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Time Management Skills Are Stupid. Here's What Works. 17 Small Productivity Habits. 10 dumb mistakes companies make over and over. "Not again!

10 dumb mistakes companies make over and over

" Picture courtesy Flickr user Alex E. Proimos COMMENTARY These days I'm constantly bombarded with books and articles about why leaders, executives and companies fail. Why the Peter Principle Works. Last Updated Aug 15, 2011 2:40 PM EDT. Want to Improve Your Work? Think Like a Designer. 10 Things Managers Should Never Do. Last Updated Oct 25, 2011 11:29 AM EDT.

10 Things Managers Should Never Do

5 Myths: What It Takes to Become a Million-Dollar Consultant. Last Updated May 27, 2011 11:47 AM EDT A management consultant, according to one definition, is a man who knows 101 ways to make love but doesn't know any women.

5 Myths: What It Takes to Become a Million-Dollar Consultant

That's incorrect, of course, because a lot of consultants are women. According to Working Mother magazine, 37 percent of consulting giant Accenture's 30,000 employees are female. (Working Mother doesn't say whether they know any men.) But this is far from the only myth that dogs the consulting game, according to Alan Weiss, a management consultant and author for whom the word "prolific" might have been coined. Want to Succeed in Consulting? 3 Ways to Get Paid for Your Wisdom. Last Updated Sep 12, 2011 4:19 PM EDT Through writing this blog I recently made a friend all the way over in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Want to Succeed in Consulting? 3 Ways to Get Paid for Your Wisdom

Ben Whitaker is a U.S. expat and reader who is running a company focused on selling high-end IT services to the mining industry. Rules of Engagement: If you want to engage me, give me control! Recognize This!

Rules of Engagement: If you want to engage me, give me control!

– “Control” over your work reduces stress. Towers Watson’s latest Global Workforce Study expanded on the firm’s traditional employee engagement research, adding “enablement” and “energy” as two additional factors critical to sustaining engagement over time. And this is important as sustained engagement returns operating margins three times higher than in disengaged organizations (which is also nearly two times higher than merely engaged organizations).

Enablement as a key to sustained engagement largely hinges on employees having the tools they need to do their jobs. At the middle management level, I would argue one of those necessary “tools” is the ability to act on decisions. Recent research reported on National Public Radio in the US supports this: Note that the research does not show middle managers need outings and activities to reduce their stress. How well does your organization give direct control managers who, in turn, empower their employees? Organizing for an emerging world - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Strategic Organization. As global organizations expand, they get more complicated and difficult to manage.

Organizing for an emerging world - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Strategic Organization

For evidence, look no further than the interviews and surveys we recently conducted with 300 executives at 17 major global companies. Fewer than half of the respondents believed that their organizations’ structure created clear accountabilities, and many suggested that globalization brings, as one put it, “cumulative degrees of complexity.” However, our research and experience in the field suggest that even complex organizations can be improved to give employees around the world the mix of control, support, and autonomy they need to do their jobs well. What’s more, redesigning an organization to suit its changing scale and scope can do much to address the challenges of managing strategy, costs, people, and risk on a global basis.

Which Performance Appraisal Style Suits Your Company? Many appraisal types exist; from traditional to trendy, simple to complex, highly structured to open-ended.

Which Performance Appraisal Style Suits Your Company?

Some of these types have been shown to work ‘better’ but the reality is that appraisal types and systems should be as unique to a company as possible. If you are searching for an employee appraisal method that provides meaningful data, ensure that no matter what – it suits the culture of your workplace and we recommend that you keep it as simple as it can be.

Here is a great overview of the most popular and common appraisal methods for a variety of business models. To begin, we must first analyze the parties involved with the various appraisal methods. Overall, performance appraisals can be set up to incorporate feedback from 3 different sources2: * Feedback from the employee being evaluated * Feedback from the manager/supervisor * Feedback from other stakeholders (peers, customers etc.) Self-Evaluation Method. How to Build Trust in a Virtual Workplace - Keith Ferrazzi. By Keith Ferrazzi | 2:00 PM October 8, 2012 Teams can’t function well when co-workers don’t trust one another.

How to Build Trust in a Virtual Workplace - Keith Ferrazzi

Building and maintaining trust in the traditional, physical workplace is difficult enough, but the process is even tougher in a virtual environment, where people often have to work with people they haven’t met in person. Some biologists believe that we are hardwired to distrust everyone except our own family members. Organizing for an emerging world - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Strategic Organization. Transformational Leadership. By Werner H.

Transformational Leadership

Erhard and Michael C. Jensen In this paper we argue that the four ways of being we identify as constituting the foundation for being a leader and the effective exercise of leadership are also the foundation for an extraordinary organization and the foundation of an extraordinary personal life. The Three Qualities of People I Most Enjoy Working With.