Maestrías, Doctorados y Cursos a distancia - FUNIBER Venezuela. Application for Graduate Studies in Physics. New Mexico State University. British Council IELTS Online Application. Para registrarse al examen IELTS con el British Council en Venezuela, usted debe: 1.
Seleccionar la fecha de su preferencia, la ciudad y el módulo. 2. Completar la aplicación en línea. La fecha de examen no será visible en el sistema después del cierre de registro. 3. 6.000, oo Bolívares (válido entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de enero de 2015). Bewerbungsportal. <div class="noscript">Your Browser can not handle JavaScript or you have turned it off.Unfortunately you can not apply without activeted JavaScript.Please enable JavaScript.
</div> This section provides an overview of the online application procedure.InterviewYou will start by completing an online interview, where you will be asked about your previous studies, current field of study, foreign language skills, etc. The online interview helps you determine whether you meet the basic requirements for the programme you have chosen. At the end of the interview you will see a summary of your responses and can make corrections and confirm your data, before continuing to the application form. Once the data are confirmed, you will not be able to return to the interview to change them.Application formIf you meet all of the programme requirements, you may proceed directly to the online application form.
TOEFL Equivalency Table - TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS Score Comparison Chart. TOEFL Equivalency Table Do you find all of the different English language test scores confusing?
Do you have trouble comparing a TOEIC score to a TOEFL score? Well, that's understandable because there are a number of different language tests and they all have different systems. Even the TOEFL Paper Based Test, TOEFL Computer Based Test (TOEFL CBT), and TOEFL Internet Based Test (TOEFL iBT) all have different scoring schemes. The table below shows comparisons between various test scores and level systems (like TOEIC, TOEFL and IELTS) and the VEC level system. Also see:English Language Competency Descriptors for the IBT TOEFL Test (Adobe Acrobat PDF, 310 Kb.)
More Information About TOEFL, TOEIC & IELTS. FH Aachen: Application. Uni-assist e.V. Application forms Certificates Language certificates Other application documents Application forms From the summer semester of 2014 onwards, an online application via uni-assist’s online portal shall be compulsory.
Please register in our online portal, create your application form and then send this to uni-assist electronically. Once this is done, please print it out, sign it and send the signed form in paper form to uni-assist along with your remaining documents. Some universities, however, have their own special application forms for study applicants to use when applying to these universities. Special Forms. Fachgruppe Physik: Application. Fachgruppe Physik: Application.
BCGS honors branch for MSc and PhD students. Most students apply to the BCGS honors branch before coming to Bonn or Cologne to take up a MSc or Phd course.
Admission deadlines for the winter term 2015/16 National and international students: 15th January 2015, shortlisted applicants will be invited for interviews held between 23. and 27.3.2015. Decisions will be announced in early April 2014. Bonn and Cologne students: 15th June 2015, decisions will be announced by 10th July 2015 Please find below a list of documents to prepare for the application. Process of admission. Uni-assist e.V. Link to the uni-assist online portal for applicants Before applying via uni-assist, please gather detailed information directly at each university you would like to apply for.
Please also read the information given in the section Forms and Procedures. Erasmus mundus fusion-ep students. Erasmus mundus fusion-ep students. German Language Skills. Physics Department at TU München. Physics Department at TU München. Fachgruppe Physik: Master of Science. Montag, 06.10.2014, 12.00-14.00 Uhr, Seminarraum II.
Physik Der Master of Science in Physik an der Universität zu Köln bietet Ihnen ein extrem breites Angebot an Themen und Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten. Damit Sie alle Ihre Chancen wahrnehmen können, bietet Ihnen diese Einführungsveranstaltung eine Orientierung und Antworten zu Fragen wie Wodurch unterscheiden sich Wahlfächer, Physikalische Nebenfächer und Schwerpunkte und wann muss ich eine Auswahl treffen? Was ist bei der Planung der Praktika, der Einführungsprojekte und der Masterarbeit zu beachten? European Master of Science in Nuclear Applications - at FH Aachen - University of Applied Sciences, Aachen, Germany. Description The European Master of Science in Nuclear Applications (ENIMA) program provides students with a solid scientific basis, enabling them to use scientific and engineering methods to analyze technical procedures and develop practical solutions while taking into consideration related areas outside their specific field of study.
During the program, the students acquire wide-ranging, integrated knowledge and understanding of the scientific and technical fundamentals of nuclear science and technology. They have at their disposal a critical understanding of the basic theories, principles and methods dealt with during their studies, and are in a position to broaden this knowledge independently. Moreover, students gain the ability to collect and interpret data and to infer scientifically-based judgements from it, as well as to implement appropriate solutions that take into account social, scientific and ethical issues.
Contents 1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester. European Master of Science in Nuclear Applications - at FH Aachen - University of Applied Sciences, Aachen, Germany.