Cons of Inclusion Education. Inclusion Benefits New. Inclusion in the Classroom: Schools Should Mix Students With and Without Special Needs. The collective beehive of the Internet recently went crazy about a second-grade class photo.
In it, a teacher with a warm smile stands beside 22 kids sitting neatly on a set of bleachers. Off to the far right, in what could be considered the Siberia of the frame, a boy in a wheelchair sits separated from his peers. He’s beaming from ear to ear, and craning his neck toward his classmates, as if to ensure he makes it in the picture. The consensus from the online/viral world: It’s a heartbreaking photograph that captures the pervasive discrimination against people with disabilities.
Concerns About and Arguments Against Inclusion and/or Full Inclusion - Issues ...about Change, Inclusion: The Pros and Cons, Volume 4, Number 3. Home | Issues ...about Change Archive | Inclusion: The Pros and Cons From regular education.
Not everyone is excited about bringing students with disabilities into the mainstream classroom setting. Tornillo (1994), president of the Florida Education Association United, is concerned that inclusion, as it all too frequently is being implemented, leaves classroom teachers without the resources, training, and other supports necessary to teach students with disabilities in their classrooms. What Makes Inclusion of Deaf Children a Success? Deaf Education: Mainstream vs. Inclusion.