Recuperar la BIOS UEFI con DualBIOS. ¿Un error al actualizar la BIOS / UEFI de tu ordenador y ahora ni siquiera arranca?
Así lo arreglé en mi PC con placa base GIGABYTE GA-Z68X-UD3-B3. Son cosas que pasan. TeamViewer 'Commercial Use Suspected' fix. Do you use TeamViewer to assist friends with their PC’s without charging them and yet you’ve received the “Commercial Use Suspected” message.
This should get you running again. [This tutorial is not intended to bypass TeamViewer’s paid services. If you use it commercially, please pay for it.] If you have problems with getting TeamViewer working again, please state what version of TeamViewer as well as what version of Windows. Currently, Windows 10 doesn’t seem to take this fix. August 2015: This definitely works for the portable version Software IObit Uninstaller Portable Version TMAC – Technitium MAC Address Changer SID Change Utility You need at least version 2.0b to work with Windows Key. How to recover a corrupt Parallels virtual machine. Aprende a crear tu página profesional con WordPress. Si quieres crear tu propia página profesional con WordPress, una de las mejores opciones que vas a encontrar para este objetivo, puedes guiarte de los útiles consejos que ofrece esta infografía.
Se indican los pasos a seguir para poner online un sitio WordPress alojado en un hosting profesional, no tiene nada que ver con la opción gratuita (y limitada) disponible en WordPress.com. La infografía lleva el título de “Cómo crear una página web profesional con WordPress“, un documento de Joaquín Barberá publicado en Marketing and Web, y nos relata todos los pasos a seguir desde la elección del dominio hasta la puesta online del sitio.
Elegir dominio: es el primer paso, muy importante por cierto, y en el que no se puede errar. Este nombre de domino es también parte de tu imagen de marca, debe ser corto y fácil de recordar. Artículo relacionado | Domina WordPress sin programación (curso gratis) 15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for January 2016. Dimo Raichev Now is a fantastic time to be a web developer.
The community creates lots of new and exciting JavaScript and CSS libraries, so there is always something new to learn and see. Here are some of our favorites, which we think that you should check out in January 2016. Datedropper Datedropper is a jQuery plugin which helps you create an interesting way for presenting date fields.
11 trucos para Google y Chrome. Kaboompics No importa cuantos años tengas usando Internet, siempre habrán cosas nuevas que aprender.
Hay muchas formas de aprovechar mejor las herramientas con las que accedemos al contenido de la web, y, en gigantesca cantidad de ocasiones las pasamos por alto apenas tocando la superficie de las funciones más básicas que tienen nuestro navegador o buscador favorito. Esto es especialmente cierto en el caso de Google y Chrome, incluyen tantas tecnologías que todos los días podemos descubrir algo nuevo que hacer con ellos. 1.
Como conectar MySQL con Android ~ Hablemos de Android. En este tutorial, vamos a explicar, cómo se puede integrar PHP y MYSQL con su aplicación para Android.
Teamviewer 'Commercial Use Suspected' fix. Do you use TeamViewer to assist friends with their PC’s without charging them and yet you’ve received the “Commercial Use Suspected” message.
This will get you back up and running. [This tutorial is not for bypassing TeamViewer’s paid services. If you use it commercially, pay for it.] [when typing in any of the following, remove the ‘ from before and after the text] Creating Landing Pages with Joomla. Landing Pages, essentially are any page a visitor enters a site.
In Digital Marketing the term is used to describe a page with specific features, apart from the rest of the site. Its goal is to attract the visitor’s attention to engage in a desired action Types of Landing Page There are two basic types of Landing Pages: Click Through Landing Pages, and Lead Generation Landing Pages. Click Through Landing Page Its goal is to persuade the visitor to click through to another page. Lead Generation Landing Page Used to capture data, such as a name or e-mail, it allows to market and connect with prospects at a subsequent time. Why use a Landing Page It helps to increase the conversion tax, the number of users who acquire the product or service offered.
15 Powerful Free Software Downloads. My friend Susan over at OfEveryMoment.com recently wrote a Love and Hate Post which inspired me to think of some of my favorite things.
(Being a tech geek, I of course thought about some of my favorite tech gadgets and programs.) Then, PC Magazine put out a post called The Best Free Software of 2015 and I was inspired to put together my own list of free computer software I use and enjoy. I hate to spend money so, if I need new computer software, I’ll do research and usually am able to find a free option with good reviews. Below is a list of free programs I’ve found (or have been recommended to me by trusted sources) and I regularly use. Please note some of the links below may be affiliate links which means that should you decide to upgrade the program, I will earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you. These are all being used on Windows computers.
Free Pictures and Graphics Programs.