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Web development mistakes

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Vital Points To Consider While Hiring An iOS App Developer. In this mobile age, when mobiles, especially mobile applications have become an inevitable part of the life for most of us, more and more people are making their career in mobile app development.

Vital Points To Consider While Hiring An iOS App Developer

Developers are making a decent living in this professional while efficiently catering to the market needs. While an increasing craze of mobile apps among users can be observed, businesses are also rapidly embracing mobile solutions not only to target a whopping number of mobile users, but also to augment their business processes and stay productive at their work. If you are interested in developing an iOS application to boost your business values, you can hire iOS developers who can deliver an effective and efficient application as per your needs.

Although there is no dearth of professionals who possess expertise in iOS app development, it is essential to thoroughly research and choose an expert who is best suitable for your project. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 40 Irresistible jQuery Mobile Themes for Responsive Web Apps. This is a collection of 12 free jQuery mobile themes (also called jQuery mobile templates) and 28 premium templates.

40 Irresistible jQuery Mobile Themes for Responsive Web Apps

The continuously evolving nature of mobile technology has made it feasible for us to fetch all the desired information with a simple swipe of our finger. jQuery Mobile is one of the stunning frameworks used for developing websites that look rich and function efficiently on a wide range of mobile devices with varying screen sizes and dimensions. Dealing With Selector Specificity – The What and How Of It. Development Irrespective of whether you are working on a small-sized, medium-size or a large project, coding issues tend to creep up if they aren't addressed properly.

Dealing With Selector Specificity – The What and How Of It

Selector Specificity is one such issue that haunts developers, especially the ones working on large-size websites. As your website becomes bigger in size, it is important that the CSS selectors must become shorter. If not, this could result in making the specificity higher, which causes self-induced specificity issues. In order to overcome such issues, you need to make the selectors more specific. Best Joomla Mobile Templates and Plugins You Should Know About. Indubitably today, content management systems such as Joomla holds great importance in the life of business organizations.

Best Joomla Mobile Templates and Plugins You Should Know About

In fact, millions of sites are already running on the Joomla CMS – because of the ease it provides in making edits to the website via its easy-to-use admin section. In addition, you can make modify your website visual appeal and add more functionality to it, using Joomla themes and plugins respectively. jQuery 3.0 and Its Impact on Web Development Community. Although its been several years since jQuery was released for the Java web development community, the unstoppable advancements have changed the face of jQuery for betterment.

jQuery 3.0 and Its Impact on Web Development Community

Through all these years, people behind jQuery have been making continuous efforts towards eliminating the hassles associated with maintaining the code compatibility, right from the versions available in the past to the ones introduced very recently. jQuery 3.0 is a version that has been introduced to meet the varying needs of the Java web development community.

Hope by the end of this post, you’d have become all familiar with all that is revolving around jQuery 3.0 and its future. Understanding the significance of versioning Since jQuery has browser compatibility equally important as the API compatibility, the concept of versioning is seen to benefit jQuery to the fullest. It was in the year 2013, that the company introduced two separate versions of jQuery for creating a slimmer jQuery. Hire a Reliable Web Development Company for a Strong Digital Presence. Hiring an outsourcing firm is certainly a right move in giving wings to your digital endeavors.

Hire a Reliable Web Development Company for a Strong Digital Presence

Their web development services help you achieve your corporate goals in the most economical manner. While creating a website for your business, it is extremely important to make it appear best in every possible manner. A professionally designed website attracts traffic, improves conversion, and enhances the value of your business. Gradually, a powerful website increases the profit of your business. Since, visibility is an important aspect, companies need to deal with it in the most practical way. A reputed web development company can spruce up the entire look and functionalities of your existing website.

How to Become an Expert in Web and Mobile Design. Details Last Updated on Friday, 31 October 2014 10:44 Growing advancements in the field of web and mobile design have encouraged individuals to delve into the process of learning all the ins and outs regarding the development of websites and mobile applications.

How to Become an Expert in Web and Mobile Design

A gradual shift from learning providers to learners has marked a great revolution in the world of mobile and web designing. New-Fangled Approach to Web Designing with Made-for-Mobiles Web Designs. 1 Flares Twitter 1 Facebook 0 Google+ 0 Reddit 0 StumbleUpon 0 Pin It Share 0 LinkedIn 0 inShare1 Email -- Email to a friend 1 Flares × With mobile websites gaining an edge over the conventional PC-centric sites, it’s become really essential for site owners to switch to mobile-compatible state for their portals.

New-Fangled Approach to Web Designing with Made-for-Mobiles Web Designs

As per a recent research, it has been found that over 77% of the world’s population comprises of smartphone users. The more mobile friendly your website is, the greater potential it will have to keep your visitors engaged to your products and services. Through this blog I’ll be throwing some light on the all-new trend of using made-for-mobiles web designs for creating websites that can rank high on all major search engine results pages.

So, let’s unveil everything about the incredibly effective mobile-friendly web designs. How JHipster Blends Java x JavaScript for Effective Web Development. As one of the most used, highly recommended web programming languages today, companies are switching to Java for building out-of-the-box websites and web applications.

How JHipster Blends Java x JavaScript for Effective Web Development

Its maturity as a web language allows anyone to create amazing applications that truly stand out from the crowd. Recently, programmers have started blending Java and JavaScript with a notable tool called JHipster. In this post, I’ll be highlighting what JHipster is and how you too, can align your Java and JS skills for your next web application. So first and foremost, what is Jhipster? JHipster is basically an application generator designed for Java developers, to combine their Java and JavaScript skills. Today, JHipser has around 1,432 commits made by 70 contributors. How does JHipster work on the client side?

JHipster makes use of the Grunt JavaScript task runner for developing JavaScript and CSS assets. How the First Quarter of 2014 Shaped up the Web. Xicom.tumblr. Essential Factors to Bump Up Your Web Presence. Web development realm is swamped with development companies competing with each other to top the search engine.

Essential Factors to Bump Up Your Web Presence

The time has passed when simply designing a website could help you accomplish your business goals and objectives. Now, just a plain website with a nice-looking design can't help you reach anywhere. CakePHP to Orchestrate Top-Of-The-Funnel Web Applications. CakePHP, among every offering by PHP, stands tall as one of the very best programming frameworks for developing high-powered applications that have enviable features and functionality set that can’t be achieved by the other set of programming platforms available in the market. And the best web developers you can find will vouch for it.

CakePHP is a platform for those who aren’t willing for anything less than the absolute best. When you are eying application development that is characterized by unrestrained attention to detail, unbridled power and a firm control, there is nothing that beats CakePHP. Apart from all these traits that already position it as the very best framework that there is, the level of developer-friendliness further leaps its worth. But, let’s transcend over the fluff and get down to listing down the benefits of CakePHP in a more convincing manner: When you adopt CakePHP, you are investing a product that comes under the MIT license.

Engender Simplicity in Your Magento Store by Customization.