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Albums By Cathy Gordon - ImageEvent. Art Nouveau "The roots of Art Nouveau are as convoluted as the meandering lint it worshipped.

Albums By Cathy Gordon - ImageEvent

It was short-lived, in jewelry lasting only from about 1895 to 1910. In the last years of the nineteenth century critics were unanimous in attributing the start of the jewel revolution to the renewed study of plants and their application to decorative design from the middle of the century. Nature, and its associations of femininity and fertility, is the dominant theme of Art Nouveau jewelry, but it took on a very different image from its noneteenth-centruy garb of minute realism, changing from stiff imitation to vivid interpretation. Vintage Weiss Costume Jewelry. All About Jewels Glossary: A. List of Precious and Semi Precious Gemstones. Agate is a form of chalcedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a remarkable variety of colors and textures.

List of Precious and Semi Precious Gemstones

Malachite is a copper carbonate with distinctive green veining. Though not a particularly hard stone, it takes an excellent polish. Agate is a form of chalcedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a remarkable variety of colors and textures. Geodes are rock cavities or vugs with internal crystal formations. Mali Garnet, is one of the hybrid garnets, a mixture of grossular and andradite garnets.