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The Gods in my Dreams

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CHAMANES DEL MUNDO: EL GATO TOTEM Y MEDICINA. El gato tal como la conocemos hoy en día, sobre todo como un animal doméstico, no era un animal común para los indios americanos.


Fue introducido por los colonos europeos y, por tanto, no forma parte de las tradiciones totémicas originales. Sin embargo, el simbolismo gato ha invadido muchas culturas antiguas y modernas de todo el mundo. Hoy en día, el gato es a menudo parte de nuestra vida cotidiana y un tótem animal inspirador para muchos de nosotros. SEMIÓTICA: Orígenes, Conceptualización y Utilización como Herramienta de Análisis. - Taller Multinacional.

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SEMIÓTICA: Orígenes, Conceptualización y Utilización como Herramienta de Análisis. - Taller Multinacional

How to Hallucinate...without drugs. Brain, Mind, and Altered States of Consciousness. The conspiracy to reduce consciousness to intellectual awareness of the physical world has been in evidence for at least five thousand years.

Brain, Mind, and Altered States of Consciousness

Over the centuries the mental and psychic powers that only mystics and seers now possess have been filtered out of most people. Ancient Maya Astronomy - the Sun, Moon and Planets. The ancient Maya were keen astronomers, recording and interpreting every aspect of the sky.

Ancient Maya Astronomy - the Sun, Moon and Planets

As they believed that the will and actions of the Gods could be read in the stars, moon and planets, they dedicated much time to doing so and many of their most important buildings were constructed with astronomy in mind. The Sun, Moon and planets (Venus in particular) were studied by the Maya. The Maya also based their calendars around astronomy. What Happens to Consciousness When We Die. Where is the experience of red in your brain?

What Happens to Consciousness When We Die

The question was put to me by Deepak Chopra at his Sages and Scientists Symposium in Carlsbad, Calif., on March 3. A posse of presenters argued that the lack of a complete theory by neuroscientists regarding how neural activity translates into conscious experiences (such as redness) means that a physicalist approach is inadequate or wrong. The idea that subjective experience is a result of electrochemical activity remains a hypothesis, Chopra elaborated in an e-mail. The Tree of Philosophy. Can't Stand Meditation? This Technique is For You. A consistent meditation practice is a struggle for even the most experienced of meditators.

Can't Stand Meditation? This Technique is For You.

For some reason it’s difficult to bring yourself to sit down and quiet the mind despite knowing that it’s the best thing for you. INSECTOS EN EL ARTE: SIMBOLISMO DE LOS INSECTOS EN EL ARTE. Verdadero posado sobre la obra.


Símbolos y signos en la vida actual. La palabra símbolo parece referirse a épocas pasadas, especialmente medievales, manieristas o de fines del siglo XIX.

Símbolos y signos en la vida actual

Sin embargo es y seguirá siendo actual, mientras el hombre considere que una imagen puede ser más rápidamente asimilada que una palabra o una frase escrita. Hoy tenemos miles de símbolos, acaso más que nunca, en una cultura predominantemente visual: signos que nos obligan a una permanente y ya definitiva traducción de una forma física a un contenido mental, con inmediatas consecuencias en nuestra conducta social o individual. Respecto a signo, daremos la primera acepción de la Academia: "Cosa que por su naturaleza o convencionalmente evoca en el entendimiento la idea de la otra", casi literalmente repetida por Casares. En francés signe, según el dictionnaire de Littré es, en primer lugar, "indice d'une chose présente, passé ou á venir".

En sus Escritos de estética y semiótica del arte (publicados ;por G. Magic Mushrooms Expand Your Mind And Amplify Your Brain’s Dreaming Areas. Here’s How. Psychedelic drugs alter consciousness in a profound and novel way that increases the breadth and fluency of cognition.

Magic Mushrooms Expand Your Mind And Amplify Your Brain’s Dreaming Areas. Here’s How

However, until recently, we were unable to offer an explanation for how the brain was altered to account for these effects. In a new study, published in Human Brain Mapping, we scanned the brains of volunteers who had been injected with psilocybin – the chemical found in magic mushrooms which gives a psychedelic experience – and a control group who hadn’t, and discovered two key things: that psilocybin increased the amplitude (or “volume”) of activity in regions of the brain that are reliably activated during dream sleep and form part of the brain’s ancient emotion system; and that psychedelics facilitate a state of “expanded” consciousness – meaning that the breath of associations made by the brain and the ease by which they are visited is enhanced under the drugs. CG Jung Page. Ontology. Study of the nature of being, becoming, existence or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations Parmenides was among the first to propose an ontological characterization of the fundamental nature of reality.


