating a scene. Create high-performance mobile UIs with Develop and deploy your nextapp on the IBM Bluemixcloud platform. Start your free trial The JavaScript developer community eagerly greeted the spring 2014 public beta release of the open source UI-rendering framework. promises to eliminate some of the last bottlenecks that prevented JavaScript and web technology from dominating the mobile development scene: slow UIs and a poor user experience (UX). targets the hardware graphics processing unit (GPU) on the mobile device to achieve the highest possible rendering frame rate, and it adds a sophisticated physics engine for a gratifying UX.

JavaScript developers are no longer at a disadvantage compared to Objective-C, Swift, or Java™ developers when they create UIs for mobile apps. This article introduces the fundamental concepts of and explores its design. How works Animation is created by the rapid display of successive pages (frames) with changed elements. Figure 1. The API Back to top Figure 2. Web Animation API Resources - Rachel Nabors, award-winning cartoonist turned digital storyteller. This post supplements my talk about the state of animation in 2014 and the Web Animation API (slides). Additionally, I am available to train teams on how, why, when and where to use animation in your development life cycle. Get on my training mailing list for 2015 or shoot me an email. That’s me. Let’s talk animation! If you don’t have time to read through the spec, have a read through the polyfill readme to get an idea for the goodies in store.

How to give feedback You can email public-fx@w3.or with subject beginning “[web-animations] … ” On IRC: Unofficially, I will be keeping tabs on the #waapi hashtag on Twitter. Getting it supported Minor fixes to the spec (grammar/spelling/inconsistencies etc.) can be submitted as pull requests to Internet Exlporer You can vote for IE to support the Web Animation API here. FireFox People who have some familiarity with C++ coding, you can help implement the API in Firefox. Bonus Round.

Snap.svg - Why Snap. Snap.svg is a brand new JavaScript library for working with SVG. Snap provides web developers with a clean, streamlined, intuitive, and powerful API for animating and manipulating both existing SVG content, and SVG content generated with Snap. Currently, the most popular library for working with SVG is Raphaël. One of the primary reasons Raphaël became the de facto standard is that it supports browsers all the way back to IE 6. However, supporting so many browsers means only being able to implement a common subset of SVG features. Snap was written entirely from scratch by the author of Raphaël (Dmitry Baranovskiy), and is designed specifically for modern browsers (IE9 and up, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera). Targeting more modern browsers means that Snap can support features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more.

Another unique feature of Snap is its ability to work with existing SVG. Finally, Snap supports animation. Velocity.js. Running on Web Animations API. Animating Without jQuery. Advertisement There’s a false belief in the web development community that CSS animation is the only performant way to animate on the web. This myth has coerced many developers to abandon JavaScript-based animation altogether, thereby (1) forcing themselves to manage complex UI interaction within style sheets, (2) locking themselves out of supporting Internet Explorer 8 and 9, and (3) forgoing the beautiful motion design physics that are possible only with JavaScript. Reality check: JavaScript-based animation is often as fast as CSS-based animation — sometimes even faster.

CSS animation only appears to have a leg up because it’s typically compared to jQuery’s $.animate(), which is, in fact, very slow. However, JavaScript animation libraries that bypass jQuery deliver incredible performance by avoiding DOM manipulation as much as possible. These libraries can be up to 20 times faster than jQuery. Why JavaScript? Ultimately, CSS animations limit you to what the specification provides. Faster UI Animations With Velocity.js.

The State Of Animation 2014. Advertisement The post-Flash era is hardly free of animation. CSS animation is quickly becoming a cornerstone of user-friendly interfaces on mobile and desktop, and JavaScript libraries already exist to handle complex interactive animations. In the wake of so much “CSS versus JavaScript animation” infighting, a new API specifically for web animation is coming out that might just unite both camps. It’s an exciting time for web animation, and also a time of grave miscommunication and misinformation. What you’re about to read is purely observational and as unbiased an account as you will be able to find on the subject of web animation. Flash May Be Gone, But The Era Of Web Animation Has Just Begun Since the era of Flash, it’s become fashionable to think of animation as little more than decoration, a “flashy” afterthought, often in poor taste, like an unwelcome blink tag.

For user interface designers, animation reinforces hierarchy, relationships, structure, and cause and effect. More States ! Velocity.js. Web-animations/web-animations-next.