Etymology[edit] While the etymology is Greek, the oldest extant record of the word itself, the New Latin form ontologia, appeared in 1606 in the work Ogdoas Scholastica by Jacob Lorhard (Lorhardus) and in 1613 in the Lexicon philosophicum by Rudolf Göckel (Goclenius). Human Odyssey - Timeline Photos.

Siddhartha's Ways

Mystery of the Maya - Maya civilization timeline. <! -- A basic header for user agents without JavaScript enabled --><link type="text/css" href="/headers/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"><div id="wpheader" class="en"><! -- <div class="bg-left"></div> --><div class="bg-center"><! Six Reasons Why The Wall Is Holy. 1) Site of the Holy Temple The Western Wall is a surviving remnant of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. The Temple was the center of the spiritual world, the main conduit for the flow of Godliness. When the Temple stood, the world was filled with awe of God and appreciation for the genius of the Torah. Jewish tradition teaches that all of creation began in Jerusalem. Maya calendar. The Maya calendar is a system of calendars used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and in many modern communities in the Guatemalan highlands,[1] Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico.[2] The essentials of the Maya calendar are based upon a system which had been in common use throughout the region, dating back to at least the 5th century BCE.

It shares many aspects with calendars employed by other earlier Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Zapotec and Olmec, and contemporary or later ones such as the Mixtec and Aztec calendars.[3] By the Maya mythological tradition, as documented in Colonial Yucatec accounts and reconstructed from Late Classic and Postclassic inscriptions, the deity Itzamna is frequently credited with bringing the knowledge of the calendar system to the ancestral Maya, along with writing in general and other foundational aspects of Maya culture.[4] Overview[edit] Book Sealed With Seven Seals. Decoding of the Message of an Unknown Advanced Civilization. "History is a vast early warning system. " TAMBIÉN MUERTE, LEYENDAS, PES, MAGIA, RELIGIONES, EXTRATERRESTRES, ARQUEOLOGÍA, HOMO SAPIENS Y MÁS. Encyclopedia Mythica: mythology, folklore, and religion. Viaje al pasado:un fascinante testimonio. En infinidad de ocasiones intentaron los españoles hallar una vía de escape, sin conseguirlo al estar ocupadas todos las alturas de las casas y los múltiples canales por guerreros, que no cesaban de disparar flechas e infinidad de proyectiles.

Cuando un cansado Cortés llegó a Tenochtitlan el 24 de junio con un ejército de unos mil cuatrocientos españoles y dos mil guerreros tlaxcaltecas, se encontró con una ciudad silenciosa. Dream Methods & Techniques.

Dream away

Lucid Dreaming Techniques: A Guide To Lucid Dream Induction. Here are my top lucid dreaming techniques for beginners. They range from simple memory exercises (like Reality Checks and Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) to specialized meditation (like Wake Induced Lucid Dreams). Lucid Dreaming Tutorials For step-by-step tutorials and audio tools for lucid dream induction and exploration, check out my Lucid Dreaming Fast Track study program for beginners and beyond. How to Adopt a Polyphasic Sleep Schedule. Edit Article Edited by Wes Platt, Cryptic_k, Jack Herrick, Ben Rubenstein and 26 others Polyphasic sleep is an umbrella term that refers to a few different sleeping patterns that reduce sleep time to 2-5 hours daily.

Each type of polyphasic sleep breaks up sleeping time into smaller parts throughout the day, allowing people to sleep less but feel alert. The Science of Sleep: Dreaming, Depression, and How REM Sleep Regulates Negative Emotions. By Maria Popova “Memory is never a precise duplicate of the original… it is a continuing act of creation. Dream images are the product of that creation.” For the past half-century, sleep researcher Rosalind D. Cartwright has produced some of the most compelling and influential work in the field, enlisting modern science in revising and expanding the theories of Jung and Freud about the role of sleep and dreams in our lives.

How to Lucid Dream: 15 Steps. Featured Article.